How To Make Money Blogging – Tips & Strategies To Monetize Your Blog

In this blog, I share my insight on how to make money blogging. I offer a variety of tips & strategies to monetize your blog. Things have changed in recent years and making money from a blog has become a lot tougher, but the opportunities are still endless.


Blogging has become an extremely popular choice of profession in today’s world. Many people turn to the internet for income and starting your own blog is one of the most popular ideas you’ll get when trying to make money online. However, making money from a blog is a lot tougher than most think it is.



In this blog post, I’ll share my tips and strategies on how to make money blogging on the internet.



Things You Need: 


Consider the list of vital factors that are ABSOLUTELY important for you to successfully make money blogging. Without these, it’s frankly impossible for you to make any money so you should consider focusing on this if you don’t have all of the items mentioned below.


1. A Blog. If you don’t have a blog, you can’t really make money or do anything so this is the most important thing you need. Here’s how to start a blog if you don’t already have one.


2. Content. Now if you have a blog, but no content….it’s not really a blog. You need to have useful content and information that others genuinely want to read or learn more about.


3. Connections. Having connections is always important as you want to build relationships with people in your space. Find others who do something similar or may have an interest in what you do and build positive relationships with these individuals.


How To Make Money Blogging: 


Okay, once you have the items above….you’re ready for the best part. You can now make money blogging. Here are my tips & strategies to monetize your blog:


1. Understand where your income will come from. Very few bloggers nowadays make money from their blog itself by just running advertisements, those days are long-gone. The best ways to make money are by using your blog to connect to another area where you can generate income from. Things like Affiliate Programs, Selling Products, Consultancy, etc.


2. It requires time and patience. You’re not going to wake up one morning and have tons of visitors that are all being monetized with your add-ons. It’s simply not how the world of blogging works. It requires a lot of effort, hustle and determination to succeed. You have to test dozens of different revenue streams to see what works best for you and your audience.


3. Create the right combination of monetization strategies. The best advice I can give you is to NEVER rely on one source of income when it comes to your blog. The smartest bloggers and the wealthiest are the ones who have tons of monetization strategies and are constantly adapting by creating new streams of income on a regular basis. Find a variety of options such as Affiliate Marketing, Consulting, Speaking At Events, E-Books and Selling A Product to get the most out of your blog.


4. Focus on driving traffic. The key staple for any blog is traffic. The more visitors you get, the more money you should be making theoretically. As a result of this, you should be spending just as much time as you do on finding income streams and writing content on actually driving traffic to your blog. Be present on social media platforms and do what it takes to be found online.


Possible Income Streams: 


While being a blogger myself and working with many others, I’ve found a good list of income streams that tend to work best for bloggers. Below is my list:


1. Advertising – Sponsored posts, banner ads, display ads, back linking in posts. Example: I’ve made money on this blog from putting a link with a keyword (known as a back link) to someone else’s blog and I’ve made up to $200 for doing just this.


2. Affiliate Marketing  – Selling someone else’s product or services to your blog audience (obviously products you vouch for yourself). Example: I have made money by directing people to Bluehost to start their blogs.


3. Books – You can author a book or an ebook and sell it to make additional income. Example: I have written 3 books over the last few years and I have made quite a bit of income selling these as physical books and as ebooks on different self-publishign sites.


4. Services – Is there a service you can offer your followers? Example: I offered my followers and readers an ability to get consulting with me. I’ve charged upwards of $200 an hour to help entrepreneurs, business owners and others with their issues in growth, marketing and entrepreneurship.


5. Digital Products – Is there a digital product you can sell that will be of use to your audience? Example: I’ve created a digital course on how to turn your ideas into income and I launched this course with over 20 hours of content on Udemy. This course has over 3,000 students.


6. Physical Products – Is there a physical product or an online store you can build to sell products to your audience? Example: This is something I never did, but I’ve had some friends who have been very successful with it. They started a niche blog, found a good product for their audience and began drop shipping it on the side.


These are just a few of my top suggestions, but the options are endless. You can do many more things such as creating a mobile app, launching a podcast, speaking at events for money and other outside of the box ideas to generate income from your blog.




In this post, I shared my top tips on how to make money blogging. These were my tips & strategies to monetize your blog. Do you have any ideas of your own?





What Does It Take To Become An Entrepreneur?

What does it take to become an entrepreneur? This is a question that is often asked to me by many people so I decided to provide my insight on what I think it requires to be an entrepreneur.


