6 Mindsets That Guarantee Success

In this post, I share with you 6 mindsets that guarantee success. When you are willing to learn, you can achieve absolutely anything. As you set your mind to grow, you increase your brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems in more innovative and effective ways. Success is all in your mindset.

When it comes to being successful, you must hold a strong belief system to make it happen. No matter what your craft is, your principles and mindsets are usually the same all across the board. To achieve success, you have to develop the mindsets necessary to be successful. This was something I was able to figure out over the years thanks to great mentorship and guidance.

Here are 6 mindsets that guarantee success:

1. Think of Your Mindset As A Voice

How does a mindset manifest itself? It controls the ways you talk to yourself in the privacy of your own head. Recognizing this fact is the first step to achieving a growth mindset is extremely vital. As you approach a challenge, that voice might say to you, ‘Are you sure you can do it? Maybe you don’t have the talent’ or ‘What if you fail, you’ll be a failure’. Pay attention to your thoughts and see if you frequently tell yourself anything similar. If so, you’ve spotted the fixed mindset at work, undermining your potential for success.

2. Everything Is Inspiring

It may seem strange to walk around with a pen and pad all day, but it’s a method to tame the madness. You can easily get lost in the shuffle of information, forget your next meeting, or what tasks are increasingly important. If you have a pen and planner handy, you can jot down hot topics and walk into your meetings effortlessly and on time. While you’re commuting, a genius idea might strike for your new business. You can pick up information from the people around you and jot it all down. Writing it down means you’re more likely to remember it. You are now a walking resource.

3. Mistakes Correct Me

Success is a process, not an event. Set your mind to the readiness to make mistakes and to experience great challenges along the way in your journey. These times will prove to be your greatest gifts. If you are wrong, you will likely be corrected. Take this in because it is an opportunity to learn and to do better the next time around. Each time you are corrected, adjust your approach you will directly increase your odds for success.

4. Choose Growth

Recognize that you are not stuck forever with the thoughts that you currently have. The way you interpret challenges, setbacks and criticism is completely your choice. You can interpret them with a fixed mindset thinking that your talents or abilities are lacking. On the other hand, you can translate them into a growth mindset which means that you need to ramp up your strategies, stretch yourself and expand your abilities.

5. I Will Never Give Up

Set your mind to thrive. Let there be no language of giving up in your vocabulary. There is no replacement on any journey towards success more sustaining than perseverance. Talent is not persistence. There are a number of unsuccessful talented, skilled people in this world. Success is truly achieved by never giving up, having patience, persistence, a strong mind, and an unrelenting will get through all levels of frustration. It is only perseverance and raw determination which are sustaining.

6. You Can’t Do It All

You have to manage yourself in order to manage others. Accept that you can’t do everyone’s job around you. Accept that finding the perfect work/life balance won’t be easy and accept that some things just weren’t meant for you. If you’re a brilliant chef, embrace it, but don’t try to fit yourself into a box you’ll never fit into. That’s not what makes you who you are.


When you are willing to learn, you can achieve absolutely anything. As you set your mind to grow, you increase your brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems in more innovative and effective ways. Success is all in your mindset. In this post, I shared with you 6 mindsets that guarantee success.

8 Things You Must Do To Be Successful That Your Friends Are Probably Not Doing

It is easy to believe successful people reached that level through luck or raw talent. That is almost never the case though. Hard work always prevails over time. In this post, I shared with you 8 things you must do to be successful that your friends are probably not doing.

Becoming wealthy and leaving an impact on the world is not an easy feat. If it were, everyone would go around doing it. At that point, it would not be much of an accomplishment at all.

Instead, being extremely successful requires an extraordinary amount of work, especially nobody is looking. The best people have developed habits that help them reach their goals. These routines are not necessarily challenging to form, but they take consistent effort over extended periods of time. Creating these tendencies in your own life will propel your success.

Here are 8 things you must do to be successful that your friends are probably not doing:

1. Take Advantage of Every Introduction

When someone introduces you to another person, there tends to be a very good reason for it. The top people take advantage of these introductions because they know that they might lead to great opportunities. It is easy to blow off an intro or not follow up, but doing so is a missed chance to create a meaningful relationship with a like-minded individual.

2. Exercise Incredible Drive

The most successful people are driven individuals who push and shove until the job is done. They’re able to stay focused on getting results and they keep doing the hard things long after others are only doing what’s comfortable.

Unsuccessful people appear to spend a lot of time in emotions and considerations that cause them to stop or settle before rationalizing how these feelings should be satisfied. What they don’t seem to understand is this mechanism of a drive is a muscle that can be developed by practicing nonconformance with society’s definitions of success.

3. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude improves your health, relationships, emotions, personality and career. People who are grateful and happy with what they have and where they are in life are more satisfied with their life circumstances in general.

Individuals who have a habit of practicing gratitude are more compassionate towards and generous with the people around them. Many people talk about the secret to happiness. Gratitude is at the core of happiness and successful individuals practice gratitude daily. You can keep a journal and reflect on the things you are grateful for in meditation or prayer, but you should be grateful every single day.

4. Constantly Adapt To Surroundings

If you cannot look back six months and see a drastically different person, then you are not growing fast enough. This is especially true early in life. The most successful self-employed people are constantly learning and adapting. They let their barriers down and are always willing to change things about themselves in order to be better, happier and more productive.

This can be extremely challenging for many because it means letting your guard down and being vulnerable. We see ourselves in a certain light and we make our decisions accordingly. Changing means accepting that our past choices might not have been the best. When those past actions are tied up with our ego, it can be especially difficult to move past them. The best people are able to do so in stride.

5. They Never Make Excuses

Regardless of how many excuses they make, successful people often know that it will not change the outcome. Even justified excuses don’t automatically make a project or person successful. When things go wrong, the successful person often sees it as an opportunity, not an insurmountable hurdle.

Unsuccessful people tend to spend a lot of energy and time making excuses, blaming the economy, the customer, prices or competition. Even if the “excuses” are all true, just complaining about it likely won’t improve the outcome and successful people know this. No matter how justified you are, try never to make an excuse for any outcome.

6. Consistently Read

The brightest people are always learning. There is endless knowledge available in the world and in order to continue to improve and learn more, reading is a necessity. Most people make excuses as to why they do not read very much. Education never ends and the most successful people in the world have a constant thirst for knowledge.

7. They Are Willing To Fail

The old saying “no risk, no reward” seems to apply to those who are successful. These people often go for it almost with a willingness to fail. Of course, they aren’t interested in failing, but they know that if they don’t put themselves in a position to fail, they’ll never create the ability to win.

Unsuccessful people seem to play it safe. They may not speak up or offer ideas because they operate from a place of fear. They may be afraid to fail because they’re overly concerned with the judgment of others, so they do the minimum and try to “fly under the radar.”

8. They Pursue Their Passions

The top people do not spend their lives living other people’s dreams. They pursue their own passions. This gives them the energy to attack each day with all that they have. It also allows them to think more independently. After getting over the fact that you cannot please everyone and that you have to think for yourself, life becomes a lot better.


It is easy to believe successful people reached that level through luck or raw talent. That is almost never the case though. Hard work always prevails over time. In this post, I shared with you 8 things you must do to be successful that your friends are probably not doing.

8 Signs You’re Going To Be Successful Even When It Doesn’t Feel Like It

Success doesn’t always have to be about money, trophies or titles. Sometimes, success is how you’ve grown as a person and your journey from who you were to who you are. In this post, I shared with you 8 Signs you’re going to be successful even when it doesn’t feel like it.

We’ve all experienced those days when we feel like we are an absolute failure. It’s a reasonable feeling when things don’t go as exactly planned. When we feel like that, it’s challenging to think of yourself as a successful individual.

We’ve all had days, weeks, months and — for some — even years of challenges and failures that bring us down to rock bottom. At times like this, it may seem that you will never be successful but that is hardly ever the case. Instead, you must push through these situations and see what characteristics and qualities you possess that may help you get through it all.

Here are 8 Signs you’re going to be successful even when it doesn’t feel like it:

1. You Haven’t Given Up On Your Dreams

Even if you haven’t achieved them yet, you’re still making plans and moving forward with trying to reach your goals. Success isn’t always measured in whether or not you’ve met all your life goals. As long as you refuse to give up on your dreams, you have a chance to become successful. Just make sure to continue moving forward and taking chances to achieve it and everything is going to be fine.

2. Not Everyone Likes You Or Your Work

Unless you’re intentionally malicious and the consensus seems to be that you’re altogether disliked by everyone, having some people hate you is an incredible sign of personal development. It means you’re clear on your identity, are making a statement with your work and aren’t willing to compromise who you are to appease everyone. If people don’t like you, it means you stand for something and that’s great in being successful as an individual.

3. You’re No Longer The Center Of The Universe

We all know some “successful” people tend to act like they are the center of the universe. However, that type of mindset doesn’t necessitate success. True success as an individual requires you the ability to feel empathy and to realize other people’s feelings. If you can work hard in silence, you’ll allow your results to make noise.

