Why I Follow Back And You Should Too

In this article, I discuss why I follow back and you should too on social media platforms. This post mainly highlights my success on Twitter through the use of this system.


For any of you who have connected with me through social media platforms such as Twitter, you probably have noticed that I follow back. Within 24-48 hours, I make sure to follow back everyone else who has made a genuine effort to connect with me.



The results are indicative through my followers and high engagement rate on Twitter. I have seen very good engagement with all of my tweets as well as having my Twitter following grow to 185K+ in about a year and a half.



Many people don’t believe in the idea of following back. They think it’s much cooler to follow 10 people and have 100,000 people following you back. Some don’t understand why they should follow back while others are simply too lazy for it.



In this post, I’m going to share with you why I follow back and you should too:



Be On The Same Level


The biggest reason why I follow back people is because I don’t want to put myself on an elevated platform. I don’t want to be that douche bag who never follows back because he thinks he is better than his followers.



Truth be told, I’m not better than my followers. I see my followers eye to eye. It doesn’t matter how much money they have in their bank account or how successful they are, I treat everyone the same. If you don’t look down upon people, a great way to show them that is by genuinely taking time out of your busy day to follow them back.



Engagement Shoots Through The Roof


As soon as I began following back everyone who followed me, I noticed the engagement on Twitter skyrocketing. I was getting more mentions, retweets and favorites instantly.



People love to feel some sort of connection with others. I’m not some kind of robot that is just going through the motions on Twitter. I give it a much more personal feel by following people back and taking time to care about who they are.



Followers Stick


One of my buddies was recently complaining to me about how he gets 500 followers but loses 300 of them the next day. I asked him if he was following back and he said no. I told him to run a test on my behalf.



I had him follow the individuals that unfollowed him to see how many of those individuals would follow him back. Within 3 days, 287 of those people had followed him back.



Call To Actions Convert Better


If you’re reading this blog, there’s a very good chance that you found out about it through my Twitter page. Let me break down some amazing statistics for you that I have to thank Twitter for:



Time Spent Blogging (Weekly): 5 Hours


Traffic Weekly (Uniques To My Blog): 10,000 to 15,000 Visitors


Traffic From Twitter: 65-80%



Okay, now lets put this math into perspective. My call to action on my Twitter profile is my personal website/blog. Before following people back, I was averaging hundreds of uniques a month. After changing up my strategy, I am now averaging around 40,000 to 60,000 unique visitors a month.



Why? The answer is simple. People are more likely to engage with your content and your posts if they have a deeper connection to you. I never did anything differently aside from following people back to achieve this success.



You Build Powerful Relationships


I have built thousands of amazing relationships just through Twitter. This has all happened because I made sure to follow people back and learn about others through their profiles. By doing so, I’ve opened up tons of opportunities for my businesses.



By adding a human touch to your social media profiles, you’ll be surprised as to how many people are willing to share cool opportunities with you. Not only do I receive dozens of emails from my followers, I’ve come across new clients, speaking opportunities and more all through Twitter.





Being successful on Twitter doesn’t correlate to just one thing. However, following people back had to be one of the primary factors to my massive success on Twitter. In this article, I share why I follow back and you should too.



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