The glamour of entrepreneurship often time lures the wrong people into pursuing the dream of owning their own business. However, once someone goes through the process of launching their own company, they begin to realize how daunting of a challenge it is.


I often get asked by my friends and others I know who are working individuals, what does it take to become an entrepreneur? Well, that question doesn’t have an easy answer. In fact, it takes a lot to become and be an entrepreneur.


In this post, I’ll answer the question what does it take to become an entrepreneur?


The Desire For Success Over Everything Else


The hardest part about becoming an entrepreneur is being able to make sacrifices. Most people fail in the early stages because they simply cannot give up certain things in their lives. When I launched my business in high school, my friends would be hanging out after school but I had a decision to make. I could either work on my business or go and hang out with them.


While it was extremely tough, I can look back and say that I made the right decision. I decided to work on my businesses instead of hanging out with them. As an entrepreneur, your business will take over your entire life. Are you willing to sacrifice your love life, friendships and other hobbies to build your company?





When you take the pledge to become an entrepreneur, you’re going to have to be prepared for tons of obstacles and failure along the way. If you are weak-minded and are easily willing to give up after hitting a dead end a couple of times, you do NOT have what it takes to become an entrepreneur.


After becoming an entrepreneur, my entire perspective on failure has changed. Failure isn’t something that defines me or my businesses, unless I allow it. Let me explain that. If you fail and you give up, then you are allowing failure to define you and your businesses. However, if you treat failure as an event….you will never have truly failed. Failure was just something that happened on a given day, you learn and you bounce back.




If you really want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you’re going to need unwavering discipline to stay focused. One of the toughest issues I had early on as an entrepreneur when it came to discipline was that I wanted to pursue tons and tons of ideas.


When launching your business, you need to lock in and fully focus on that company. If you have strong discipline to not get distracted, then you will have a very good chance of being successful as an entrepreneur.


The Ability To Work With Others 


It’s very rare to hear a story about a successful entrepreneur who built a massively successful business on their own. Good teams are the key to success in building a strong business. Whether it’s choosing good partners or good employees, you must have the ability to work well with others.


Can you trust others and delegate tasks to them? Can you work in a team-like environment where you treat them on the same level as you instead of someone below you? One of the biggest qualities of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to get a group of people to follow them on their vision.


The Ability To See The World Unlike Others


At the end of the day, successful entrepreneurs find problems and create solutions to these issues. To do so, you must have vision and the ability to see the world unlike most other people. Entrepreneurs are people who identify problems and are the few that are willing to do so.


Everyone identifies problems, but most of the general population just gripes about it instead of creating some kind of change. Visionaries are the ones who see a problem and understand how improved an industry, niche or space may be from a solution.




In this post, I shared some of my insight on what it takes to become an entrepreneur. What are somethings you believe it takes to become an entrepreneur?


What Entrepreneurs Do That Most People Don’t

In this post, I share what entrepreneurs do that most people don’t. As an entrepreneur, you have take a journey far unique to one that most people take and sometimes others don’t really understand what that means.


The idea of being an entrepreneur and creating your own businesses is something really foreign to most of the world. Unless you’re highly involved in the entrepreneurial community or have other friends, it’s really hard often times to really share with other people what you do.



However, it isn’t your fault. The truth is that entrepreneurs do a lot of things that most other people haven’t ever thought of doing or are unwilling to do. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy in any way and it requires a lot of mental toughness to continue pushing forward every single day.



In this post, I share what entrepreneurs do that most people don’t:



They Obsess


This is a really hard concept for many outsiders to understand. Entrepreneurs love the that they do so much that they become obsessed with it and sometimes they’d rather keep building their business instead of going out. See, everyone has one or more things that they’re obsessed with.



Entrepreneurs are different because they are obsessed with their vision, ideas or businesses. Other people might be obsessed with music events, drinking, sports, building model rockets or whatever else it is. While it isn’t bad to have other passions and obsessions, many people can’t fathom how someone can enjoy working over doing something else that others might see as more ‘fun’.



They’re Always Recruiting 


Good entrepreneurs know that they can’t carry out their mission alone. They need a team of really reputable individuals around them that can help carry out their vision. Thus, they’re always recruiting.



Usually, you don’t ever think about recruiting other people or even surrounding yourself with people who are better than you due to jealousy or simply being threatened by someone else’s superiority in a specific domain. However, entrepreneurs are the opposite. They’re constantly recruiting others and selling others on their vision in hopes of surrounding themselves with a strong group of people.



