An Entrepreneur’s Approach to Life

The majority of the popular subscribes to a very common approach to life. However, entrepreneurs take a very different path. They take a journey that is full of risks, fuzzy futures, and big dreams. This blog article will go in-depth to discuss more about what an entrepreneur’s approach to life is in comparison to the general person.


This is a guest post by Tyler Basu.



The majority of the population subscribes to a very common formula for approaching life. That formula is this: do well in school, so you can go to college/university, so you can get a good job. While that approach may have been wise in an early time, in the 21st century it is not the wisest approach, at least from a financial perspective.



The statistics reveal the flaws in this approach. The average adult changes careers 5-7 times, often due to forces beyond their control (layoffs, outsourcing, etc.). The average employee will not be able to afford a dignified retirement at age 65.



The average college/university graduate enters the workforce with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt, and their starting salary is almost always below what they expected. Evidently, trying to achieve financial success using this approach is an uphill battle.



I wish that I had been taught a different approach to life from the public school system. Fortunately, I was wise enough to seek out a different approach on my own. The one I discovered belonged to the entrepreneurs of the world.



They approach the game of life in a completely different manner. They avoid the other approach at all costs, and are often ridiculed by the masses because of it. But when they succeed, they are the envy of those same people who once ridiculed them. Their approach is this:


– What kind of lifestyle do I want to be living in the future? (Vision)


– What kind of business will provide me that lifestyle? (Mission)


– What steps must I take to make it happen? (Goals)




“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker


Your vision for your life must be holistic; it must include all the areas of your life – not just your business. How healthy will you be? How much time for family will you enjoy? Will you have an active social life? What kind of career/business will you be devoted to? What will your annual income be?



How often will you travel? Will you work on weekends? Will you work from home? What kind of car will you drive? In what city will you live? These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself. Collectively, the answers to these questions will formulate the vision for your life.





“Don’t set business goals and then try to fit your life around those goals. Set lifestyle goals and create a business that supports that lifestyle.” – Unknown


Once you’ve identified a vision, the next step is to determine what approach has the highest probability of resulting in the materialization of that vision. While there are some exceptions, in most cases a job will prevent your life’s ultimate vision from materializing. But quitting your job just for the sake of quitting is not a good strategy either.



A good starting point is to identify several individuals who are living the lifestyle that you want, and then determine how they got there. Did they start a business? Did they invest in real estate? Did they publish a best-selling book? What did they do to get there, and could you do the same? Would you enjoy doing the same? If so, it is time to get started.





“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins


Once you’ve identified a vehicle that will enable you to materialize your vision, the next step is to break the process down into actionable steps (goals). Beginning with the end in mind, identify the process required to achieve that end.



Trace that process back to its first steps, and get started now. By taking consistent steps in the right direction, day after day, eventually your goals will be accomplished. The materialization of your life’s vision is your reward for accomplishing your goals.



Final thought:


It may be easy to visualize that perfect lifestyle that you want to enjoy in the future. What won’t be easy is making it happen. There will be obstacles, setbacks, disappointments and sacrifices along the way. Your persistence must be relentless, but your approach must be flexible.



Sometimes the strategy you start with will open the door to another strategy later on. Sometimes the strategy you start with won’t work at all, in which case you will be forced to find a new one. The point is, never compromise your vision. Change your mission and your goals if you have to, but never sacrifice your vision.







Tyler Basu is the President of Chatting With Champions and the author of SELL ANYTHING: A System For Success In ANY Situation.



photo credit: Roger Smith via photopin cc

5 Startup Mistakes You Should Avoid

Creating a new business is confusing, exciting, and a lot of hard work. Over my time as an entrepreneur, I’ve screwed up a lot and learned even more. Launching a startup has many variables to it. Mastering all of them (especially on your first try) is nearly impossible! From connecting with thousand of entrepreneurs across the world and my experiences as an entrepreneur, I’ve seen the same mistakes occur very often. Here are 5 startup mistakes you should avoid.


Creating a new business is confusing, exciting, and a lot of hard work. Over my time as an entrepreneur, I’ve screwed up a lot and learned even more.



Launching a startup has many variables to it. Mastering all of them (especially on your first try) is nearly impossible!



From connecting with thousands of entrepreneurs across the world and my experiences as an entrepreneur, I’ve seen the same mistakes occur very often. Here are 5 startup mistakes you should avoid:



Mistake #1: Spending More Time On Building And Less Time On Sales


I’m all about creating a great product that your customers will love, but entrepreneurs fall in love with the building process. It’s a great thing, but it can be very costly.



