I Got Up At 5 AM For 2 Weeks, Here’s What I Learned…

Waking up early is the key to having a healthy lifestyle and success in life. This will impact your life a great deal. Make no mistake, improvement will be inevitable, no matter in which aspect of life we are talking about. In this post, I shared with you what I have learned when I tried getting up at 5 AM for 2 weeks.

Waking up early is probably one of the most important things if you want to witness your own success, no matter what area of your life we are talking about. It’s the cornerstone principle of having a healthy lifestyle, but helps giving you a life that will have you feeling fulfilled.

We all know that successful people are early risers, but it can be a challenge to wake up early in the morning when you’re a chronic night owl. Just like early birds experience a burst of energy and creativity in the morning, night owls get their creative juices flowing at night. I found myself to be more of a night person than a morning person for years. However, I thought it was crucial to my self development to see how things would be if I woke up early in the morning instead.

I got up at 5 am for 2 weeks, here’s what I learned:

1. Far More Productive 

Getting up early gives me a kick start for the day ahead. Besides allowing more hours for work, it also boosts my speed and efficiency. Studies have suggested that when a person gets up early, he/she is more energetic and takes lesser time to do a task that would take more time otherwise. By waking up early, I became more well equipped at making better decisions, planning and achieving my goals.

2. I Got To Eat Healthier Foods

Being an early riser also gives you enough time to have a good breakfast. Honestly, in my old schedule I wasn’t even eating breakfast. Not only did my diet improve, but I feel myself getting healthier. By waking up early, I have enough time to make a healthy breakfast and I’m able to eat dinner at an earlier hour.

Waking up early in the morning gives me enough time to prepare a healthy and nutritious meal. An essential part to our productivity is having a good and healthy breakfast. If you wake up early, you’re going to have enough time for a good breakfast that will have your body feeling even better.

3. Tackle The Tasks Without Feeling Drained

Morning hours are considered as the most productive hours of the day. Start your morning with the hardest tasks and you will easily accomplish the easier ones throughout the rest of your day. This strategy makes morning people more productive during the day and also gives them more energy in the evening.

4. You’ll Be in Better Shape

The most important thing is to manage your energy levels. If you exercise in the morning, you’ll have more energy the rest of the day. You’re more likely to work out in the morning and stick to your routine. That makes complete sense when you think about how full your afternoons can get. It’s easy to just go home, but if you get it out of the way in the morning, you won’t have to worry about it. Morning workouts are a great way to give your body an extra boost. In addition to that, I saw myself getting in better shape because I wasn’t eating as late as night and going to bed on a full stomach.

5. Mental Health

One very significant benefit of waking up early is reduced stress levels. When you wake up early, it eliminates the need to rush in the morning. You can then start your day on an optimistic note and such positivity often stays with you throughout the day. People don’t realize it, but being up before the sun comes up can be great for your overall mental health.

6. Peak Willpower

Another major benefit of waking up early is that you’re willpower will be at its peak. Willpower is a limited resource that gets renewed every day and it’s highest usually in the morning. After you’ve had a very good night’s sleep and you’re physically energized, you can use it to your advantage. You can use it to break bad habits such as smoking or find ways to start a new business.

7. Wake Up Feeling Better

Night owls feel terrible waking up in the morning with the sun shining up agains their face. We’ve all been there and most of us wake up with puffy eyes and over time, you start developing wrinkles. The best part of waking up early that I learned was that I didn’t wake up feeling tired and drained. I also began reading that many morning risers have much fewer wrinkles and skin issues.

8. Have More Time For The People You Love

When you wake up earlier, chances are you can accomplish many tasks in the morning. When you head home from the office, you have more free time to spend with your family, friends,or just yourself. No more urgent projects or emails after 7 pm. Life is too short to spend it with your gadgets only. I learned that more people are awake and available during the day than they are late at night.


Waking up early is the key to having a healthy lifestyle and success in life. This will impact your life a great deal. Make no mistake, improvement will be inevitable, no matter in which aspect of life we are talking about. In this post, I shared with you what I have learned when I tried getting up at 5 AM for 2 weeks.

10 Tips For Waking Up Early And Running The Day

Remember one thing, Beyonce and you both have the same 24 hours in the day. It’s all about what you do with your time and where you apply yourself. In this post, I share with you 10 tips for waking up early and running the day.