They Are A Jack-of-All-Trades


If you were asked one day to do the accounting for your company and the next day to clean up the entire warehouse, would you do it with a smile on your face at minimum wage? Most people really wouldn’t. That’s what separates entrepreneurs from others.



Entrepreneurs are jack-of-all-trades and they DO whatever is required of them on any given day without a single complaint. Not only that, but most entrepreneurs at this stage aren’t getting paid a dollar. When I started my first company, I was putting on 7-8 different hats every single day and I loved every minute of it.



They Question Everything


At some core level, every entrepreneur questioned something that led them to follow the path that they are following today. It can be as simple as asking why there isn’t a better solution to a problem that they experience?



Not only do they question everything, but they take action on things that they discover. Most people would never in a million years question a problem only to go on and solve that problem. Most of the world lives with the ‘who cares’ mentality and they’ll experience an issue, but remind themselves that they don’t care enough to question it or fix it.



They’re Thirsty For Knowledge


I love learning. If you give me any opportunity where I can learn something new that interests me, I will jump on it. Entrepreneurs understand how important education is and they also understand the different forms of education available. Entrepreneurs don’t solely rely on a classroom with a professor to learn, they take any and every opportunity available to them.



Most people think that they just need to finish the bare minimum requirements of schooling and they will have a solid educational foundation. While you do develop the foundation, you don’t continue improving your knowledge and skills. As a result of that, you get left in the dust as those who are constantly learning end up going the furthest.





In this post, I shared what entrepreneurs do that most people don’t. What are some things that you do as an entrepreneur that you haven’t seen many other people do?



5 Big Differences Between The Middle Class And Wealthy People

In this post, I shared 5 big differences between the middle class and wealthy people. If you want to be successful, you need to learn from the rich.


The top 1% has more combined wealth than all of the remaining 99% of the population according to numerous surveys. However, people often times forget that our world isn’t just separated by poor and wealthy people.



We have something in the middle, which is subsequently known as the middle class. As of late, the middle class has been shrinking which means most people may end up falling in the category of either poor or wealthy. Which side do you want to fall in?



Most people probably want to be in the wealthy category. In order to do so, you’re going to have to differentiate the way you think quite a bit. Here are 5 big differences between the middle class and wealthy people:



1. The middle class lives above their means, while the rich live below it.


Wealthy people didn’t get rich by buying expensive things the moment a little bit of money came their way. Instead, they look for ways to invest their money so that they can grow it even further. The middle class on the other hand is running to buy the next great car or item as soon as a little bit of money comes their way.



Have you wondered why so many athletes earn millions of dollars in their career but still end up being bankrupt a few years after they retire? Well, it’s simply because of poor money management. If you earn $2 million dollars and spend $2 million dollars a year, you’re still broke as hell.



2. The middle class cares about saving, the rich cares about investing.


Every dollar that a middle class person usually gets either goes in their savings account or pays off a credit card. In the meantime, the rich are constantly looking for the next great investment opportunity. They understand that money is a tool that allows you to grow your money even further.



Instead of hiding their money in a bank account, the wealthy are constantly looking for ways to create even more assets. Stop hiding your money and start investing it. That’s a key to long-term monetary success.



3. The middle class tries to be friends with everyone, the rich are extremely picky.


Your income will usually end up being the average income of your four closest friends. If you want to earn more money, find more successful people to surround yourself with. It’s about having a similar mindset as others who are on a similar path as you.



The wealthy don’t give a shit if you’re going to be their friend or not. They understand that they want to surround themselves with the right people so that they can be successful. If you want to become wealthy, pick your friends very wisely.



4. The middle class finds jobs, while the rich create jobs.


When you find a job, you are essentially looking for an employer that will pay you a fixed amount of salary. When you create jobs, you are looking for employees that are going to increase your net profits by a certain percentage. That is the biggest difference between the wealthy and middle class mindset.



Instead of looking for jobs, try to create something where you can create jobs. Working for someone else isn’t safe. Anyone that tells you that is absolutely wrong. Someone else controls your future and can fire you over just about anything. Someone who runs their own business controls their future because their own decisions can lead to their success or demise.



5. The middle class has goals with flexible deadlines, while the wealthy have ‘do or die’ goals. 


How you prioritize your life and goals truly determine how successful you can be. If you set a goal for yourself, are you willing to budge or make an excuse to buy yourself time? If so, you’re going to be in the middle class.