At the end of the day, a business is defined as an entity that pulls in revenue from selling products, services, or information/ideas. You can spend years building the greatest product in the world, but it means nothing unless people are buying it.



Building a great product is essential, but never lose sight of the big picture. Revenue is what enables your vision to come to life and helps you create a successful business. Always spend more time marketing and selling your products!



Mistake #2: Trusting Strangers Too Easily


As a young entrepreneur, I had to find strategic partners to fill holes in my startup. I was young and naive, which made me easily believe everything strangers told me.



Believe it or not, people have sold me on crazy dreams. So crazy that I actually went home and created a contract giving them equity in my businesses after just one meeting. Why? Because they glorified my image of success and I believed everything they said.



Luckily, I always placed performance clauses in my contracts, which saved me quite a few times. However, I would bring people in who would sell me on big dreams, but never ended up doing anything.



As entrepreneurs, we meet a lot of new people who can potentially have big impacts on our businesses. It’s easy to talk the talk, but it’s much harder to walk the walk. Be careful who you give out equity to and make sure your ass is always protected!



Mistake #3: We Can’t Do It Without An Investor


For some reason, most entrepreneurs look at investors as their first option. However, investors should be your LAST option! Why?



Imagine this, you’re sitting on a brilliant idea that doesn’t need hundreds of thousands of dollars to make successful. Investors are going to take equity in your company and dilute the founders percentages.



Now the 50% you hold in your business just became 30%. You get $250,000 in seed money, maybe even a nice salary, but you just lost your startups soul.



Not only does your investor get paid back $250,000 first (in most cases), but he now gets 40% of all the money that is made in your startup. He doesn’t do much work (after he puts his $250,000 in) while your founding team slaves away.



The biggest regret I hear from entrepreneurs who have venture funding is the decision to go for funding too early. If you can come up with any amount of money yourself (even $100), invest it yourself in the business.



If you have a mortgage to pay, but enough money in the bank to pay it, you’re not going to borrow money from your friends. The same principle applies to your startup. You don’t need a ton of money to make your startup successful.



Grow slowly if you have to, but find every way possible to make your business successful without the help of investors. If all else fails, find investors to fund your startup.



Mistake #4: Customer Development Is Non-Existent


Customer Development is one of the biggest principles of entrepreneurship. You can only create a product that your target audience is willing to use, pay for, and enjoy.



I see too many entrepreneurs make the deadly mistake of creating things they think are good ideas. It’s great that you love your idea, but do others feel the same way?



Once you build the idea, you’re going to be talking to your demographics with hopes of closing them into customers. When you have a great idea, screw intellectual property or creating a prototype.



Go find your target audience and ask them about the product. Ask them what they think, how much they would pay, if it’s a viable option, and any other negative feedback they can give to you about the product.



When you have nothing built, it’s easy to pivot and make changes to your idea. Listen to your customers (hundreds of them) and take notes. See the common patterns in your data and use that to create your product. The sales process down the line becomes a hundred times easier because you know what your customers think.



Mistake #5: Focusing Too Much On Growth


Growth is an exciting thing for anyone. However, growth is also extremely dangerous in a startup. I’ve seen too many startups fail because they try to grow way too soon.



If you have a product or service that is successful, why should you grow your business? Unless you’ve captured as much market share as possible with your initial product/service, you really shouldn’t be growing.



Why break away from a good thing to an unproven idea or product? You really shouldn’t! Focus on your product or service that is finding you the most success. It takes years to capture your market and that is the only time when you should be growing.



I’ve seen startups grow into new areas within few months of launching, which is absolutely ludicrous! You spend months, if not years creating a great product. You should only grow or expand once that great product is getting close to reaching its full potential.





Running a startup isn’t an easy job. The entrepreneurship lifestyle has been glorified by the success stories posing next to their Lamborghini’s, but the rewards require a lot of hard work. Hopefully this list of mistakes to avoid will help expedite your startups path to success!



photo credit: plewicki via photopin cc

12 Signs You’re An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are very different people. They have something about their personality, ethic, and charisma that just shines. Are you an entrepreneur or someone who is aspiring to be one? Most entrepreneurs share a lot of common traits. Here are 12 signs you’re an entrepreneur.


Entrepreneurs are very different people. They have something about their personality, work ethic, and charisma that just stands out.



Are you an entrepreneur or someone who is aspiring to be one? Most entrepreneurs share a lot of common traits. Here are 12 signs you’re an entrepreneur:



1. You Love Beating The Norm


Are you someone who hates doing what society expects of you? Entrepreneurs love breaking rules and doing things on their own terms.



