5 Takeaways To Keep From The Biggest Failures In Your Life

Failure in particular is one experience we desperately try to avoid. Although our accomplishments drive us toward success, failure can be highly instrumental in our ability to succeed. In this post, I shared with you the 5 takeaways to keep from the biggest failures in your life.

Everyone fails in life. At one point or another, you’re going to suffer through failure. If you haven’t already experienced some monumental failures, then you’ll just wait and see. The problem? Most people associate failure with complete defeat. But through those failures, we learn some important lessons.

When we fail, we learn. We grow and mature while achieving new understandings and perspectives on life, love, business, money, relationships and people. We’re forced to make new connections, bridging gaps where we hadn’t connected the dots before. Failure is also a part of the genetic makeup of life. Our DNA is the result of endless failures. With each iteration, our genetic fiber has used those failures to evolve. It’s part of natural selection and the grand design of things here on earth.

However, if you’re going through failure right now, you might not find its utility at this moment. We know that wading through failure hurts. In fact, the pain can run so deep that at times you may begin to question your very existence. However, there’s most certainly light at the end of the tunnel.

Here are the 5 takeaways to keep from the biggest failures in your life:

1. Failure Gives The Best Experience

The first and most important lesson gained from failure is an experience. What happens when we fail? When we go through something and can walk away with firsthand experience, it helps us to develop a deeper understanding of life. The experience of failing at something is truly invaluable. It completely alters our frame-of-mind through the induction of pain. It makes us reflect on the real nature of things and their importance in our lives, transforming and improving our future-selves.

2. It Helps To Redefine Your Priorities In Life

Failure will either make you or it will break you. But it can’t make you until it breaks you. That’s the tricky part. No one has experienced a wild sense of success without first failing in a major way. While some have had to endure only a few failures before success, others have endured thousands.

But when you fail, something strange happens. You begin to redefine the priorities in life. You reorder the things that matter to you. You look inwards, forcing an inventory of your hopes and your dreams. It is at this time that you come to realize the things that matter the most to you.

For most, this redefinition of priorities is a crucial step for overcoming failure. You shuffle things around to make room for what’s important. If success is as important to you as you think, then you begin to make the necessary adjustments to make success your number one priority.

3. Failure Boosts Confidence

When we work through failure in order to succeed, we realize that we have the ability to overcome challenges. That realization builds a sense of confidence that helps us persevere and accomplish what we set out to do and to take on future challenges more easily. Another great thing about failure is that it seems like the most troubling thing at the time. However, once you overcome failure, you become more confident in your ability to get past hardships.

4. You Learn Who Your True Friends Really Are

Failure acts as a “friend filter,” so to speak. When you’re succeeding, everyone wants to be around you. But when you fail, most of those so-called friends disappear.  At the time, it feels painful and it may feel as if everyone is betraying you. However, true friends love you for who you are, not how successful you are.

A true friend doesn’t care about how much money you have in the bank or the kinds of things that you’ve accomplished. The friends who really care about you will stick around. They’ll inspire and motivate you. They will be there to uplift you rather than to pull you down. They say positive things without focusing on the negatives. True friends will be there for you no matter what!

5. Failure Makes Us Grateful

If we could easily achieve everything we put our minds to, our achievements and successes would become commonplace and meaningless. When we have to work hard to get what we want, we gain a deeper appreciation for our achievements. As I love to say, if it it’s not difficult, is it really worth having?


Failure in particular is one experience we desperately try to avoid. Although our accomplishments drive us toward success, failure can be highly instrumental in our ability to succeed. In this post, I shared with you the 5 takeaways to keep from the biggest failures in your life.

8 Ways To Bounce Back After Your Big Idea Fails

Failure is inevitable, but this is not the reason for you to stop and give up with your ideas. To be a successful entrepreneur, one must know how to get up from failure and start again. When the first idea fails, the number is infinite to have a new idea to have a successful business. In this post, I share with you 8 ways to bounce back after your big idea fails.

