5 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful In Life

In this post, I discussed 5 things you should give up if you want to be successful in life. What are some things that you gave up that allowed you to achieve more success?

Unhealthy habits are often easy to fix, but hard to take accountability for. I was the same way when I was younger and I quickly realized how much my unhealthy habits were holding me back. After that, the answer was easy.

My mentors told me that I had to get rid of the habits that weren’t positive if I wanted to be more successful in life. One by one, I focused on each of those habits and slowly began giving them up.

In this post, I’ll share 5 things you should give up if you want to be successful in life:

1. Let Go Of Grudges

There are bad people in the world and that’s an unfortunate reality that you have to come to terms with. People will screw you over, talk behind your back and do things to hurt you. I hope it doesn’t happen to you, but it seems like everyone deals with these issues. I sure did and still do.

However, I quickly learned that toxic people can bring out the worst in you. Instead of holding grudges or trying to get revenge on these ‘negative’ individuals, let karma do its job. Don’t stoop down to someone else’s level and learn to let go. Let the world take care of these individuals while you focus on moving forward.

2. Stop Playing Small 

Too many people I meet are satisfied with the minimum or aren’t thinking big enough. It’s extremely frustrating when people don’t give themselves enough credit. You have the power to achieve anything that you put your mind to.

Stop thinking small and playing small. Go big or go home. If you have a dream or a goal, why settle for the minimum? Why not shoot for me the moon and try to be in the top 1% or to be the best at whatever it is that you want to pursue? It’s all a mindset and it’s all about thinking the right way.

3. Give Up Your Desire To Be Liked

I spent the majority of my childhood and teenage years thinking that what mattered in life was what the people around you thought. The whole time in school, I would buy the clothes to make sure that I was liked. As I got older, I realized that’s all a bunch of bullshit. If you’re fitting in, that means you’re probably doing something wrong.

Forget about being liked. Be who you are and let the right people come to you. By pretending to be someone you aren’t, you’re attracting all the wrong people. Those who are different and unique are the ones who end up achieving massive success.

4. Give Up The Unhealthy Lifestyle 

This is something that is still a work in progress for me, but I’ve learned for a while now that your body is a temple. You need to treat your body with love and do everything necessary to live a long and healthy life.

A few years ago, I was so focused on building my startups that I disregarded my health. I ate whatever I wanted and exercised rarely as I was too focused on getting as much done as I possibly could. Regardless of how busy you are, always make time for your health because it’s far more important than anything else.

5. Give Up Thinking For Only Today 

People have short-term mindsets that hamper long-term growth. If you’re only thinking about the present, you’re going to have a tough time in the future. Successful people are constantly setting goals and planning for their futures.

Whether it’s saving up for a new house, planning to travel or setting up your future enterprises, thinking ahead is crucial to achieving success. If you want to be successful, stop thinking about just today. Start focusing on the future as well.


In this post, I discussed 5 things you should give up if you want to be successful in life. What are some things that you gave up that allowed you to achieve more success?

What It Takes To Be Successful in Life

In this article, I share the various characteristics and tips for what it takes to be successful in life. Everyone has their own definition of success, but you need to have some fundamental elements to guide yourself to a successful life.


Everyone wants to achieve success, but what does it really mean to be successful? Everybody has their own definition of what success means to them.



Regardless of what success is to you, there are a set of actions and results that must take place in order to attain it. Success is measured differently by each individual, but all successes require some sort of action to get there.



I am quite often asked the question, “What is your greatest success….” or “Do you consider yourself successful?”



At this point in my life, I hope that the successes that haven’t taken place to date do not end up being considered my ‘greatest success’. Not only that, but I truly do not feel I am successful as of today.



Many people are surprised by my answer, but my level of success is very different from others. From pursuing my own dreams, studying other successful individuals and networking with brilliant people, I have learned what it takes to be successful in life.



Successful People Don’t Quit


Do you remember that guy who chased their dreams and quit? Neither do I. Quitters cannot succeed and that’s the brutal truth. If you want to be successful, you have to get back up every time you fall without losing any enthusiasm. Remember things that come easy aren’t worth having.



Successful People Don’t Shy Away From The Big Moments


There are moments in life that define who we are and who we become. Some of us shy away from these moments because of fear and doubt. Successful people embrace these moments and conquer it. Fear and doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. When those defining moments come, rise up!



Successful People Adapt


Charles Darwin famously said, “It’s not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” The road to success is usually filled with a bunch of twists and turns. If you’re close-minded and unwilling to adapt to your surroundings, you will struggle to achieve success.



Successful People Work Hard 


Early mornings, long nights and a dedication to your craft is crucial to be successful. The harder you work, the luckier you get. Just because you have a vision of what success is does NOT mean you will be successful. It requires massive action and tons of hard work before you will ever become successful.



Successful People Surround Themselves With Winners


The people around us have a HUGE influence on the things we do and the person we become. If you want to be a winner, you need to surround yourself with people who share a similar mindset as you. My circle has grown to feature tons of entrepreneurs, which as a result has helped me get closer to my success.



Successful People Never Stop Learning


Education, whether formal or informal is a vital part of being successful. If you think getting a college degree is the end of your education, you’re in for a huge nightmare. With a wealth of resources available such as books, articles, videos, courses, and more, it has never been easier to educate yourself. Make sure you’re constantly learning to fuel your growth.



Successful People Embrace Failure


Most people look as failure as a negative thing while most successful people look at it as a positive. Life is all about perspectives. Personally, I look at failure as a learning opportunity. Failure doesn’t define me or my businesses, it’s just an event – something that takes place at a certain time. That event is meaningful because it gives me a chance to reflect at the mistakes that were made so I can come back better.



Successful People Are Brave


In life, you always have options. You can choose to go to bed or stay up late working. You can eat that extra burger or stop yourself after one. You can take a big risk or play it safe. Successful people are filled with courage and let their bravery guide their decisions. When most people shy away from risks, successful people weigh the risks and rewards. If an opportunity is on the table, never overlook it even if it’s really scary.



Successful People Have Vision


You don’t need to have the right answer at every turn to be successful in life. However, you need to have the vision necessary to guide yourself to success. Don’t just think for today but also focus on tomorrow. It’s important to live in the present, but it’s crucial to prepare for the future as well.



Successful People Take Control


If you want to lead a successful life, it all starts with taking control. At 17, I realized the source of my unhappiness. It was because I was working jobs that felt like chores where I had no freedom or control. If I had stayed at those jobs, I would have never been able to come where I am today. If you do not have the freedom or control to make your own choices in life, it will be very hard to find success.





In this article, I shared a variety of different characteristics and tips for what it takes to be successful in life. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below.