The word is FREEDOM. Entrepreneurs love freedom in anything and everything they do. They defy odds, do what society least expects, and embrace originality.



2. Control-Freak


Okay maybe not a complete control-freak, but you love to be in control. Entrepreneurship gives you the ability to etch out your own future and destiny. You’re the owner of your future.



Entrepreneurs love control and being in the driver seat of everything they do. If you love being in control, you will probably make a great entrepreneur.



3. Hustlers Ambition


Instead of opening a lemonade stand when you were 8, did you supply all your friends with the lemonade? Entrepreneurs always have a little hustle in them from an early age.



When I was 9 years old, I wanted to create a website and make money from it. I made the website, but failed at making money. The point was, I still wanted to make money at that young age. Entrepreneurs always have a lot of ambition and hustle in them!



4. Nobody Wants To Hire You


I forgot the percentages, but there’s actually quite a few entrepreneurs that had to create their own company because NOBODY would hire them. Don’t worry, it’s great because 9 to 5 jobs suck anyway.



If nobody wants to hire you, they probably think your a handful to manage. Entrepreneurs are hard to manage because they are creative thinkers and want to be FREE.



5. People Think You’re Crazy


You share your big dreams, aspirations, and goals with others and they simply look at you like you are crazy. I have some huge goals for myself by the time I turn 25 and every time I tell people, they think I’m crazy!



Since I’m on this topic, I’ll share what my goals by the age of 25 are:


– I want to become a global brand


– Through my startups, I plan to impact millions


– I wish to attain at least $5 Million in wealth


– I want to be able to take one of my startups and turn it into a big business


– I want to give back to the world once I turn 25



And those are just a few of the goals I want to accomplish before I turn 25. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs were once told that they were absolutely crazy for what they were trying to do. Now that they have accomplished what they said they would, who’s the crazy one?



6. Satisfaction Rarely Exists


I’ve often talked about why the wealthiest people in the world are so wealthy. I attribute it to a constant hunger to attain more wealth. Satisfaction is a dangerous thing.



If you’re satisfied with success, what you earn, or where you’re at…….you will never grow from that point. Entrepreneurs are NEVER satisfied. Make a million dollars, ask yourself why it wasn’t 2 million dollars?



Growing up, my parents were proud of my accomplishments but they were never satisfied. They expected me to be better because they knew I was. I score the winning basket at my NJB game and they say “Good job, but why did you have 4 turnovers?” The hunger to always do better and achieve more lives within entrepreneurs.



7. Confidence Is A Stain They Can’t Wipe Off


Entrepreneurs aren’t cocky, they’re just confident. However you look at it, confident entrepreneurs have proven that they do it better.



Confidence is a great thing and if you have it, embrace it. It’s one of the key traits one must have to become a successful entrepreneur.



8. You’re Okay With Getting Paid Later


Entrepreneurs are willing to work for free. In order to have a better tomorrow, you must sacrifice today. Society has programmed us to always receive money for every period of time we work for.



However, entrepreneurs understand that you must work for free now in order to get paid in the future. They have no problem with it and they love it, because they know the returns will far-exceed any 9 to 5 job.



9. Sleep Is For The Broke


Once you’re grinding away on your business, sleep is really unnecessary. You only sleep when you really can’t stay awake longer.



Do you ever find yourself doing something and simple get immersed in it? Entrepreneurs are born and bred in that manner. They take rest only when they need it.



10. TGIM


Screw TGIF. It’s all about TGIM (thanks to Eric Thomas for creating this amazing day for entrepreneurs). Thank God It’s Monday!



Entrepreneurs are happy to see Monday’s hit. Businesses open and entrepreneurs can go back to making money, which is always a great thing. Love your mondays just as much as your Fridays!



11. Work Hard, Play Harder


Entrepreneurs go hard. I’ve been to all the conferences and events with entrepreneurs, I know what you guys do once you turn off the laptop. Hell, I’m an entrepreneur myself!



I know what it’s like. Entrepreneurs work hard, but they play harder. Entrepreneurs enjoy every minute of life (inside and outside of the workplace).



12. You’ve Been Taking Risks All Your Life


Entrepreneurship is a risk. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply crazy. Risks aren’t a bad thing though.



I love risks. Without risks, there is no adrenaline rush and conquering obstacles just don’t feel the same! Entrepreneurs aren’t scared of taking risks, they love the challenge and do everything possible to make it happen.





Are you an entrepreneur already? Or are you trying to see if entrepreneurship is the right path for you? Nevertheless, these are some of the most common signs you’re an entrepreneur. Share what signs told you that entrepreneurship was the right path for you!