4. You Are No Longer Controlled By Income

We all know that money is an important part of succeeding, but you shouldn’t let it be your sole motivation. Earning a comfortable living and being responsible for your money is always a good thing, but you cannot allow that to control your life. There are tons of incredible things that you can experience without money.

5. You Know That Failure Isn’t Forever

You’ve learned that the only people who never fail are those who don’t try. When you fail, you don’t automatically assume that you’re a failure. Instead, you embrace each failure as an opportunity to learn something and then you move on from it with more experience. If you still struggle with this at times, know that you’ll never experience real success until you learn to embrace failure. Your mistakes pave the way for your success by revealing when you’re on the wrong path. The most significant breakthroughs typically come when you’re feeling the most frustrated and the most stuck. It’s this frustration that forces you to think differently, to look outside the box and see the solution you’ve been missing.

6. You Can Say No

One of the easiest ways to get burned out is by constantly saying ‘yes.’ Successful people know that if that don’t have the time, interest or drive to do something, then we must politely say no. The most toxic thing you can do to yourself is to be a yes man because people will take advantage of you and your own results will fall behind.

7. You Accept What You Can’t Change And Change What You Can

There’s a difference between pessimism and practicality. If there’s a hurricane headed your way, there’s nothing you can do to stop it. But once you accept that the hurricane is coming, you can start working to mitigate its effects. If your company downsizes and you get laid off, every moment you spend in denial just delays whatever is waiting over the horizon. You’re able to move on only when you start exploring your options and making plans to change what you can. Taking responsibility for improving the things you don’t like about your life is one of the biggest indicators of success.

8. You Realize Success Isn’t Everything

Perhaps the wildest sign of them all is that when you start to become truly successful, you also begin to realize how little it matters. You will start to understand that it is not the answer to your problems and that you also value the people in your life, your downtime and your hobbies. True success is realizing that success is not everything people think it is, and it is a privilege to be able to know that.


Success doesn’t always have to be about money, trophies or titles. Sometimes, success is how you’ve grown as a person and your journey from who you were to who you are. In this post, I shared with you 8 Signs you’re going to be successful even when it doesn’t feel like it.

5 Beliefs of People Who Refuse To Quit

In this article, I share 5 beliefs of people who refuse to quit. From my own failures and roadblocks in my entrepreneurial journey, I have learned to stay persistent by focusing on some core beliefs.


As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned to develop a thick skin with many different things. I wouldn’t be able to call myself an entrepreneur today if I didn’t develop a thick skin to failure.



Mistakes, obstacles and failures always come up. It’s part of the ups and downs every entrepreneur has to deal with at some point. Luckily for me, I became really good at dealing with failure.



The solution was really simple, far too simple actually. I just refused to quit. That’s easier said than done as many people know. I had to develop some really powerful beliefs that enabled me to stay persistent no matter what happened.



In this article, I share 5 beliefs of people who refuse to quit:



1. Next Time Will Be Better


Each time I failed, I used that experience to learn from it. I wrote down the things I thought I did really well and the negative things I thought caused the downfall. By doing this, I was able to openly reflect on the whole experience.



After that, I had two choices. I could give up or I could create a new plan that incorporated all this feedback. Successful people always choose the latter option. They create a new plan and have confidence that the next time around will be far better.



2. You Only Have To Be Right Once 


Here’s the beautiful part about being an entrepreneur, you ONLY need to be right once. You can find a thousand ways that don’t work and fail just as many times. People do not remember you for your failures, but for your successes.



As long as you’re able to get it right once, you can make a lot of money, change the world and disrupt a massive industry. People who refuse to quit understand this belief. They know that it’s nearly impossible to get everything perfect the first time around.



3. They Believe In Taking Risks


Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you that they did something that not many others were willing to do. Often times, this means taking a big risk. If you’re looking to limit risk, chances are you might end up failing.



Successful individuals understand risks, but they aren’t afraid to fearlessly push through these challenges. You have to take a risk and push yourself to the limits to be successful. It won’t be easy, but it will be worthwhile.



4. Mind Over Matter


This saying might be really cliche or overused, but I still think it is extremely powerful. Successful individuals need to master their minds. If you have the proper mindset, you can truly achieve anything.



In order to push past failures and stop yourself from quitting, you need to believe in yourself. It doesn’t matter if no one else in the world believes in you as long as you believe in your own dreams. Mental strength and self-confidence are keys to success.



5. Haters Don’t Phase Them


When you fail or stumble upon a nasty roadblock, people will always be there to laugh and criticize your actions. Many people let this outside influence stop them from continuing their dreams.