Many people have a really tough time getting out of bed in the morning and end up becoming night owls. While there’s nothing wrong with being a night owl, it’s true that the early bird does get the worm. If you’re in a business where you need to be up early, you’ve got a find a way to wake up ready to run the day!

You’ve probably heard time after time that some of the most influential and successful people in the world wake up at the crack of dawn. I’ve tried waking up early and late, which has allowed me to learn one major thing. When I’ve woken up early, I’ve been far more productive.

Here are 10 tips for waking up early and running the day:

1. Sleep When Feeling Tired

One of the reasons why we sleep is to rest our bodies and recharge our energy. The best time to hit the hay is when your body is tired because it means you’ll probably fall asleep pretty quickly. Having a sleep pattern of sleeping when tired and waking up at a set time can help adjust the body clock on a routine, which will make it easier to get up each morning.

2. Wake Up Before Your Alarm

Setting up an alarm is almost mandatory when you attempt to wake up early initially. However, once you get in the habit of getting up early, you’ll be surprised to find that you can probably wake up without an alarm. When you wake up without an alarm, you wake up more refreshed and focused. For example, set your alarm at 6:05 AM if you want to wake up at 6 AM. See if you can automatically wake up at 6:00 AM after you make it a habit to wake up at that time with the alarm for 15-20 days.

3. Don’t Go Cold Turkey

It is not easy to change a routine that may have been developed for years. If you routinely wake up at 8 AM and suddenly want to change it to 5 AM, you can’t just do that overnight. The body will experience a jolt from the sudden change and you’ll feel sluggish and deprived of sleep that day. You need to gradually make a transition. Try to wake up an hour earlier for a week before moving back another hour. Improving your waking time in smaller chunks until you have finally reached your ultimate goal.

4. Sleep Earlier

Logically if you want to wake up earlier, you probably should go to bed earlier. You need to get a sufficient amount of sleep each night for your body to be alert and ready for the work day. I recommend sleeping at least 6 hours, but aiming for 8 hours per night. Getting a good night’s rest will make your body relax, feel recharged and ready to take on the day!

5. Understand Why 

When you want to wake up early, you need to develop the proper mindset on why you want to wake up early. Otherwise, you’ll just hit the snooze button and go right back to sleep each morning. Some of the regular activities you can do are to listen to podcasts, read about people who wake up early and let them inspire you while reminding yourself why you need to wake up early. If you consume yourself with this kind of material, you’ll feel excited to get up each morning.

6. Reduce Exposure To Blue Lights

One of the main reasons why we find it difficult to wake up each morning is because of the blue lights we get from televisions, computers, cell phones and other technological devices.  When we are frequently exposed to them before bedtime, they become detrimental to our sleep. To be able to sleep early and wake up early, we must limit our exposure to blue lights before bed. Avoid using electronics 2-3 hours before bed and you’ll get a better night of rest and a more productive day ahead.

7. Stop Consuming Caffeine Before Sleep

Caffeine is what keeps us going in the morning, but caffeine before sleep can cause us to sleep late and wake up late as well. Caffeine is not bad for the body, but according to FDA studies, caffeine hits the body an hour after consumption and can stay for four to six hours. Make it a personal rule to stop caffeine consumption at least six hours before bed so that you can you wake up early the next day and be productive.

8. Have A Goal Set Before Sleeping

Some people like to read while others like to browse the news before going to bed each night. However, I like to plan out my following day and get excited for what tasks I have on my calendar the following day. By doing this, I set goals and plan my day out the night before. When you set a goal before you sleep, you are more likely to wake up early because you should be excited to get shit done. Add an urgency to your goals and you’ll find yourself waking up early.

9. Know The Reason You Wake Up Late

Reflection is key when you want to become better in anything. You may need to take some time to evaluate your own life and understand why you’re always late in waking up. When you evaluate and isolate the problem areas, you can create a specific plan to fix those issues and improve your schedule over time.

10. Make It A Habit 

It’s great if you manage to wake up early once, but it doesn’t mean much. You need to really make it a habit and there’s only one way to do that. Consistency. Consistency is key, especially when it comes to building a proper routine. When you make it a habit to wake up early, you will be able to become more productive and do more to improve your career and attain success.


Remember one thing, Beyonce and you both have the same 24 hours in the day. It’s all about what you do with your time and where you apply yourself. In this post, I shared with you 10 tips for waking up early and running the day.