How To Write Blog Posts People Actually Want To Read

Regardless of the industry you’re in, blogging is a vital part of any businesses online success. However, a blog is only valuable if it generates traffic and interest from others. Is your blog putting others to sleep? Or worst, not generating much traffic? Well, there are probably a few problems with your blog posts. Lucky for you, these issues can be easily fixed. Here are some tips and tricks on how to write blog posts that people actually want to read:


Regardless of the industry you’re in, blogging is a vital part of any businesses online success. However, a blog is only valuable if it generates traffic and interest from others.



Is your blog putting others to sleep? Or worst, not generating much traffic? Well, there are probably a few problems with your blog posts.



Lucky for you, these issues can be fixed easily. Here are some tips and tricks on how to write blog posts that people actually want to read:



People Judge Blogs By The Title


People always tell you, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Nevertheless, people still do it anyway because it’s our natural response. For blogs, people judge your blog based on the title.



Is your title doing enough to lure readers in? If I asked you to tell me what your blog article was about in 10 seconds, that is what your title would be. Blog posts and content spreads through the title.



If your title puts people to sleep or doesn’t hook readers in, you won’t get much traffic to your blog. Make titles for your blog articles that will actually make people interested in what you have to say.



The Basics


There is no quicker way to lose an audience for your blog if you have basic errors within your posts. Before you publish your post and promote it, do the following:


– Spell Check


– Grammar Check


– Check All Links


– Check Flow Of Sentences


– Make Sure Content Is Relevant To Post


These are the very basics of crafting successful blog articles. Everyone makes typos, spelling errors, and other mistakes, but your readers shouldn’t have to see them! Proofread and revise your blog article before publishing it.



Bring Immense Value


People read blog articles because they’re looking for insight on some sort of topic. Your blog articles MUST bring immense value if you don’t want your readers to fall asleep.



Many bloggers cover the same basics over and over. That’s great, but your audience is probably not interested in hearing about the same thing 10 times. Target your audience and share expertise that can help them.



Knowledge is a big part of success in life. If you can deliver knowledge through your blog articles to others, you will have an audience for life.



Use Interesting Images


One of the biggest things I have learned from blogging is the importance of image choice. Going through the comments on my blog, about 40% of them mention something about the images I have used for a blog post.



People are very visual, especially in the era we are in today. Spend some time to find images for your blog posts that may be entertain or engage your audience further. I always try to find images that compliment the content in my blog articles.



Quality Over Quantity


The great part about blogging is that you don’t have to follow any rules. You can write an article that’s a paragraph long or something that’s 10 pages long. This isn’t like college where your Professor gives you a minimum word count.



With that said, the length of your blog articles should solely be based on the quality of your content. I can probably write a book about how to write blog posts that people actually want to read, but not everything would be high quality content.



Thus, I shrink it into less than 1,000 words and craft it into a blog article. People fall asleep when you overdose them with information. Give them the best information you have so that they stay engaged from start to finish.



Organize Your Posts


Have you ever gone to a blog and it’s a cluster of words all over? The moment I see that, my brain starts to get cramps. I immediately exit the blog and never go back again.



People like to read things that organized. Take my blog as an example, I have lots of text/words but when you first land on my article, you aren’t overwhelmed.



You look at it and you see bolded titles, nice organized paragraphs, and easy to understand content. People are up for the challenge of reading my blog articles just because it looks organized.





Writing great blog posts doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of patience, experimentation, and persistence to be a successful blogger. These tips should set you off on the right path though!



10 Things Successful People Do That Others Don’t

Overnight successes never really happen overnight. Over my few shorts years of being an entrepreneur, I’ve got to meet a lot of other successful people. If you meet 5 of these guys for 5 minutes, you will automatically know the common traits they share. Surprisingly enough, I’ve seen that these common traits are shared almost universally by all successful people. Successful people do things that others aren’t often willing to do. Here are 10 things successful people do that others don’t:


Overnight successes never really happen overnight. People all judge outcome, but never the process leading up to the success.



Over my few shorts years of being an entrepreneur, I’ve had the privilege of meeting a lot of other successful people. If you meet 5 millionaires for 5 minutes, you will automatically know the common traits they share.



Surprisingly enough, I’ve seen that these common traits are shared almost universally by most successful stories. Successful people do things that others aren’t often willing to do.



Here are 10 things successful people do that others don’t:



1. They Dream & They Do


Anyone can be a dreamer. It takes a special someone to be a dreamer and a doer. Successful people are always doers.



They dream great things, but they know it won’t happen unless they put it into action. Successful people always dream and plan hard before wasting little to no time to put their ideas into action.