Wealthy people live and die by their goals. If they set out a goal for themselves, they will do whatever it takes to make sure they complete that goal. The way you prioritize and schedule out your day is crucial to your success in life.





In this post, I shared 5 big differences between the middle class and wealthy people. What are some large differences that you have noticed?



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How To Approach Someone To Become Your Mentor

In this post, I share my secrets on how to approach someone to become your mentor. From receiving requests from others to asking others to become my mentor, I’ve learned a lot about this topic.


When I started out as an entrepreneur, I had a million questions. However, I wanted answers from the most successful people. I didn’t want to put my questions up on a forum and wait for some random person to answer it.



Fast-forward to today and I see that many new entrepreneurs go through the same dilemma I once did. Nowadays, I get 5-10 emails a day from others either asking me questions or asking me to be their mentors.



Out of these 5-10 emails, I tend to respond to most of them as long as they aren’t selling something or being overly annoying. However, it is very rare that I take someone under my wing and actually become their mentor.



The reason being, I don’t have that much time. I wish I could mentor everyone, but I only have 24 hours in a day. Instead, the emails or individuals that really catch my eye are the ones I end up considering to mentor.



In this post, I’m going to share the proper steps on how to approach someone to become your mentor:



Give Before Asking


I quickly found out the secret for finding mentors or answers to your questions. Stop asking and start giving. No matter who it is in the world, they too need something. Turns out, people even needed a favor or something from me.



Before you ask someone to become your mentor and help you with a thousand questions you have, share a little bit about who you are, why they interest you and ask them what you can do to help them out. You’ll be surprised how much more open people are when they aren’t being asked to do something.



Don’t Ask For Mentorship From The First Email


Another mistake people make is that they ask someone to be their mentor before having any real conversation with them. Half of the emails I get, I don’t know who the person is or why they think I’d be a good mentor or if we could even work together.



Nevertheless, they still ask me to be their mentor just because of my resume. A mentor-mentee relationship is a lot more than a pretty resume. It’s about having a connection and a mutual vision with someone else. It takes time to establish that.



Don’t Be Demanding


Just like myself, I’m sure other successful people have a tough time carving out time. If you want someone to be your mentor, the last thing you can do is be demanding. You should be working around their schedule, not vice-versa.



You won’t believe how many people have gone up to me and said, I would love for you to be my mentor and I only need 10 hours of your time a month. Just some emails, phone calls, Skype calls, and sitting into our bi-weekly meetings. These kinds of individuals scare the shit out of me, I’m happy to help but I’m not looking for a part-time job.



Be Specific


When you do want someone to become your mentor, you can’t beat around the bush. Asking me how do I become successful as an entrepreneur is so goddamn broad. Come to me with precise problems and obstacles you are dealing with if you want real help.



If someone comes to me and says, we are marketing using Facebook advertisements but our costs are too high now, what should we do…..that is something I can help with. I can ask to look at your products, pricing and help you come up with a solution to either continue your Facebook marketing effort or by telling you to find a new method. Be specific on what you want!





Having a mentor is a very important part of being successful. Share some tips that have worked well for you when approaching someone to become your mentor.



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10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Business

In this post, I shared 10 questions to ask yourself before starting a business. What are some of the questions you would ask yourself before starting your next business?


Starting a business isn’t an easy task. Some people are made for it while others can’t last a month. Whether it’s your first time starting a business or not, there are a ton of things that you should consider.



Here are 10 questions to ask yourself before starting a business:



1. Can I see myself doing this for the rest of my life?


If a business becomes extremely successful, more often then not….you have to stick to it for the rest of your life. If you see yourself starting a business just to make some cash for a year or two, it isn’t the right business for you. Only start something that you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life.



2. Am I willing to work without getting paid for however long necessary?


This is the toughest question for new entrepreneurs to ask themselves. If you’ve worked a job especially, you are used to trading hours for dollars. When you start a business, you can work all the hours you want, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get paid for it. If you have the patience and bank account necessary to survive a few rainy months, then you might be ready.



3. Am I able to let other people down when necessary?


As an entrepreneur, you have to make decisions that are best for the company. Your company always comes first regardless of the situation. When that happens, you’re going to have to make some tough decisions in your personal and business life. If you have trouble being honest and being the barer of bad news, then entrepreneurship might be wrong for you.



