
10 Things You’ll Never Hear From A Successful Person


It is nothing aside from your own thoughts that determine whether you will be successful or not. Every individual who is wildly successful today mastered their own mind and thoughts. Do you have the power to do that?



If you don’t, you better get the strength necessary to do so. If you make it a habit to think positively, you’ll see it carry out within your own actions. Here are 10 things you’ll never hear from a successful person:



1. “That’s not possible.”


Whether it’s a customer or a boss asking you to do something, saying that something isn’t possible will never get you very far. Businesses are successful when they fulfill the demands of their customers. Do whatever it takes to make the impossible, possible.



2. “I’m not good enough.”


If you don’t have self-confidence, it’s going to be really hard to believe in yourself. Being confident is a trait that will not only follow you in business, but it will also carry into your personal life. Believe in yourself and make sure you trust your abilities.



3. “I’m not interested.”


Don’t ever be the person who lets opportunity go by because they were too busy. Opportunities are always around you and successful people are always keeping their eyes and ears open to find the next big thing. If someone is bringing something to you, give them a few minutes to express themselves.



4. “I did it on my own.”


Successful people are usually humble and understand that no huge success can be achieved alone. They are always willing to thank their team and support system around them for any accomplishments they make. Don’t be selfish and take credit from others who deserve it.



5. “I need a vacation.”


If you need a vacation, you’re doing something wrong. It’s okay to want a vacation or to go somewhere, but you should never ‘need’ one. If you need one, you’re not following your passions and doing something you love.



6. “I don’t know how to do it.”


Those words are also poison. If you don’t know how to do something, your answer never should be “IDK”. Instead, you should be saying, “I’m not sure, but I’ll find a way”. If you don’t have the answers, go out and seek them.



7. “I’m scared.”


If you let fear run your life, you’ll never have the courage necessary to take a risk. Successful people are never fearful of anything. Successful people aren’t scared of taking risks even if it means being terrified along the way.



8. “I don’t want to make a mistake.”


Mistakes are apart of life. The quicker you find out that it is okay to make mistakes and that perfection doesn’t exist, the faster you will be able to reach your goals. Don’t ever stop yourself from doing something because you’re afraid of making a few mistakes along the way.



9. “I’d rather not do extra work.”


Regardless of how many hours a successful person has put in, they understand the value of hard work. If they can do more work in order to better themselves or their business, they will do it without complaining.



10. “That can wait.”


Successful people understand that there is no better time to do something than now. If you want something bad enough, you’ll get it done now. If you put things off for later or make excuses, you’re not committed to your dreams or goals. Never say something can wait.





The things you say and your attitude towards certain things can have a huge impact on the amount of success you achieve. In this post, we discussed 10 things you’ll never hear from a successful person.



photo credit: ilkerender via photopin cc


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