5 Leadership Mistakes Many First-Time Entrepreneurs Make

It’s not easy being a new entrepreneur and mistakes are going to be an inevitable part of the process. Leadership is one of the most important factors in achieving success as an entrepreneur. In this post, I shared with you 5 leadership mistakes many first-time entrepreneurs make.

Being an entrepreneur may very well be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. There are very few career paths that require the same amount of work, skill, sacrifice and commitment. Being an entrepreneur is really hard, but it can also be really rewarding. No matter what field you are in or what type of business you own, it is so important that you understand some of the mistakes that tend to plague so many entrepreneurs in today’s market. These are by far the biggest mistakes that any business owner can make.

The mistakes are bound to happen to everyone especially if you are trying to set up anything big. For a businessperson, mistakes can be very costly and when you are a first-time entrepreneur, you are more exposed to some of the silliest mistakes that can have disastrous implications. We’ve all been there and in this article I’ll share some of the biggest leadership tips that I’ve learned over my years.

Here are 5 leadership mistakes many first-time entrepreneurs make:

1. Doing Without A Plan

You may be a fantastic employer for your company and a master in your industry, however those achievements don’t necessarily mean you are guaranteed success with your new business. To work for somebody and to make someone work for you is totally different things. Good leaders make a plan and act upon their plans after putting in careful thought and consideration into it.

2. Not Setting Attainable Goals

New entrepreneurs can be so enraptured by their “big idea,” they work without a solid plan. The reality is that you must set realistic and attainable goals in order to succeed. Make a point of setting both short and long-term goals while making sure they’re specific. Don’t just say, “I want to make $1 million this year.” Set a reasonable goal, and then determine what specific steps you need to take to reach it. Go for attainable goals and set mini-goals along the way that’ll make the big goal more achievable.

3. Not Being Adaptable

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur in today’s ever-changing market, then you need to learn to be adaptable. If you are not adapting and you are putting too much expectation on one product or service, you will never succeed. Instead, you need to test, test and test again. Try various products and solutions. Explore new options. Go with what is working now, but always be ready to make changes in the future. It isn’t the smartest or the strongest that survive, but rather the ones who are most adaptable to change.

4. Avoiding Conflict

One of the most difficult adjustments as a new leader is learning how to handle disagreements or issues. You want to be fair and balanced while avoiding long-term damage within the business. Managers often veer away from confrontation and try to avoid it at all costs. But when performance or personality issues go unaddressed, they fester and set an overall tone that minimizes the urgency of correcting mistakes. If there is (an) issue, it’s best to address it right away when the situation is fresh. Create an environment that encourages continuous feedback and gives others the ability to resolve issues.

5. Lacking Vision

Without vision, a company as a whole will have difficulty progressing. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to set expectations and goals for your organization in addition to holding each member accountable for reaching them. A lack of vision will result in unfocused projects, improper resources planning, inaccurate metrics for success and a lack of buy-in from the rest of the organization. If you want to attract and retain talent, you must create a culture with a clear vision.


It’s not easy being a new entrepreneur and mistakes are going to be an inevitable part of the process. Leadership is one of the most important factors in achieving success as an entrepreneur. In this post, I shared with you 5 leadership mistakes many first-time entrepreneurs make.