4. Do you jump right back up when you fall down?


Everyone tends to handle setbacks differently. Some people give up, others find it hard to recover while some people simply jump right back up on the horse. The way you handle adversity and obstacles is key as an entrepreneur. If you have the wrong mentality from the beginning, your business will be destined for failure.



5. Why am I the best person for this business?


Every time you start a business and look for funding, investors will ask you one question. Why are you the best person to run this business? That’s an important question. Anyone can take an idea and run with it, but what makes you so special. Is this an industry you know a lot about, is it a problem you dealt with or is it because you have connections that others don’t?



6. Are you willing to wear numerous hats?


As an entrepreneur, you have to wear different hats. As an employee, you have one job that is outlined in the contract you sign with your employer once you are hired. As an entrepreneur, you sign no contracts. You have to do whatever is asked of you on any given day.



7. Do you want to be comfortable or do you want to change your life?


Change and comfort are two things that do not go well with one another. If you want to be comfortable and get your 8 hours of sleep every night, don’t become an entrepreneur. Get a day job. If you want to change your life and are really committed to it, then you have a chance to make it out as an entrepreneur.



8. How much of what I do is actually needed?


There are businesses that are needed and other businesses that are nice to have. If you’re in the category of nice to have, it’s going to be a struggle being successful. Businesses that are a necessity that people must have are the ones that end up being the most successful. You can’t create a need that doesn’t exist. You can only fulfill an existing need in the market.



9. Am I just looking to make a lot of money or do I actually care?


Money is the most illusive object in the world. If you’re becoming an entrepreneur because you heard the stories of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, you’re doing it for all of the wrong reasons. When you chase money, it becomes really hard to get. The projects that originate with passion and purpose end up making the most money.



10. Can I momentarily pause my social life for my business?


Another tough thing people have to figure out is whether or not they are willing to pause their social life for their business. If you love going out and partying with friends, starting a business is tough. You have to make some sacrifices along the way. If you always choose your social life over your business, you won’t be successful.





In this article, I shared 10 questions to ask yourself before starting a business. What are some things you wish you asked yourself before starting your business?



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5 Things Everyone Wish They Knew About Investing By The Age Of 30

Being surrounded by wealthy individuals at a young age helped me understand and value the important of investing as soon as I could. In this post, I shared 5 things everyone wish they knew about investing by the age of 30.


If you haven’t heard about it yet, investing is the secret to wealth and financial success. It’s very difficult to make a ton of money doing just one thing, that’s why most millionaires have dabbled with quite a few different things.



Investing your money can be a scary thing, but it can also be a really satisfying feeling when you do end up being successful. In this post, I share 5 things everyone wish they knew about investing by the age of 30.



1. Create a rainy day fund before anything. 


Before you can invest, you need to protect yourself from tomorrow. The first step to being a successful investor is using money that you can live without. Thus, you must create an emergency fund where you store money that can last you 6-12 months.



A rainy day fund insures you against emergencies and other casualties that life can throw at you. Once you have this fund built up, you’re ready to become an investor with the remainder of the money that you earn.



2. Understand why investing is important.


Most people think investing is just another one of those things that everyone is always telling people about. However, you really have to get it. If you put your money in the bank, that bank is taking that money and investing it without giving you any of the returns. They give you pennies on thousands of dollars.



If you end up taking your money instead of stuffing it in the bank, you can capitalize on inflation and the yearly increase that takes place and make a decent amount of cash. Think about why banks are able to offer you interest and want your money so bad. It’s so that they can make money.



3. It doesn’t take hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Most people think that they can’t invest with the salary or income that they make. However, that isn’t true. The first investment I ever made was of $500. It’s all about starting small and scaling fast when certain types of investments give you great returns.



If you’ve heard the myths that you need a ton of money to make a lot of money, that is true but that doesn’t mean you can’t start investing now. Start with whatever you can afford and move your way up over time.



4. Save for retirement now.


Last year, I created a 401K for myself. When I looked at the conservative projections of how much money I could save up by making a simple deposit of $5,000 a year into my 401K, I was shocked. We’re talking in the millions by the time I turn 60-70 years old.



The biggest thing youngsters forget to think about is their retirement. They feel as if they are way too young to worry about. Most people who do start a 401K are usually in their 40’s or 50’s, which only allows them to accumulate a fraction of the income that others who started younger are making.



