
How To Overcome Resistance And Change Your Life

In life, one thing is constant; change is going to happen! Everyone desire change and change is inevitable; so why is it difficult for so many people to deal with?

The process of change in our lives can lead us toward growth and fulfillment if we learn how to cooperate with this unyielding force. When we partner with this force of evolution, we can take a quantum leap in our lives.

When we reach for change, a part of us naturally recoils and resists. If the recoiling is stronger than our reach, we experience procrastination. If we resist change too often, we experience struggle, frustration and stagnation. It is only when we learn the secrets of change  that we can build an alliance with it and experience greater freedom and success.

Here are ways on how to overcome resistance and change your life:

1. Identify Resistance

Look at resistance and how it applies to your journey to health and fitness. What are the thoughts, fears, concerns and distractions that keep you from achieving your goals? It’s probably things like lack of motivation, lack of time, not knowing what to do, social pressures and excuses that hold you back.

The first step is always recognizing the problem. So take a minute and think of the times when you had planned on working out or staying away from the nachos and resistance won. What made you reach for the TV remote or that jar of queso instead of your gym shorts and an apple? Write those things down. Give them a name. They are all forms of resistance.

2. Learn To Be More Open & Flexible 

Change is one of the natural flows of life that often occurs, even when we don’t want it to. Being open and flexible to change has helped me to rewire my approach by going along or embracing change versus trying to control it. After all, change can be a good thing! Go ahead, change your lenses; you will see it, too.

3. Seek Growth Rather Than Change

Growth is the process of reaching for something new (expanding your consciousness) while letting go of the old. Growth always leads to positive change in our lives. Whether it is a new relationship, a new belief or a new experience, growth leads to positive change as it shifts from the old to embrace the new. Growth is the foundation of evolution and challenges us to become more in some area of our lives. Growth always produces change, but change does not necessarily produce growth. Growth is about evolving to become more of who you are meant to be.

4. Be A Resource

When people begin to notice that extra pep in your step, they’ll want a little of this “change” thing for themselves! Change is a slow process, but if someone is ready to take the first step, you could very well serve as their catalyst. When you understand how important change is and how to manage it, you can be a resource for others who are seeking help on this topic.

5. Find The Strength Of Your Resistance 

Some people naturally meet change with resistance, and that’s OK. Some people have innate strengths to stabilize, reduce risks and protect what is working while others have instincts to drive change, experiment and explore options. If you are resisting change because you are risk averse, you might start by assessing risk, researching or planning. Then, enlist help to drive the change.

6.  All Change Produces Chaos

Chaos and change always function together. It doesn’t change that you resist, it’s your ego’s attempt to avoid the chaos that creates resistance. When change happens, it is always accompanied by chaos. Chaos can be either light or dark and is a vital energy to the process of every change.

We may yearn for change and recoil from its chaos simultaneously. We have been taught to believe that chaos is bad and to be avoided, yet even the most incredible changes we desire will also produce chaos! Change is messy and the ego is challenged to accept it because it looks less than perfect.

7. Realize You Don’t Fear Change, You Fear Loss 

Change is a situational event, like losing one’s job or gaining a new boss. Resistance occurs during the transition, a psychological process of acknowledging what is ending, navigating the uncertainty, then embracing what is possible in the new beginning. Strengthening support networks, anchoring one’s purpose, increasing self-compassion, and actualizing strengths can all minimize resistance.

8. Push Through It

There may be times when it feels impossible. When so many forces are stacked up against you, it may seem like you possibly can’t forget a path for yourself. This is exactly when you should keep going. Pushing through this exact moment is what will allow you to achieve lasting change. Reconsider your goals and make sure that they are still in line with your core beliefs. If that’s the case, keep going.


It’s been said that change is the one constant in life. As much as people want comfortable circumstances to stay the same, they can rarely stop the flow of events that shake up the status quo. You can always overcome resistance and move on with life. In this post, I shared with you the ways on how to overcome resistance and change your life.

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