
7 Ways For Business Owners To Recharge After Burning Out

In a fast-paced, performance-driven society, working long hours and enduring perpetual stress is inevitable. However, if you constantly stay on the move without finding time to rest and reflect, you face burnout. At this stage, you will feel depleted physically, mentally and emotionally. You are running on an empty tank of gas.

When you’re in the zone at work and trying to juggle many things at once, it’s easy to experience burnout. Whether you’re an employee or a business owner, it’s almost inevitable for you to burnout at some point.

Here are 7 ways for business owners to recharge after burning out:

1. Find Support

Be honest with friends, family and work colleagues about your struggles. Don’t be ashamed of feeling weak or incapable. You’ll likely find that others have dealt with the same problems in the past and they can help you out. Try to delegate as many things as possible, even if the person you’re delegating to may not do them the way you envision.

2. Take A Break

You may not need or want to completely leave your current work, but you definitely need a break. If at all possible, find a way to arrange a short vacation. Take a leave of absence if you can. If absolutely nothing else, try to arrange for a day or two away from the office. One way or another, get off the hamster wheel so you have time to really think about your priorities and goals.

As you take this break, fill your time with things you love. Spend time with your partner, your friends and your family members. Eat good food and grab a brew. Visit new places and use your time to check things off your bucket list. The goal here is to bring the good back into your life. The more you encourage it, the less burned out you’ll feel and the more insight you’ll discover into changing your current situation to permanently prevent burnout.

3. Focus On Diet & Exercise

Working too many hours or working too hard at the same tasks without variety for years at a time takes a toll on your health. As you navigate your burnout, make time to eat nutritious, good food and get your body moving. You’ll feel much better as you make yourself a priority again. You’ll recover your energy, get sick less often and be able to think more clearly about the future.

4. Get Outside Yourself And Help Others

Take some time and energy to do something for another person or group you care about. Burnout can be like tunnel vision, where your world has narrowed and only involves you, your work and your emotional struggles. To overcome burnout, expand your vision and reach out to others who need your help.

5. Be Patient

Undoing burnout can take a long time and it may often some pretty drastic changes. Even if you’re feeling good short-term, chances are you may not be ready to jump back into things. Be prepared to end up in an entirely different place to where you are now, whether it’s a different role, a different department or even a different career.

6. Focus On The Basics

Even the simplest of tasks become monumental efforts when you’re burned out. Try to focus on eating proper meals regularly, hydrating enough and getting as much sleep as you possibly can. Get out of the house every day, get some exercise and enjoy time with your friends and loved ones. Make time for what makes you happy!

7. Expand Your Network

The company you keep can be tremendously helpful for your business, but you will also want to meet new people outside of your existing relationships when you’re tired of work. Newly-made connections expose you to different perspectives, present fresh opportunities and spur different conversations. In general, it’s often helpful to have some friends that don’t have any connections with you in the working world.


Unfortunately, burnout is a common experience that few people know how to appropriately address. There is no one-size-fits-all solution and recharging from burnout can take a while. In this post, I shared with you 7 ways for business owners to recharge after burning out.

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