
How To Keep Your Resolutions in 2014


With the new year just beginning, more resolutions and goals are set during this time period than any other. The toughest part of any ‘goal’ is making sure it doesn’t fall into the category of a ‘wish’.



Goals are dreams with a deadline while wishes are just dreams without any intent of actually getting them done. As an entrepreneur who has his hand in many different things, goals make or break me on a regular basis.



Not only do I set goals every day, but I try to set bigger goals each quarter that will be achieved through my daily actions. In this article, I’m going to share some of the strategies I have used to successfully my see goals and resolutions out.



Here’s how to keep your resolutions in 2014:



Make A Plan


Resolutions fail because you set a goal without creating any plan of how you want to make that dream a reality. Before I set my goals, I create a plan of exactly what needs to be done on my end to accomplish my goals.



If you’re able to create a series of smaller steps that you need to take in order to achieve your goals, your resolution seems a lot more possible. Break them down into monthly or weekly chunks so it’s a lot more manageable.



Hold Yourself Accountable


Many goals go untouched because we do not have someone holding us accountable. As an entrepreneur, my partners and mentors are constantly there to hold me accountable if I don’t reach my goals.



Find friends, family, co-workers, or anyone who cares about your success and get them to help you. Tell them to motivate you throughout the year and have various consequences if you’re unable to achieve your goal. It’s hard to be successful in life all by yourself, create a support system.



Visualize It


Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I see is a list of my quarterly goals on a white board. No matter what I try to do, I cannot avoid those goals and it’s a really good thing. I’m motivated from the minute I wake up to start conquering my goals.



Depending on what your resolutions are, write them down so you can visualize them. Keep them in front of your desk, bedroom, car, or any other place you’ll be motivated.



Set Time Aside For It


This goes back to the planning section of things. If you don’t set aside time for your  resolutions, how do you plan to achieve them? You need to do something different in 2014 than you did in 2013 if you’re looking for a change.



Create a schedule where you can incorporate time to achieve your new years resolutions. If you have the time for it, you need to follow it up by putting the work in. Remember, the harder you work, the luckier you get!



Make It Public


Another way to hold yourself accountable to your new years resolutions is to put everything in the public. Each quarter, I share my goals for that specific quarter publicly through my Facebook page.



By potentially facing heaps of embarrassment if you don’t even try to shoot for your goals, making your resolutions public is a great idea. Not only that, but you can reflect back to see where you started and how far you got at the end of it.



Reward Progress


When I was a kid, the best part of getting good grades was that I got rewarded. I didn’t really care that I was doing good in school, I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on a reward from my parents.



Setting goals for yourself is much of the same. If you go to the gym that extra day or put in that extra time at the office, reward yourself for it. Progress and small achievements deserve to be rewarded and you shouldn’t hesitate to do so.





I hope 2014 is a prosperous and great year for everyone. In this article, I shared some tips on how to keep your resolutions in 2014. Are there any other tips you have for others? Feel free to share them in the comments below.



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