2. They Grind


Successful people work hard, very hard. They’re willing to grind and put in long hours without any return.



Most people think they should be getting paid immediately after putting time into something. It’s not their fault, society has raised us this way with the ‘hourly wage’ system.



However, entrepreneurship isn’t an hourly wage type of job. It’s a long-term commitment. You work your ass off for free for the next 2 years on the hope that it will pay off 5 years later.



Successful people are willing to put in as much time and effort necessary to succeed. They work long nights, stay focused, and never give up.



3. No Excuses


Excuses don’t exist in the books of successful people. Great people don’t make excuses, they take accountability.



Successful people will always step up to the plate and take accountability in any situation (no matter how bad it may be). They are willing to take blame because they know they will bounce back.



4. Mindset


Successful people already knew they were going to be successful. They set goals and meet them.



Success is a mindset in many ways. If you want to be successful, you need to tell yourself that there is nothing in the world that will stop you from doing what you need to do.



5. They Take Risks


No risk, no reward. That’s a basic lesson of life. Successful people know they have to take risks and many of them have taken huge ones to get where they are today.



Whether it’s dropping out of school to pursue your dreams or quitting your 9 to 5 job, successful people take risks to make their dreams come true. When they take risks, the pressure elevates and successful people are clutch.



6. They Never Stop Learning


Once you receive your degree and graduate from high school or college, that is only the beginning of your education. In my opinion, school teaches you more how to learn rather than set you up with education that will last your whole life.



Education is something that never dies. Successful people know that and are always willing to improve their knowledge base.



7. They Sell


In order to make money, you must be selling something. Whether it’s a product, service, tool, feature, subscription, or yourself……you’re selling something.



All successful people have sold a fair-share of something to get where they are. You need to adopt the skills necessary to be a successful salesman in the world today. The more you sell, the more money you make.



8. They Do It For More Than The Money


Successful people have always told me, don’t do it only for the money. The money is nice because who wants to cry on the side of the street when they can do it in a Mercedes, but it’s not everything.



Your motivation needs to come from something deeper than your love of money. Find something you’re passionate about and a really good reason why you want to do it!



9. Strong Discipline


Successful people discipline themselves. They know in their heads that success won’t come easy. They whip themselves to make sure they’re doing what they need to be doing.



Should I spend a day hanging out with my friends or should I use that day to continue working on my venture? Successful people are able to fight off these thoughts and would use the day to work on their venture.



10. They’re Hungry


Many successful people will tell you that they were really passionate about changing their lives and becoming financially free. They may have literally been hungry or may have grown up in an environment where money was scarce.



Regardless of the reason, successful people are hungry. They’re never satisfied by the tastes of success and continue working hard until they reach the end of their goal. When you become satisfied, you never grow. Successful people are always hungry to achieve more!





As you can see from the article above, these are quite a few of the most common characteristics many successful people around the world share. Success comes to those who truly want it. Share some things you’ve noticed about successful people below.



photo credit: Paxson Woelber via photopin cc

Simple Ways To Make Your Small Business Look Big

Many people run small businesses around the world. However, everyone wants to create a big business or at the least make it look big. Regardless of how many employees you have or what your business does, there are a lot of things you can do to make your business look bigger. Making yourself look bigger helps you compete with larger companies and go after high-end clients. Here are a list of simple ways to make your small business look big:


Small businesses are run by millions of people all around the world. However, everyone wants to create a big business or at the least make it look big!



Regardless of how many employees you have or what your business does, there are a lot of things you can do to make your business look bigger. Making yourself look bigger helps you compete with larger companies and go after high-end clients.



Here are a list of simple ways to make your small business look big:



Solid Website


Design and develop a solid website. We’re in the 2000’s now and everyone uses your website to judge who you are and what you do.



The nicer the website, the better impression you make on potential customers. Spend some good money and time to create a solid website for your business.



Make sure your website outlines who you are, what you do, and conveys the vision you want others to believe in. The better the website, the easier it is to make your small business stand out.



Phone Lines


There are tools like Grasshopper that enables entrepreneurs and small business owners to create virtual phone systems for low prices.



These virtual phone systems allow you to add multiple departments, create a automated message, and do many other great things. When customers or others call your business, they automatically picture a big office with many people.



People perceive high-end phone systems like that to represent big companies. It’s a cost-effective and creative way to convince others that your business is a lot bigger than it really is.



Build Credibility


Big business are big because people know they’re trustworthy. One of the quickest ways a small business can build credibility is through the press.



The press doesn’t care how big your company is, they care about how relevant your story or business is to their readers. Websites like TechCrunch, Mashable, and thousands of other outlets feature small businesses all the time.