Failure is an essential step to reaching success, but it can still feel like it’s crushing your soul. To make failure your friend and not your enemy, you must overcome it. Here are some strategies for moving on after suffering some tough losses.

Failure is defined as a lack of success by many, but this really isn’t true. Failure only defines you if you allow it to, otherwise it’s an event. It’s a tough pill to swallow when your big idea fails, but the most successful individuals in the world were able to bounce back.

Here are 8 ways to bounce back after your big idea fails:

1. Feel What You Need to Feel

Failure can take a hefty emotional toll and that’s okay. What’s important is getting the negative feelings you have out of your system so you can regroup and tackle what’s next. Don’t trap your feelings inside of you because bottling up your emotions will only lead to emotional outbursts and overwhelming negativity.

So, how do you let it all out? There are a few ways to get the bad feelings out of you while gaining the knowledge you need. Start by setting aside some time, talk about it with friends and family, don’t allow it to become a part of your identity and acknowledge the open wounds you may have from failing. When hurt, you must confront it and that’s how you can get past it.

2. Be Realistically Optimistic

A recent study found that adopting an attitude of “realistic optimism,” which combines the positive outlook of optimists with the critical thinking of pessimists can boost happiness and resilience. Be realistic with your expectations, but keep a hope that you can make it.

Every time realistic optimists face an issue or a challenge or a problem, they won’t say, ‘I have no choice and this is the only thing I can do.’ Instead, they will be creative. They will have a plan A, plan B and plan C.

3. Deal With Failure

When you fail, you have to find a healthy way to deal with it otherwise it will haunt you for a very long time. You will need to accept, acknowledge and live with this temporary failure. Make life easier by reaching out to friends and family who can help you feel better.

Next, find people who have been through similar situations. Discussing your experiences and seeking their perspectives will make it easier to embrace this moment. While you do this, neither be ashamed of your failure. Be vulnerable and be honest because this is what will help you eventually get past these challenges.

4. Be Honest

In a very transparent manner, map out how things ended up happening the way they did. Think about what went wrong and why. Don’t rationalize anything. If need be, call on a mentor or a friend with an outside perspective to keep you accountable.

5. Change Your Definition of Failure

Failure is good. It can be hard to think of it that way, but changing your definition of failure can help you cope. Failure is a learning and growing opportunity that is necessary for growth.

Every mistake is a learning opportunity and after you’ve moved past your emotions, it’s important to revisit your mistakes with a new perspective. Look at what you did that went wrong, but also look at what you did that was right and also what you can do better next time. Failure is rarely so black and white.

6. Take A Break

Take some time off. This period is critical because it allows you to get all your emotions and thoughts together. Try taking a trip, spending time with loved ones, watching movies or getting some exercise.

Switch off your cell phone, tune out social media and anything else that may have you thinking about your failures. A clean break helps you get tuned to what matters and what doesn’t. Then, your comeback is stronger.

7. Seek Out Opportunities For Growth And Learning

Resilient people seek out growth experiences that boost self-reliance and individual decision-making skills, which gives them confidence in their ability to bounce back from failure. As a sense of competence increases, individuals are better able to respond efficiently to unfamiliar or challenging situations and persevere in the face of failures and challenges.

Those who have mastered the art of resilience know that setbacks and problems can be our most powerful learning opportunities. Some of the world’s most successful people have been fired from their jobs and used the experience to learn something about themselves.

8. Count Your Blessings

It’s not all bad, is it? Sometimes we can all use a moment to count our blessings. This is why successful entrepreneurs recommend that every day, no matter what, write down what you’re most grateful for. The list works as a practical tool. If you face a setback, you can quickly access a stack of lists to prove how much is still going right in your life. Researchers found that those who posted more to the gratitude journals on a particular day rated that day more positive overall.


Failure is inevitable, but this is not the reason for you to stop and give up with your ideas. To be a successful entrepreneur, one must know how to get up from failure and start again. When the first idea fails, the number is infinite to have a new idea to have a successful business. In this post, I share with you 8 ways to bounce back after your big idea fails.