5. You’re going to lose more than you win.


The thing with investing is that it isn’t a sure shot. If it was, everyone would be doing it. Most  younger people try one investment, see a loss and never invest in anything else ever again. Just because your first experience wasn’t good doesn’t mean you should completely give up.



With investing, you might end up losing more often than you win. However, your goal is to make more money than you lose. Your wins end up usually covering 4-5 of your losses so the odds are in your favor if you play the game long-term.





Being surrounded by wealthy individuals at a young age helped me understand and value the important of investing as soon as I could. In this post, I shared 5 things everyone wish they knew about investing by the age of 30.



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5 Wild Qualities That Many Successful Entrepreneurs Share

In this post, I share 5 wild qualities that many successful entrepreneurs share. Which of these do you attribute to your success as an entrepreneur?


If you were to ask any parent about some of these qualities listed below, they would probably start ripping their hairs out just thinking about it. However, some of these qualities are shared by some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world.



They are perceived as wild and reckless qualities, but they actually help a ton in the world of entrepreneurship. In this post, I share the 5 wild qualities that many successful entrepreneurs share:



1. They hate sleep.


If you like being comfortable, it’s tough being successful. Change and comfort are two things that absolutely do not go with one another. Successful people have sacrificed many things, one of the most popular being their sleep.



If you don’t like sleeping and tend to stay up late, use the time for something productive. How about a business venture where you can use all of your creative juices to make money? Entrepreneurs don’t sleep, they just dream.



2. They care more about their passions than making money.


Up top! If you’re an entrepreneur and you care all about the money, you have a much tougher time becoming successful. You either make a lot of money and hate what you do or you are stuck forever chasing the money.



Money is an illusive object. Never sacrifice your dreams and desires for a wad of cash. Instead, focus on doing something that has purpose and meaning to you. If you’ve always been the type to focus on your passions more than other material things, entrepreneurship will be a breeze for you.



3. They aren’t scared of taking risks.


If you’ve always been the adventurous type, entrepreneurship will suit you well. Successful entrepreneurs usually tend to accredit their massive success to some big risk they took that ended up paying off.



The old saying goes, “You got to risk it for the biscuit.” As an entrepreneur, that is very true. Whether it’s investing some money/time or simply dropping your current obligations to chase the dream, you sometimes have to make a risky decision like this to see your entrepreneurial career through.



4. They aren’t worried about the consequences.


Growing up, I never thought about the consequences. I only thought about how awesome it would be to do something. As a young kid, that got me a lot of detentions and time spent alone in my room.



As I got older and I began applying this principle to entrepreneurship, I quickly saw myself getting ahead of everyone else. While everyone else was planning and worrying about the “what if’s”, I was just doing it and learning some awesome things along the way.



5. They know they’re going to be successful.


The biggest quality entrepreneurs that are successful share is their approach to the game. If you believe it, you can achieve it. Entrepreneurs are cocky individuals who know they will be successful, it’s just a matter of time.



If you’ve always had a positive approach to things, entrepreneurship will suit you very well. Keep your head up high and have an awesome level of self-confidence. That’s really what it takes to tough it out in this world.





In this post, I shared 5 wild qualities that many successful entrepreneurs share. Which of these qualities do you attribute to your success?



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5 Resolutions That Will Help Entrepreneurs In Business And Life In 2015

In this post, I share 5 resolutions that will help entrepreneurs in business and life in 2015. With the new year just kicking off, this is the perfect time to make some major business and life changes.


New me, new year. Nah, it’s the same old bull shit you’ve been telling yourself ever since you knew what a New Years resolution was. Time to put an end to those lies.



Transforming yourself isn’t that hard. It requires a tough approach to whatever it is you want to change and the willingness to see it through. As an entrepreneur, you might have tons of resolutions that you have set for yourself in 2015.




In this post, I’m going to share 5 resolutions that will help entrepreneurs in business and life in 2015:



1. Maintain Your Health


2014 was a horrible year for my health. Being an entrepreneur can be tough, but you can’t let the important things such as your health get away. One of my biggest goals this year is to eat out far less and to make myself healthier meals at home.



While that may take more time out of my day, it’s going to help me in the long run. Remember, it’s always health over wealth. You can’t have a thriving business unless you’re healthy so take your health seriously. Eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise, and get regular checkups from the doctors.



2. Create More Personal Relationships


Networking and relationships is what makes the biggest difference as an entrepreneur. It only takes one person to change your life forever on a personal or professional standpoint. Always be networking and taking time out of your day to meet new people.



