
10 Characteristics of Entrepreneurship Self-Made Individuals Share

Have you ever wondered how successful self-made entrepreneurs achieved their goals? Aside other from hard work and dedication, every self-made millionaire has a story behind their success. They also have the traits that they shared that made them who they are now.

Regardless of how a person defines success, there are a great number of common characteristics that are shared by successful businesspeople. If you want to be like these successful individuals, you can see which of the following traits and characteristics you have in common. You can check if you possess the same characteristics as those successful people and if you don’t, you can always improve yourself.

To be successful, you don’t have to always possess the same characteristics as those who became successful ahead of you. Most of these characteristics can be learned through practice and by developing a winning attitude, especially if you set goals and apply yourself. You can do this through strategic planning to reach your goals in incremental and measurable stages.

Not all entrepreneurs are created from the same blueprint. They can come from different geographic locations, upbringings, income brackets, social classes and education levels. There has never been a bulletproof guide to entrepreneurial greatness, but one thing is consistent – they all possess common traits that made them successful.

Here are 10 characteristics of entrepreneurship self-made individuals share:

1. They’re Filled With Determination 

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires you to constantly set goals along the way. Growing the business, increasing sales and hiring new employees requires you to accomplish several smaller before making massive progress.

Sometimes an aspiring entrepreneur loses his or her determination to pursue the dream of being successful. This is one of the challenges that aspiring entrepreneurs face and even successful ones have encountered. However, if nothing phases you and steers you away from what you want to achieve, you’ll eventually be successful. Be determined in everything you do!

2. They Enjoy What They Do 

When you enjoy what you do, doing it feels comfortable and you end up being more productive. If you focus on your passions, you’ll be much more successful because work won’t feel like work. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle so find something you can put in as many hours as you need to.

If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, it will be reflected in your approach. Self-made individuals don’t become too focused on chasing things such as money. Instead, they focus on finding something that they are passionate about and believe in while allowing the money to follow from their efforts.

3. They’re Serious 

You cannot expect to be efficient and successful in business, unless you truly believe in your business and in the goods and services that you offer. Many business owners fail to take their businesses seriously enough. As a result of this, they are easily sidetracked and do not stay motivated.

Not only that, but often times they also fall prey to naysayers who don’t take them seriously either. Starting a business and stepping out on your own is a big step. Don’t rush your decision and truly follow something that you can get serious about. If it’s a joke or something you’re doing as a hobby, it’s probably not the best option.

4. They Take Risks

Entrepreneurs are risk takers. They are ready to dive into a future of uncertainty. However, not all risk takers are successful businessmen. Successful entrepreneurs are willing to take big risks, but they are calculated risks.

Successful entrepreneurs evaluate the risks and rewards of each decision before they take the plunge. To be successful in life, you have to take a risk at some point. Comfort and change do NOT go together. As a result of this, you have to be willing to give up your comfortable if you really want to change your life.

5. They Can Manage Money 

Entrepreneurs are risk takers, but they also know how to handle their money. Successful entrepreneurs realize the need to properly manage their cash. They understand that they have to plan for the present and the future at the same time, which requires a fine balance.

Even if they are already financially secure or their business is already operational, self-made entrepreneurs constantly keep a close eye on cash flow. Whether it’s making intelligent decisions within the business from a financial standpoint or in your personal life, self-made entrepreneurs are on top of their money and make smart decisions.

6. They Have A High Level Of Confidence

Entrepreneurs that have a high level of confidence can get the job done even under the most stressful conditions. They understand that big challenges breed big rewards. Not only do entrepreneur need confidence, but they need self-confidence to be successful.

If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s going to be very hard to get others to believe in you. Be confident in your skills and beliefs if you ever enter into business. While most people focus on the challenge, a successful entrepreneur focuses on the finish line and the end reward.

7. They Know Failure Is Part Of The Game 

If success was easy, the world would be filled with millionaires everywhere. As a result of this, self-made entrepreneurs understand that failure is part of the game. In fact, failure is one of the secrets to success, since some of the best ideas arise from getting thrown around.

Understanding that failure is part of being an entrepreneur is very important. Most people end their dreams early because they give up after failing once or twice. However, successful people are willing to take failures and use them to their advantage. You can failures as a learning experience and shift your game plan to better your odds of success each time you try.

8. They Plan Everything

Planning every aspect of a business is not only a must, but it’s a great habit that everyone should develop. Business planning is very important for a business to be successful. Not only should you be planning for the best case scenarios, but you need to have a backup plan if things don’t go as planned. My motto has always been to hope for the best, but to also expect the worst.

As a business owner, this requires you to analyze each business situation, research and compile data so you can make more informed decisions. The most intelligent self-made entrepreneurs are always planning for the best and worst case scenarios!

9. They’re Highly Adaptable

In business, surprises are always around the corner no matter how well you can plan for it. Successful entrepreneurs are extremely flexible. They have the ability to respond quickly in any situation. Best of all, self-made entrepreneurs don’t think with emotion but instead with logic and rationalism.

By doing this, it allows them to make decisions that can navigate them out of trouble and allow them to thrive in environments that would sink most others. To be successful, you have to adapt to any situation that is thrown your way.

10. They’re Prepared To Exit 

Not every attempt at creating a business will always be successful. An entrepreneur will experience failure at some point in their career. Yeah, even the smartest and most experienced entrepreneurs have dealt with challenges along the way.

One trait that a successful entrepreneur has that makes him or her outstanding is the ability to accept failure and be willing to take the exit, if necessary. If a concept or a business is sinking and it can’t be revived, you have to be willing to accept defeat and move on.


Successful entrepreneurs have different characteristics that have helped them reached their goals. These characteristics are also applicable to aspiring entrepreneurs. In this post, I shared with you 10 characteristics of entrepreneurship self-made individuals share.

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