All you have to do is pitch your story to these outlets and see if they pick you up. If you are featured on any of these outlets, use their logos on your website and/or any promotional material. People automatically assume you’re a big business when they see things like this.



Brand, Brand, and Brand


Big businesses know the process of growing their company. They know it so well that they were able to successfully become a big business by employing some of the strategies. Here’s the 3 step process:


1. Market to your target audience


2. Brand to your target audience


3. Start focusing on sales



Big businesses have prospective customers come to them every single day. Why? The business has done a great job of marketing and branding their business to the target audience. From there, the customers come to their door and it’s easy to start selling.



As a small business, there are many affordable ways to brand your business. Social media marketing, attending local events/conferences, and creating partnerships with other businesses in your area are just a few of the many possibilities. It’s much easier to acquire customers who have already heard of you.



Office Address


Believe it or not, a lot of people will try to see if a business has an office address or not before doing business with them. Office addresses signify an established business that has a team of employees working there.



However, it’s easy to give people that impression without really doing it. Nowadays, you can purchase virtual offices (which don’t have the annoying P.O. Box # sign) for very affordable prices.



Stick the address into Google Places, Yelp, your contact page, and anywhere else. Now customers are immediately going to feel more comfortable doing business with you just because they know you exist somewhere.



Social Media


Before anything, create a social media account for your business on all the major social networking sites. From there, add the social media buttons to your website or blog.



That’s just the beginning of it though. Lots of customers snoop around the social media sites of other businesses to get a better idea of how big they are. Big businesses have big buzz on social media.



Make sure your social media accounts are filled with consistent posts, a community of people, and an appropriate profile that fits your brand.



Public Speaking


This is a great technique to make the speaker and the business seem big. Look for industry events where you can provide great expertise. Find these events, apply to be a speaker, and see if you get accepted!



If you do, you get to broadcast your ideas and expertise to a large audience of people. This automatically makes you (the speaker) and your business seem bigger.



Once the event is over, simply write a blog article or spread the news through your website about your speaking engagement. Clients will be impressed to know you spoke at a big event or that your business was represented there.





With technology, there’s a lot of things small businesses can do to glorify themselves. If you want to hang with the big fish and close big deals, you need to seem bigger than you really are. Share any ideas or tips you have used to make your small business look big!



photo credit: Tambako the Jaguar via photopin cc

5 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business

Starting a business nowadays is just the sexy thing to do. Entrepreneurs are in the spotlight and everyone wants to give it a go! It’s more than the glamour and fancy websites to start a successful business. While anyone can start their own business, it takes a lot of learning and wisdom to create a lasting one. Here are 5 things you should know before starting a business:


Starting a business nowadays is just the sexy thing to do. Entrepreneurs are in the spotlight and everyone wants to give it a go!
It’s a great thing and it’s one of the best times to be an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, it’s very tough to become a successful entrepreneur overnight. It takes more than a slick name and fitted suits to start a successful business.



While anyone can start their own business, it takes a lot of learning and wisdom to create a lasting one. Here are 5 things you should know before starting a business:



1. You’re Going To Work More Than You Have Ever Before


The biggest thing people never see is the time and effort entrepreneurs put behind their businesses. Everyone sees the result, but rarely ever the process behind the result.



Business owners put hours and hours of time and effort to make their venture successful. Often times, they go unpaid during this time. If you want to start a business, you should know that success isn’t easy and requires a lot of hard work.



You will need to be fully devoted and committed to your venture to be successful. Long hours, late nights, and more effort than reward are just a few things every business owner goes through at some point.



2. Good Luck On Your Billion Dollar Sell Out


I’m never one to set limits on anything I do, but I see too many business owners expecting ridiculous things. It’s great to think big, but you must have a plan behind it. I’ve heard way too many business owners expecting to sell their company for billions overnight.



While it’s a great goal to have, it needs to have a plan of action behind it. Think big, but plan bigger. Don’t expect to make a ton of money overnight like Instagram because it’s rare and requires a lot of hard work.



3. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail


1st time entrepreneurs cannot expect success instantly. If your successful on your first shot, that’s great but most of the time it doesn’t happen! 75% of startups fail within the first 6 months.



That’s just pure facts and facts cannot be disregarded. However, failure isn’t a bad thing. Failure is part of many business ventures and it is one of the best learning experiences possible.



Fail fast, fail hard, and learn from it! Many businesses have attributed their biggest success immediately after they saw their biggest failure. Successful entrepreneurs know how to embrace failure and bounce back!



