
10 Weekend Habits That Highly Successful People Follow

While most people know what other successful people do during the week, many of us are unsure of how successful people live during the weekends. Everyone has the same 24 hours a day, but how we use the time each day directly impacts how much you can get done. A great way to get ahead is to utilize your weekends in a much more effective manner than others do.

From my own experiences and from talking with numerous other successful individuals, I have learned quite a bit about what other people do during the weekends. I quickly found out that most successful people had very unique weekend habits and these habits set them apart from other people. These habits are the reasons why they are successful and they continue to excel in their respective fields.

Change your weekend habits and you might find yourself tapping into potential that you never knew you had. In this post, I will share with you 10 weekend habits that highly successful people follow:

1. They Don’t Sleep In 

It has become a habit for highly successful people to wake up the same time they normally do regardless of what day in the week it is. For the average person, they are tempted to sleep in during the weekends to catch up on their lost sleep. Even though it might feel good temporarily, having to wake up at inconsistent times can disturb a persons circadian rhtyhm. When you sleep past your normal wake up time, it can disrupt your body clock and make you far less productive when Monday rolls around.

2. Mornings Are “Me” Time

Most of the successful people I know have family, friends and various responsibilities. They have said that finding some “me” time is often tough, but they make sure that they carve our sometime for themselves. They find a way to engage themselves in activities that they are passionate about. Having some “me” time each morning can pay massive dividends in happiness and cleanliness of the mind. The mind achieves peak performance two to four hours after waking up. Successful people make use of this and engage into something mentally challenging while their minds are at its peak.

3. They Create A Schedule

Weekends are a time to rest and slow down after a week of grinding and hustling. However, successful people can be restless and they want to do something that they can benefit from when Monday comes around. They plan tasks that they want to accomplish on a Saturday or a Sunday. These various tasks can help them feel that they are still productive during the weekend while they still get to enjoy their free time.

4. They Catch Up On Important Things

Contrary to what most people believe, successful people do not spend all their waking hours working. They also make time for their family members, friends and other relationships that are meaningful to them. Not only that, but they also utilize this free time to get some chores done and fit in some exercise. Successful people understand that work is important, but family, home, and health are also just as important. They make sure that they balance their work life and home life.

5. They Take A Break

Successful people also take time to take a break. They understand that their minds should not be working full-tilt 24/7 and they utilize the weekends to really disconnect from their work lives. They add entertainment to their weekend to relax and take their mind off of work.

6. They Pursue Their Passions

Pursuing their passions during the weekend is one way for successful people to escape the stresses of daily life and open their minds to new ways of thinking. Pursuing your passion can help stimulate the different modes of thought that can reap huge dividends over the coming week. For example, I play competitive basketball in an adult league during the weekends that helps me analyze and think of things much differently than I would in the business world.

7. They Disconnect

Disconnecting themselves during the weekend is one of the most important habits many successful people follow. Exposure to electronics even on weekends can cause you to somehow get involved with work. Continuous exposure to electronics can give a constant barrage of stressors that prevents a person from refocusing and recharging. Disconnect when you really don’t want to think or focus on work.

8. They Volunteer

Over the weekend, some successful people engage themselves in various types of charitable events. They take this opportunity to network and meet others while also being able to create change in the world. It also helps brand them as a philanthropic person. It helps to improve their branding, their image and gives them a sense of fulfillment they may not find elsewhere.

9. They Reflect

Weekly reflection is vital for successful people. It is a powerful tool for their self-improvement. They use the weekend to contemplate the larger forces that shape their industries and careers. This can then often times allow them to see things in a whole new light. They use their insights to alter their approach for the coming week and improve their efficiency of work.

10. They Plan For The Upcoming Week

Successful people know that they also need to be more productive and efficient for the upcoming week. So, they take time on Sunday to plan for the upcoming week. They set aside some time to check their schedule for the week ahead and create a plan in regards to how they can tackle the challenges looming ahead.


Successful people also take their weekends seriously to rest, relax and reflect. Most importantly, they prepare themselves for their weeklong grind in the upcoming week. In this post, I shared with you 10 weekend habits that highly successful people follow.

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