That’s a deadly mistake you want to avoid at all costs. Sometimes, you have to embark on a vision that only you can see. If others saw it too, they’d be creating a journey of their own. Always listen to what others have to say, but take it with a grain of salt. Make your own decisions and follow your own path in life.





Finding success in this world requires a lot of determination and grit. In this article, I shared 5 beliefs of people who refuse to quit.



photo credit: RGT3 Pics via photopin cc


10 Habits That Lead To Success

In this article, I share my 10 habits that lead to success. By working on these habits, your chances of success dramatically increase.


Regardless of whether you’re an entrepreneur, artist, athlete, or something else, success is something most people chase. I found out quickly as an entrepreneur that you had to follow some basic habits to eventually find success.



While these habits take time to develop, they can be a vital tool that can help you throughout your life. In this article, I’m going to share 10 habits that lead to success:



1. Fear Nothing


It’s okay to be fearful of things, but it’s not okay to let fear run your world. When I started out as an entrepreneur in high school, I was terrified of what people in the business world would think of me.



I was so scared that I never met with people in real life and tried running my business completely online. I could charge thousands of dollars more, but I let fear stop me. I quickly overcame my fear and tackled the business world head on, which allowed me to grow my business to 15+ employees and sell it years later.



2. Failure Isn’t Final 


Failure stops so many people. It’s a sad, but true fact. I quickly learned that I can only fail when I refuse to get back up. Failure is actually an amazing thing and you should embrace it.



Learn from your failures and keep trying. You’re only a failure if you refuse to get back up when you fall down. Failure doesn’t define you OR your business, it’s just an event (something that happens).



3. Accept Positivity & Negativity Equally


If you only heard good things about yourself, you wouldn’t know how to potentially improve. In order to be successful, you need to be willing to hear the bad things people have to say about yourself so that you can fix them.



Don’t get upset when people are critical of you, but rather embrace it just like you would if someone said something positive. Growth is continuous and criticism can help you develop.



4. Never Say Never


Pessimistic people don’t do very well in the world. Regardless of what you’re trying to achieve, never assume it’s impossible.



I learned early on that impossibilities don’t exist in the real world, but only in our minds. What we believe is what we achieve so you should be careful how you think of things.



5. Be A Leader, Not A Dictator


Dictators command people to do things. Leaders give people reason to do things. If you can lead people, you will be successful.



Managing people isn’t a skill, it’s an art. The quicker you’re able to master that art, the more successful you will be. Regardless of what you do, communicating and managing people are going to be crucial to your success.



6. Dumb Questions Don’t Exist


The power of asking is unbelievable. The other day I was at one of my favorite restaurants where I was chatting with the manager who knows me very well. After telling me how loyal of a customer I am, I jokingly asked him for a discount on my takeout order.



Without any hesitation, he gave me my order for FREE. I was completely joking, but it showed me the power of asking. Regardless of what you do, ask everything that comes to mind so that you can learn and enjoy.



7. Be Weary of Satisfaction


99% of people don’t follow this rule and consequently the wealthiest class in the world consists of 1% of the population. Satisfaction is extremely dangerous.



Many of us have dreams of winning championships or making millions of dollars, but we stop too soon. We get satisfied with winning a few regular season games or making thousands of dollars a month. Never be satisfied with just ‘good enough’.



8. Don’t Back Down From Challenges


I’ve been given the opportunity to do a TED talk which I will be presenting to a live audience on Saturday. This was one of the hardest challenges I have ever taken on.



Many speakers that were set to speak got cut, but thankfully I wasn’t. This was a challenge for me and everyone knew it, but I wasn’t going to give up until I accomplished it. Being a ‘regular speaker’, it was very hard for me to transition into the rigid rules of TED.



9. Visualize Your Definition of Success Every Morning


What is success to you? We all have our definitions, but it’s very important to have a clear visualization of what success truly means to us.



Once you have that definition, find a way to visualize it every single morning. The moment I wake up from my bed, I have a white board with my goals and definitions of success right in front of me. This gives me a reminder of what I’m working for while motivating me every morning!



10. Be The Best You


Don’t change to make society happy. Be the best you that you POSSIBLY can be. You’re truly special and by staying true to yourself, you can do tremendous things.



From someone who wanted to be just like others growing up, I quickly realized that there is no better feeling than knowing that you are different from others. Embrace your uniqueness and be true to who you really are.





In this article, I shared 10 habits that lead to success. By implementing some of these habits into your daily life, you can get one step closer to achieving your dreams.



photo credit: Paxson Woelber via photopin cc