4. Ideas Don’t Mean Shit


Take it from someone who has wasted thousands of dollars on patents, ideas do NOT mean shit. Stop worrying about someone stealing your idea and starting focusing on how you plan to execute it.



Bypassing patents isn’t a very difficult thing to do. Your idea really doesn’t mean anything (just ask any investor) until you’ve done something with it.



When Facebook had launched in 2004, a competitor “Friendster” already had 3 million users. Facebook executed better and became the biggest social network in history. Great execution and success will meet no matter what!



5. You Aren’t Going To Capture 15% Of Your Market Share


All entrepreneurs at some point do some math and come out with unbelievable projections. Don’t worry, it’s happened to all of us. As soon as you do that, erase every memory of that from your mind.



Customers are hard to get. Customers cost money. Customers are needy. When you put these 3 key elements together, you’ll understand that your projections aren’t close to what you’ll be profiting.



Before you start a business, have a plan to acquire customers and a plan to service them. Great businesses sell great products and deliver better customer service. Use that model to accelerate your business!





As you can see, starting a business isn’t a walk in the park. There are a lot of challenges that entrepreneurs face when trying to climb the ladder through the business world. These are just 5 things you should know before starting a business!



photo credit: laverrue via photopin cc

5 Big Business Lessons You Can Learn From Jay-Z

Growing up, Jay-Z has always been the man! Ever since hearing his first song 99 Problems, I loved everything about him. However, Jay-Z is more than just a great rapper/musician. He’s a business mogul and probably one of the smartest businessmen in the world today. Here are 5 big business lessons you can learn from Jay-Z:


Growing up, Jay-Z has always been the man! Ever since hearing his song 99 Problems, I loved everything about him.



However, Jay-Z is more than just a great rapper/musician. He’s a business mogul and probably one of the smartest businessmen in the world today.



Here are 5 big business lessons you can learn from Jay-Z:



1. Brand YOU


“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business man!”


I’ve heard a lot of great quotes, but this is probably one of my favorite ones all time! Jay-Z understands that all his revenues and profits would falter if his name wasn’t attached to the business.



Jay-Z successfully created an enormous brand around himself. Wherever Jay-Z chooses to go, the opportunity to make money follows him.



Lesson: Branding your business is important, but it typically doesn’t last forever. By branding yourself, you take your name with you everywhere you go.



2. Get Mentored & Be A Mentor


Jay-Z didn’t become a successful business mogul overnight. He received lots of mentoring from a lot of other great minds that helped him reach where he is today. Jay-Z was mentored by Clark Kent, Damon Dash and others who helped him tremendously.



Jay-Z knew the opportunity to speak with his mentors was rare, so he used every minute of it to soak up as much information and knowledge as he could. He put that wisdom into action and instantly saw results.



Lesson: Regardless of where you are in life, always look up to people better than you. The advice, wisdom, and information you can learn from others can take you far.



3. The Art Of Negotiation


If you can’t sell, negotiate, or close deals……business will be tough. Jay-Z grew up as a drug dealer, which taught him how to hustle and negotiate with the best of them.



When he stopped dealing drugs, he took his negotiation skills with him. These highly prized set of skills that Jay-Z possessed has helped him greatly to make big leaps in the business world.



Lesson: Business is all about sales and negotiation. You can do everything right, but still be broke if you can’t sell. Learning to negotiate and close deals is VERY important and you only get better by practicing.



4. Data Rules


“Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don’t.”


Jay-Z is one of the all time best-selling recording artists in the world. However, he still gets challenged very often by others.



HIs response is always the same. Check the data, facts, and statistics. How many records have I sold and how many have you sold? That usually shuts everyone up.



Lesson: Nobody can argue with pure statistics, data, and facts. The strongest argument is one that is concrete. Business evolves around data and numbers so use that to your advantage.



5. Focus On The Money


Jay-Z has always had a knack for making money. You give him anything, he will find a way to make you a dollar out of it. In that way, he’s very similar to me and that skill can take you very far with many people.



Jay-Z has always focused on the things that will make him money. Whether it was dealing drugs, making music, selling clothes, or any of his other business ventures, he went after the ones that were making him money.



Lesson: You’re only a business when you start making money. Making money, revenue, and profit should be one of your primary goals. If something is making you money, stay focused on that rather than looking for other ways to expand and grow.





As you can see, Jay-Z has a lot of experience and skill in the world of business. It’s often easy to overlook musicians, but many of them have a lot of business-savy which has helped propel their success.


