5 Bad Habits You Must Give Up To Succeed

In this post, Jeet Banerjee shares his 5 bad habits that you must give up to succeed. Find out what these habits are and how you can quickly eliminate them from your life.


If you follow the good habits successful people share, chances are that you’ll eventually be success as well. However, that’s much easier said than done. There are so many bad habits that are easily adopted just because of how natural they feel.


Habits can make or break you. Good habits help you stay on top of things while bad habits can you hold you back or cause distractions limiting your chances at being successful. I struggled with many bad habits early on in my entrepreneurial journey and correcting those habits allowed me to get to the next level.


In this post, I’m going to share with you 5 bad habits that you must give up to succeed in whatever you do:


1. Needing Other People’s Approval 


Early on in my life, I fell victim to this too. I cared about what every single person thought and I wanted to make sure that I was able to make everyone in the entire world happy. The harsh reality is that it’ll never happen. The sooner you realize that you cannot satisfy everyone in the world and you need to stop caring about what people have to say/think, the quicker you’ll be able to move forward.


Eventually, you’re going to have to choose between your own ego and what’s good for you to be successful. If you can be okay with hearing negativity and criticism and you don’t allow that to derail you on your path, you’re one step closer to being successful.


2. Thinking You Can Be Perfect


Being that I’ve been a perfectionist for the greater part of my life, this was the toughest habit I had to give up. I cared about every pixel with my designers, I cared about every line of code with my developers and I wanted every last word of a press release to be perfected. Not only did this frustrate my team members and partners, but I wasn’t moving forward.


I quickly learned that PERFECT doesn’t exist in this world. The sooner you can give up the idea that you can be perfect, the better your chances of success will be. Stop focusing on perfecting things, start pushing things to the market as soon as possible and seeing how much you can learn from valuable feedback.


3. Starting Things That You Don’t Finish 


Being an entrepreneur, your mind runs wild and you’re constantly looking for new opportunities. When these new opportunities come around, you drop your previous projects and move onto new ones. This eventually becomes an endless cycle that ends up taking your life into a spiral.


I quickly learned after a few months of being an entrepreneur that opportunities would present themselves all the time. I had to be wise in deciding which things I wanted to follow and which things I had to politely decline. From there, I made a vow to finish things all the way through once I started them so that I’m not bouncing all over the place.


4. Letting Yourself Go 


As someone who’s busy, work is constantly on your mind. It rules your day and sometimes even your night leaving very little time for everything else. When I talk about letting yourself go, I’m not just talking about it from a looks standpoint.


You have to create a routine where you have time to exercise, eat properly, spend time with your loved ones and do things that are fun, but have no relation with your business. Creating balance in your life is extremely important and many new entrepreneurs tend to forget about everything else when they launch their first business. This habit is not only extremely dangerous to your health, but it’s something you’ll regret many years down the line.


5. Excuses


Everyone makes excuses for their actions, downfalls and failures in life. We as humans naturally use excuses as a defense mechanism to justify a result. I was the king of excuses growing up, whether it was in the world of business or to get out of doing chores with my parents, I always had a reason to justify a negative action.


Own up to everything you do. Just like if you sold your next company for $1 billion, you would probably own up and take some credit for the success. When you fail, you need to own up and take credit. Not only will you be mentally stronger, but people will perceive you to be a stand up person. One who can take credit during success must be able to do the same during failure. Stop making excuses, own up to it and you’ll see you being far more successful.




All in all, habits are the things that can make or break the successes in your life. In this post, I shared 5 bad habits that you must give up to succeed. Are there some other habits that you gave up on your path to success?