
8 Invaluable Tips For Increasing Your Charm & Charisma

When you are able to leave a positive and lasting impression on anyone you come across, the world will become your oyster. Some people are born charismatic while others develop that quality over time. The good news is that this charming talent is learnable and yours for the taking.

If you’ve ever met someone likable, yet you couldn’t explain specifically why you like them, it’s probably because they are extremely charismatic. You can learn to be charismatic too just by making some modifications to your behavior. Charisma is about what you say and do as opposed to who you really are as a person. Your subconscious, social cues, physical expressions and the way you treat others all play a part in developing your charisma.

Here are 8 invaluable tips for increasing your charm & charisma:

1. Develop A Sense Of Confidence

Having confidence will give you a huge foothold when you’re becoming more charismatic, but it’s not easy to build. You don’t want to be arrogant, but you also don’t want to come across as timid or scared. It all comes down to how you feel in your own skin. Working out regularly, dressing in clothes that make you feel good and talking about the things you understand well can help you build and maintain confidence.

Confidence is about being okay with what you do and who you are, no matter what that means. People like confident individuals, even if their other qualities are less attractive. If you can be confident, you’re one step closer to developing the charisma you want.

2. Start Showing More Expression In Your Face

Be more expressive with your face. Learn to express emotions more clearly and more accurately. To be more charismatic you need to practice different expressions in a mirror and solicit feedback from others on how well you’re communicating your feelings. The flip side of showing more emotion in your face is learning how to control your expressions. Instead of letting everyone know you’re angry or frustrated, you should try to appear calm, cool and collected in social interactions.

3. Improve Body Language And Presence

Body language and “presence” are important aspects of charisma. Without saying a word, the right body language can transmit strength, warmth and likability. Research shows that charismatic people tend to be very positive, so do your best to maintain a positive outlook.

Presence is a bit different from body language as this has to do with the quality of your attention. When you have the “presence”, you devote all of your attention to the person you’re with and you don’t let your mind wander to something else. You give yourself and your attention solely to that person.

4. Know How To Use Touch Powerfully

Touch can be incredibly powerful. It can influence behavior, increase the chances of cooperation and make the person doing the touching seem more attractive and friendly. However, you need to take the right approach. A light pat on the back with sincere words can calm an enraged person. Be careful with how and where you touch, but it’s a powerful tool for impacting peoples.

5. Conquer The Basics Of Conversation

Charismatic people know how to talk other people. They know how to start a conversation, steer it in the right direction and make others feel comfortable. If you don’t know how to talk to people on the most basic level, you need to practice. It will be tough, but if you can be brave and step away from the wallflower mentality, it will be very rewarding. It will be uncomfortable at first, but being uncomfortable is how you get better.

Good conversationalists also know how to get people on the same level. They share experiences and tell stories. They utilize humor as a tool and remember that it’s not what you say, but how you say it. Humor, when used the right way, can make you the most likable person in the room. Charisma is more learning about others than it is about others learning about you.

6. Be Charitable

No matter what your circumstance may be, there’s always someone that has got it worse than you. It’s a duty for the human race to help the less fortunate. It doesn’t always mean financially, but more importantly emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Generosity goes a long way and when people recognize your efforts, they will instantly warm  up to you. However, that’s not to say that you should be charitable just to gain attention. It’s supposed to come from the heart and should not be paraded around like a show.

7.  Take Compliments Gracefully

People are generally not very good at taking compliments. Dishing out compliments is a lot easier for people than it is for them to accept it. When we receive a nice compliment, we  begin to squirm, look uncomfortable and say that our achievements are “no big deal.” A charismatic person does not do this.

Instead, look at receiving a compliment as being given a gift. If you don’t accept it graciously, it can seem like you’re dismissing that person. You don’t want to offend someone who’s reaching out to you. There are two magic words you can use whenever someone gives you a compliment: “Thank You.” Leave it at that. It’s simple, effective and powerful.

8. Let It Come Natural

If you watch a charismatic person, everything always seems to flow naturally. Nothing is ever forced because when it is, it just seems fake and people can see through that. You shouldn’t have to force a certain type of behavior to get attention. If it’s not the type of person you are, you’ll only end up having a hard time keeping up with that image. Building charisma is all about being able to attract people to you so your main focus should be to improve the characteristics you already have and improve on your weaknesses.


Charisma is a collection of traits and behaviors that help you appeal to other people. Charismatic people are often successful and people are naturally drawn to them. They retain the best talent in their teams and people listen to their ideas. In this post, I shared with you 8 invaluable tips for increasing your charm & charisma.

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