5 Big Differences Between The Middle Class And Wealthy People

In this post, I shared 5 big differences between the middle class and wealthy people. If you want to be successful, you need to learn from the rich.


The top 1% has more combined wealth than all of the remaining 99% of the population according to numerous surveys. However, people often times forget that our world isn’t just separated by poor and wealthy people.



We have something in the middle, which is subsequently known as the middle class. As of late, the middle class has been shrinking which means most people may end up falling in the category of either poor or wealthy. Which side do you want to fall in?



Most people probably want to be in the wealthy category. In order to do so, you’re going to have to differentiate the way you think quite a bit. Here are 5 big differences between the middle class and wealthy people:



1. The middle class lives above their means, while the rich live below it.


Wealthy people didn’t get rich by buying expensive things the moment a little bit of money came their way. Instead, they look for ways to invest their money so that they can grow it even further. The middle class on the other hand is running to buy the next great car or item as soon as a little bit of money comes their way.



Have you wondered why so many athletes earn millions of dollars in their career but still end up being bankrupt a few years after they retire? Well, it’s simply because of poor money management. If you earn $2 million dollars and spend $2 million dollars a year, you’re still broke as hell.



2. The middle class cares about saving, the rich cares about investing.


Every dollar that a middle class person usually gets either goes in their savings account or pays off a credit card. In the meantime, the rich are constantly looking for the next great investment opportunity. They understand that money is a tool that allows you to grow your money even further.



Instead of hiding their money in a bank account, the wealthy are constantly looking for ways to create even more assets. Stop hiding your money and start investing it. That’s a key to long-term monetary success.



3. The middle class tries to be friends with everyone, the rich are extremely picky.


Your income will usually end up being the average income of your four closest friends. If you want to earn more money, find more successful people to surround yourself with. It’s about having a similar mindset as others who are on a similar path as you.



The wealthy don’t give a shit if you’re going to be their friend or not. They understand that they want to surround themselves with the right people so that they can be successful. If you want to become wealthy, pick your friends very wisely.



4. The middle class finds jobs, while the rich create jobs.


When you find a job, you are essentially looking for an employer that will pay you a fixed amount of salary. When you create jobs, you are looking for employees that are going to increase your net profits by a certain percentage. That is the biggest difference between the wealthy and middle class mindset.



Instead of looking for jobs, try to create something where you can create jobs. Working for someone else isn’t safe. Anyone that tells you that is absolutely wrong. Someone else controls your future and can fire you over just about anything. Someone who runs their own business controls their future because their own decisions can lead to their success or demise.



5. The middle class has goals with flexible deadlines, while the wealthy have ‘do or die’ goals. 


How you prioritize your life and goals truly determine how successful you can be. If you set a goal for yourself, are you willing to budge or make an excuse to buy yourself time? If so, you’re going to be in the middle class.



Wealthy people live and die by their goals. If they set out a goal for themselves, they will do whatever it takes to make sure they complete that goal. The way you prioritize and schedule out your day is crucial to your success in life.





In this post, I shared 5 big differences between the middle class and wealthy people. What are some large differences that you have noticed?



photo credit: Mercedes AMG via photopin (license)