
How To Overcome Your Fear of Selling

Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Well, almost any entrepreneur at least early on has to do some sort of selling of something in order to be successful. Most people have one thing that hinders them when they try to sell. Fear! Don’t worry because you are not alone if you are afraid to sell. Being afraid to sell is something that impacts nearly everybody at some point even those business people who are very successful today. Everyone at one time or another has experienced fear of selling.

Selling is an integral part of running a business, but many people are fearful or anxious about actively selling their products or services. Although we know that we need to sell our products and services, many feel terrified and anxious by actually doing so.

If we fear to sell, then how do we become successful entrepreneurs? Here are some tips on how to overcome your fear of selling.

1. Know The Source of Your Fear

This tip is necessary for anyone to overcome their fear of anything. You first must know why you are afraid. The fear of selling can come in many different forms. Whether it’s not knowing what to say, fear whether or not people will purchase your products/services or the anxiety of having to engage in a conversation, everyone has their own reasons. Sometimes the reason that we fearful is because we don’t like the idea of rejection. Knowing the source of your anxiety can help you overcome your fear of selling.

2. Start Small

If you fear rejection from the market, start your business small. A lot of the people take on larger projects than they can comfortably handle. The most successful business people are those who interact with others in an authentic and passionate way. So, find a business where you are comfortable with it and stay with it. Remember to start small to be able to reach out more to your customers.

3. Associate With Positive People

When you spend time with individuals who earn big, then you’ll earn big as well by using their techniques. The same goes with your confidence. To get rid of fear, associate yourself with positive people.

4. Don’t Sell, Discuss

When you try to sell your products or service to people, they will more likely become irritated with you if you try to do something known as ‘hard selling’. However, trying to generate interest by “discussing” your product or service in a friendly manner is a better approach to garner interest. Giving them insight on who you are, what you do and how you can help them can create more productive conversations while helping you also overcome your fears by engaging in a discussion.

5. Improve Your Services

The biggest thing about sales is that don’t promise something that you can’t deliver on. My rule for sales has always been to under promise and to over deliver. You may be able to get a yes, but not living up to someone’s expectations will cause you to become really terrified of selling in the future. Honesty and transparency is actually the best policy in business. It makes it easier to sell when you know you can fulfill your client’s expectations and give them exactly what they want.

6. Learn Sales Techniques

“Never go to battle without a gun and ammunition”, which is a very relatable factor for sales. Never venture into selling if you don’t know everything about your business. Equip yourself with knowledge of your own business/industry and know the right techniques for selling through either experience, lessons or courses. Challenge yourself to go out of your comfort zone if you want to find success.

7. Show Credibility

The credibility of a person is imperative if you want to sell and it must be seen through your appearance and non-verbal behaviors. Research shows that people are more likely to relate with other individuals that dress and behave like them. It means that you are in their shoes and you understand what they need so they trust that you can deliver. Not only that, but if you have the credibility to support your background, your fears of rejection are far less.


Fear is one thing that people feel when they try to sell. Exiting your comfort zone and overcoming your fear of selling can help you become a more efficient seller and successful entrepreneur. In this post, I shared with you the ways on how to overcome your fear of selling.

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