
10 Helpful Tips For Using Twitter For Marketing


Twitter is an underrated marketing tool that many people often tend to overlook. For me, it’s been one of the most successful ways to market myself and my businesses.



Many businesses and personal brands have been thriving for the last few years when they have unlocked the tricks behind using Twitter. In this article, I share my 10 helpful tips for using Twitter for marketing:



1. Create A Professional Profile


The image for your profile picture is 81 x 81 pixels. The image for your header is 520 x 260 pixels. Make sure you get a graphic designer to professionally create these images for you so that you reflect your brand properly.



2. Post More Than General Messages


Everyone wants to sell more merchandise or get more customers using Twitter, but it’s not that easy. Don’t bore your followers and potential customers by sharing the same boring stuff. Look for unique content or posts that you can share with your audience.



3. Actively Check Your Mentions


Speedy responses are a great way to stay connected with your audience. If someone has a comment, question or concern….they should be able to tweet at you. Check it every few hours and make sure you provide helpful answers to your mentions. It’ll make your brand look a little better.



4. Use Hashtags The Right Way


Hashtags aren’t a way to spam random words or phrases into each of your posts. That’s the easiest way to look like an amateur. If you want to use hashtags properly, search for different phrases. Go through these phrases that are relevant to your business or brand and see how you can make a splash.



5. Tweet Consistently And Regularly


The more you tweet from your profile, the healthier your account is. I try posting 3-4 times a day on my personal Twitter account. The key to Twitter marketing is to ensure you have a high level of engagement with your audience. The more tweets you put out, the better your engagement numbers will be.



6. Follow The Trends


Twitter has a trending section on the left that shows you the most popular things that are taking place at a specific time. If you put your brand or business in more of the trending topics (relevant ones), you will have more people looking at your business. If you tag your posts with trending hashtags, you can raise awareness for your brand easily.



7. Images And Videos Convert Well


No matter what social network you are on, you’ll find that images and videos tend to convert better than anything else. Twitter works just the same even though most posts are driven through text. If you can find images or videos to mix in with your posts, that’ll get more eye balls to your page.



8. Integrate Twitter With Your Other Marketing Methods 


If you have a blog or website, make sure you are finding a way to connect your site with your social media profiles. For example, I have a “Follow Me” button and a Twitter feed showing my latest posts on my website. If you can get your visitors to convert to followers, you are putting your potential customers closer than before.



9. Action Words Have Higher CTR’s 


If you’re looking for a higher click-through-rate, you need to include action words that feature verbs and adverbs in your posts. Marketers have analyzed over 200,000 links that have contained tweets and they quickly found out that verbs and adverbs had much higher CTR’s than tweets that were heavy with adjectives and nouns.



10. Be Authentic 


The key to Twitter is that a ton of different personalities are active on it. You need to be original and authentic with the way you post your content on that network. Showcase your brand through your tweets, don’t be too focused on putting up a fake front. Authenticity always win at the end.





In this article, I shared my 10 helpful tips for using Twitter for marketing. What are some tips that have worked especially well for you?



photo credit: JefferyTurner via photopin cc


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