Make it a goal to meet X number of new people to build better relationships with others. Whether it’s going to more conference and networking events or simply asking strangers to coffee, do whatever it takes to grow your network.



3. Prioritize Your Happiness


Success is about happiness. It’s not about a certain amount of money in your bank account or a title that others call you. It’s the things that genuinely make you happy and put a smile on your face.




If you prioritize your happiness this year, you will have a much more fulfilling year. Think about the things that you love in life and put a bigger focus on them during the year. That’s the only way to truly have a successful year.



4. Mind Your Own Business


The best grind to focus on is your own. Many people tend to worry about what others are doing or what they have to say. Unless it’s going to benefit your business or someone, don’t worry about others.



Mind your own business and you’ll see yourself flourishing like never before. When you focus too much on what others have to say and think, you end up doing the most damage to yourself. Keep your head down and work hard towards your own goals.



5. Keep Pushing Forward


As an entrepreneur, the best thing you can do is to continue pushing forward even when things aren’t looking so great. It might be a tough thing to do, but it’s the absolute best thing that you can do.



When things get tough this year, remember that the only way to overcome it is by continuing to push forward. Make this your most productive year ever by not having regrets or looking back. Instead look forward and continue towards your goals.





With the new year just kicking off, this is the perfect time to make some major business and life changes. In this post, I shared 5 resolutions that will help entrepreneurs in business and life in 2015.



photo credit: Zanthia via photopin cc

5 Crucial Things You Don’t Know About Millionaires

Check out the biggest factors that contribute to the success of millionaires everywhere. In this post, I shared 5 crucial things you don’t know about millionaires.


Who are we kidding….everyone wants to be a millionaire. The problem is that too many people have a dream without a plan of action. Millionaires are so wealthy and successful because they personify some key qualities.



It isn’t about being greedy or about having that fancy lifestyle. It’s all about a mindset and an approach to their work that makes them so damn successful. Anyone can achieve the status of a millionaire if they understand what they must do to achieve it.



In this post, I’m going to share the 5 crucial things you don’t know about millionaires:



1. They Actually Work Hard


Anytime an individual comes in on a lot of money without working hard, they don’t keep it. Lottery winners more often than not lose all of their millions in just a few years. Trust fund babies tend to screw things up and lose their families millions when they don’t put in the work.



There is no substitution for hard work. If you don’t work hard, you’re not going to get to the status of a millionaire anytime soon. If you’re willing to get your hands dirty, then success will come to you.



2. They Have Many Streams Of Income


If you think millionaires make all their money doing one thing, you’re out of your mind. Almost everyone in the population is doing one thing. Millionaires are smart because they are diversifying their time and investments into numerous different things.



If you want to build true income, you need to find a way to develop numerous streams of income. The more income streams you create, the more money you’ll make at the end of each month. The formula is rather simple, it just requires the right mindset and approach.



3. They Teach Themselves


If you get the same education everyone else gets, chances are that everyone in your class should also be a millionaire right? Unfortunately, everyone ends up getting a 5 figure job and a select few get that 6 figure job.



However, that’s not enough to make you a millionaire in a short period of time. Successful people are always teaching themselves because they value education highly. If you have a keen interest in learning on your own, you’ll be very successful in life. Teach yourself the things others aren’t willing to do and that’s how you can create massive wealth.



4. They Don’t Look & Feel Rich


If you see that guy driving a fancy car wearing some of the most expensive name brands out there, chances are that he actually isn’t a millionaire. The most successful people in fact don’t really look and feel rich.



The average dressed guy driving a Prius can truly be a millionaire. You’d never know because of his ordinary appearance. Most millionaires understand what items create wealth and what items destroy wealth. Cars, clothes and the maintenance of a high-end lifestyle are true wealth killers.



5. They Don’t Do It Alone


Becoming a one-man empire is extremely difficult. Every individual has their strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, you just need a partner that’s going to keep you on check. Millionaires aren’t scared of distributing their equity or assets amongst other trusted partners.



If you want to be a millionaire, have faith in others. Be willing to trust others to guide you in your journey as well. Network, hire, add, and expand as you need to. That’s the only true way to be successful. Other people can make a huge impact on your businesses, never forget that!





In this post, I shared 5 crucial things you don’t know about millionaires. Let us know what are some other things you’d like to know about their lives.



photo credit: RGT3 Pics via photopin cc