
10 Tips On How To Inspire People Around You


As of late, I’ve been very passionate about inspiring people and changing lives of others. Since this is something I never aimed to do, it’s been hard to figure out what works and doesn’t work.



However, I finally feel that I have been able to master this skill. Through my experiences in the last 6 months, I have quickly found many more people reaching out to me and thanking me for the inspiration I have provided them.



In this article, I’m going to share 10 tips on how to inspire people around you:



1. Be You


People aren’t inspired by fakers. I quickly realized that people were inspired by me and what I did on a regular basis. I didn’t have to put on a fake persona or go out of my way to inspire others. As long as you are the best you, people will automatically be attracted to you.



2. Care About People


When people reach out to me, I always give them a response. I do admit I wish I could get on the phone or give people the ultimate value when they reach out to me, but it sometimes isn’t possible with my time commitments. Regardless, people know I care about them by the effort I put in which helps inspire others.



3. Have A Passion That’s Contagious 


Anyone who meets me immediately sees my passion for the things I do. When you are enthusiastic, that energy is contagious. Others see it and believe it themselves as well. A lot of people have been inspired simply by me being passionate about changing the world. Be passionate and others will follow in your footsteps.



4. Be Cool, Calm and Confident


I’m very realistic about everything. If sh*t is going bad, I’ll be the first one to admit it. However, I am not easily rocked by some negativity. I am always cool, calm and confident. If you want to inspire others, you need to be confident in your abilities through thick and thin. Nobody likes to follow the example of someone who is shaky.



5. Shoot for the Moon


Anyone who knows me can tell you that I’m always shooting for the moon. I don’t always get to the moon, but I’m guaranteed to land in the stars. Role models don’t aim for mediocrity, they aim to be the best. You can inspire people when you set your goals above their expectations.



6. Be Humble


Nobody likes to feel as if they are worse than anyone else. Treat everyone equally and remember that money doesn’t necessarily mean you are better than someone else. Keep your head down and work hard in silence so that success can make the noise. People will automatically notice you.



7. Keep Your Promises


No matter how big or small the promise may be, people respect you based on how honest you are. I’ve made numerous appearances at volunteer events and conferences even if it’s been tough on my schedule. I value the opportunity to inspire others so highly that I will go above and beyond to show up even when things are rough.



8. Listen Well


I learned as much as I did as quickly as I did because I listened to others. It doesn’t matter if you’re giving help or seeking help, listen to others. I’ve been able to inspire and help others because I take the time to truly understand their wants and needs.



9. Accept Your Flaws/Weaknesses


Nobody likes to look up to Superman because they feel as if they can never become a super-power like that. People like to be inspired by other humans who have done great things. Part of being human is making mistakes and having flaws. Share your and flaws and weaknesses with the world so that they can truly get to know you.



10. Don’t Preach


Nobody wants to hear someone preach about their successes or ideas. Instead, find a unique way to get your points across to your audience. I’ve been able to inspire so many people not because I beg them to come to me, but rather because I share my thoughts and ideas and people are naturally attracted to it.





I’m very fortunate to have the ability to inspire and motivate people with their dreams. I’m very thankful for this opportunity and if you are in a position similar to me, I truly hope you capitalize on the opportunity as well.



photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc


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