How To Make Money Blogging – Tips & Strategies To Monetize Your Blog

In this blog, I share my insight on how to make money blogging. I offer a variety of tips & strategies to monetize your blog. Things have changed in recent years and making money from a blog has become a lot tougher, but the opportunities are still endless.


Blogging has become an extremely popular choice of profession in today’s world. Many people turn to the internet for income and starting your own blog is one of the most popular ideas you’ll get when trying to make money online. However, making money from a blog is a lot tougher than most think it is.



In this blog post, I’ll share my tips and strategies on how to make money blogging on the internet.



Things You Need: 


Consider the list of vital factors that are ABSOLUTELY important for you to successfully make money blogging. Without these, it’s frankly impossible for you to make any money so you should consider focusing on this if you don’t have all of the items mentioned below.


1. A Blog. If you don’t have a blog, you can’t really make money or do anything so this is the most important thing you need. Here’s how to start a blog if you don’t already have one.


2. Content. Now if you have a blog, but no content….it’s not really a blog. You need to have useful content and information that others genuinely want to read or learn more about.


3. Connections. Having connections is always important as you want to build relationships with people in your space. Find others who do something similar or may have an interest in what you do and build positive relationships with these individuals.


How To Make Money Blogging: 


Okay, once you have the items above….you’re ready for the best part. You can now make money blogging. Here are my tips & strategies to monetize your blog:


1. Understand where your income will come from. Very few bloggers nowadays make money from their blog itself by just running advertisements, those days are long-gone. The best ways to make money are by using your blog to connect to another area where you can generate income from. Things like Affiliate Programs, Selling Products, Consultancy, etc.


2. It requires time and patience. You’re not going to wake up one morning and have tons of visitors that are all being monetized with your add-ons. It’s simply not how the world of blogging works. It requires a lot of effort, hustle and determination to succeed. You have to test dozens of different revenue streams to see what works best for you and your audience.


3. Create the right combination of monetization strategies. The best advice I can give you is to NEVER rely on one source of income when it comes to your blog. The smartest bloggers and the wealthiest are the ones who have tons of monetization strategies and are constantly adapting by creating new streams of income on a regular basis. Find a variety of options such as Affiliate Marketing, Consulting, Speaking At Events, E-Books and Selling A Product to get the most out of your blog.


4. Focus on driving traffic. The key staple for any blog is traffic. The more visitors you get, the more money you should be making theoretically. As a result of this, you should be spending just as much time as you do on finding income streams and writing content on actually driving traffic to your blog. Be present on social media platforms and do what it takes to be found online.


Possible Income Streams: 


While being a blogger myself and working with many others, I’ve found a good list of income streams that tend to work best for bloggers. Below is my list:


1. Advertising – Sponsored posts, banner ads, display ads, back linking in posts. Example: I’ve made money on this blog from putting a link with a keyword (known as a back link) to someone else’s blog and I’ve made up to $200 for doing just this.


2. Affiliate Marketing  – Selling someone else’s product or services to your blog audience (obviously products you vouch for yourself). Example: I have made money by directing people to Bluehost to start their blogs.


3. Books – You can author a book or an ebook and sell it to make additional income. Example: I have written 3 books over the last few years and I have made quite a bit of income selling these as physical books and as ebooks on different self-publishign sites.


4. Services – Is there a service you can offer your followers? Example: I offered my followers and readers an ability to get consulting with me. I’ve charged upwards of $200 an hour to help entrepreneurs, business owners and others with their issues in growth, marketing and entrepreneurship.


5. Digital Products – Is there a digital product you can sell that will be of use to your audience? Example: I’ve created a digital course on how to turn your ideas into income and I launched this course with over 20 hours of content on Udemy. This course has over 3,000 students.


6. Physical Products – Is there a physical product or an online store you can build to sell products to your audience? Example: This is something I never did, but I’ve had some friends who have been very successful with it. They started a niche blog, found a good product for their audience and began drop shipping it on the side.


These are just a few of my top suggestions, but the options are endless. You can do many more things such as creating a mobile app, launching a podcast, speaking at events for money and other outside of the box ideas to generate income from your blog.




In this post, I shared my top tips on how to make money blogging. These were my tips & strategies to monetize your blog. Do you have any ideas of your own?