
How To Get People To Listen When You Talk


When I first started out as an entrepreneur, I was only 17 years old. However, being that I was young and had absolutely no experience, it was really hard getting people to listen to me.



It took me some time to figure things out, but when I did….I saw results instantly. Whether you’re a first time entrepreneur, really young or unknown in the business world, it’s going to be crucial that you find a way to get people to listen to you.



In this article, I’ll discuss how to get people to listen when you talk:



Keep Your Mouth Shut For A Bit


When I was young, I always wanted to jump in and get my word in. However, as I got older I realized that it wasn’t all that necessary. Keeping my mouth shut allowed me to learn a lot of things.



Not only that, but when you are respectful towards the opinions of others, they tend to reciprocate it towards to you. Listen, digest and speak when you get the chance. You’ll be far more respected for following those simple steps.



Cut To The Chase


I learned early on that since I was young, I only had a few moments to get my point across. Instead of adding fluff to my pitches or conversations, I decided to cut right to the chase. I had a 30 second window to show people I knew my shit.



After that, they would either tune me out or be really impressed. Hunt down the key points in your message and deliver them rapidly. That’s the quickest way to capture someone else’s attention.



Get Others To Vouch For You


References are a lot more important than you can imagine. When I was starting out, I decided to offer my services for FREE or really cheap just so that I could get powerful people behind me.



After I did an exceptional job for them, I simply asked them to write a testimonial for me or to allow me to use their information as a reference. When people had doubts, I forwarded them over to past clients and those vouches helped me a lot.



Be Confident


If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. I lacked confidence and was often terrified in the early stages of my business. My nervousness could be seen by everyone else and they became very skeptical of hiring me.



Once I had faith in myself, it was almost magical. Everyone else at that point also had faith in me. Be confident otherwise don’t expect others to believe in your abilities.





Whenever you are new to something, it’s going to be extremely difficult. However, I shared various strategies in this article on how to get people to listen when you talk.



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