
4 Tips For Becoming An Influencer


An influencer is most simply defined as someone who has the capacity to have an effect on the behavior, character, or development of someone or something. We are constantly influenced by people every single day.



Not sure who exactly would be classified as an influencer? Well, lets start with the basic ones. Top politicians, athletes, actors, singers, and business people are just a few of the people who influence us.



Becoming an influencer is extremely valuable because it gives you the ability to get your ideas across to other people while changing the lives of others at the same time. In this article, I share 4 tips for becoming an influencer:



1. Learn To Listen 


In order to really become an influencer, you have to be a really good listener. The best influencers are ones that are able to listen and understand the needs of others. Before you can really push ideas or change perspectives, you need to know what others are feeling and thinking.



Every great influencer is an even better listener. They have the ability to sit down and hear out what other people need/want. After that, it’s easy as 1-2-3 to deliver.



2. Focus Your Voice 


Every influencer in the world has found their voice and a way to niche it down to a specific audience. It’s a very tall task trying to influence the whole world from the beginning. You have to start with one voice and one target market.



Find the target market that your messages resonate with the best and share your thoughts to them. Start small and scale fast. It’s just like anything else you’ll ever hear.



3. Give Before You Get 


If you want to be an influencer because you think it’ll make you wealthy or allow you to sell thousands of copies of your book, you’re in it for the wrong reason. You’ll never end up being successful with that mindset.



Successful influencers give without ever wanting anything in back. My blog is an example of my influence. I started my blog just so that I could share the things I was learning with others who may be interested. I didn’t have an ulterior motive, but I quickly realized people were looking up to me and asking me to share more of what I knew.



4. Be Different


The greatest quote I have ever heard about having influence is, “You cannot expect to influence the world by being like everyone else.” That is absolutely true. If you’re trying to be just like another influencer or others, your voice will get lost in the crowd.



Miley Cyrus is absolutely ridiculous but she’s one of the biggest influencers in the world. Why? Because, she’s unique in her own way. You need to find a way to separate yourself from the crowds.





Becoming an influencer isn’t easy and it sure as hell doesn’t happen quickly. However, if you have the right approach, you can become an influencer in any space.



photo credit: kakissel via photopin cc


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