Why You Should Put College On Pause And Pursue Your Dreams

Many of you may not know this, but I’ve decided to put my college education on pause…..momentarily. I’ve decided to take the Spring semester off while I focus my attention solely on my businesses. With numerous business trips, speaking gigs, and other events going on this semester, it would be impossible for me to juggle both. However, I had a lot of other reasons why I decided to take the semester off. If you’re an entrepreneur struggling to balance school and your business, here are a few reasons you should put your schooling on pause.


Many of you may not know this, but I’ve decided to put my college education on pause…..momentarily. I’ve decided to take the Spring semester off while I focus fully on my businesses.



With numerous business trips, speaking gigs, and other events going on this semester, it would be impossible for me to juggle both. However, I had a lot of other reasons why I decided to take the semester off.



If you’re an entrepreneur struggling to balance school and your business, here are a few reasons you should put college on pause:



1. Opportunities Are Once In A Lifetime


My main reason to put schooling on pause was because opportunities don’t last forever. In business, timing is your best friend. If you pick the wrong time, your competition may beat you to the spot, the industry/market may collapse, or the opportunity may simply be lost.



School is something you can always go back to. The chances of a hurricane hitting your school and deleting all your units is probably not going to happen. The chances of the great business opportunity being captured by someone else is a lot higher.



You can always go back to school, but you can’t always get opportunities back.



2. Always Jump At The Chance To Do Something Great


Not to badmouth a college degree, but it’s not something GREAT. The majority of people follow the traditional college degree path and look to live a life where they work for 40-50 years earning a decent salary.



As entrepreneurs, we hate hearing the word average or decent. We want to be GREAT. If you have the opportunity to create something great and possibly become financially free for the rest of your life, jump on it.



3. New Type Of Learning


You can learn things in many different ways. In this case, there are two ways you can learn. You can sit in a classroom environment and listen to professors all day (like you’ve been doing all your life) OR you can live and learn.



By living and learning, I mean to say that you have the opportunity to apply yourself. You learn as you do and I truly believe that’s the best type of education out there.



4. Use Your Hunger and Motivation To Your Advantage


I truly believe the younger you are, the hungrier and more motivated you are. I’ve been lucky enough to connect with tons of young entrepreneurs around the world and I always notice one thing.



They all desire to be the best and love to learn. Use your youth to your advantage and start early!



5. No Risk, No Reward


Skipping a semester or two of college is a risky endeavor. Lets say things don’t go the way you planned, you may have lost 6-12 months of time you could have spent getting closer to your degree.



However, was it really that risky considering the amazing experience you probably had? You get to pursue your dreams, live life your way, and create something you’re passionate about. The upside is huge. Your company may become successful and you may become financially free for the rest of your life.





From one young entrepreneur to others, college degrees are not essential to your success in the business world. Take a chance, chase your dreams, and see where it takes you. Worst case scenario, you failed but learned a LOT and had the experience of a life time!


The Mathematics of Entrepreneurship

Here’s an infographic on the mathematics of entrepreneurship. So many people are fixated on failure, but rarely ever wonder why startups are failing. This infographic goes in depth to show you why people fail and how many people really fail.


Here’s an infographic on the mathematics of entrepreneurship. So many people are fixated on failure, but rarely ever wonder why startups are failing. This infographic goes in depth to show you why people fail and how many people really fail.



Failure is something that we should not shy away from, but rather embrace. Failure is an event, nothing else. Failure doesn’t define a person or business, it defines somethings that happened on a certain day at a certain time.



We all have bad days, failures just another bad day. You can wake up the next morning and bounce back or you can dwell on it. It’s the successful entrepreneur that wakes up and bounces back.



The successful entrepreneur also shares a variety of qualities, which are listed below:



Passion, Perseverance, Persistence


The 3 P’s. It is very difficult to be successful unless you strongly possess the 3 qualities listed above.



Dream Hard


It takes a special person to inspire others. You must step back, look at the big picture, and inspire others to believe in your vision. Be imaginative, creative, and think BIG.





Great entrepreneurs build meaningful relationships where they feel and understand what customers and employees do.






Successful entrepreneurs know the value of advice. They aren’t afraid to ask for help when they needed and they’re more than happy to share their wisdom when they can.





Whether you’re dealing with customers, vendors, employees, or anyone else, entrepreneurs are always logical and fair.





Entrepreneurs never force their will on others. They have a sort of charisma that influences everyone around them.



Work Ethic


Every successful individual has put in tons of hours to get where they are today. People look at the event (the outcome), but rarely dive into the process.





You must continue learning and build your knowledge base every day. A degree is a good foundation, but it does not mean you can stop learning. Education never stops!





Entrepreneurs never fixate on anything. They understand that to be successful, you must pivot and be flexible to try new things. They dwell on nothing, approach everything with an open mind!