
7 Habits Of Highly Creative Individuals


When you’re younger, being creative meant that you were weird or distracted. However, as you get older….being creative is an asset that many others seek.



I found out I was creative when I was about 10 or 11 years old. My parents were happy for me while my teachers thought I was distracted, which obviously meant something was wrong with me.



Now that I’m an entrepreneur, I LOVE working with creative individuals. Here are 7 habits of highly creative individuals:



1. They Daydream


My second grade teacher told me that daydreaming was the biggest waste of time. Fast-forward to today and I have realized she was absolutely wrong. Daydreaming is probably the greatest thing you can do.



Some of my greatest ideas have come when I’ve been distracted and daydreaming. Creative individuals aren’t afraid of getting lost in their own minds because they know some great things can come out as a result.



2. They Work Their Own Hours


I hated working a job because I was constantly being told when to come in, when to leave and what to do. Creative individuals love freedom and they thrive when they are in control.



It doesn’t matter if you love working late at night or really early in the morning, find the schedule where you are the most productive. At the end, it’s only the results that matters. Nobody is going to criticize you for working too late or early.



3. They Ask Questions


Creative people are constantly curious about why things happen and how they work. Me being a creative person myself, I am constantly trying to understand or learn new things about the world.



If you want to be highly creative, you have to take the initiative to seek out answers. If it crosses your mind, it deserves an answer. Creative people aren’t scared to ask tough questions.



4. They Chase Their Passions


If you hate doing something, it’s really hard to be creative or imaginative with it. Your heart needs to be in something just as much as your brain.



Find things you love and see how you can add your creative touch to it. When I started my first businesses, I started with things I knew and loved. That made the process a lot easier for me.



5. They Take Calculated Risks


You cannot be a creative individual unless you’re a bit daring. Life is filled with risks and highly success people take the risks that have the best rewards.



You need to analyze the risks and the rewards of every opportunity. If you can live with the risks, it’s definitely worth going for the rewards. Always analyze the pros, cons and experiences of each opportunity before jumping in.



6. They Surround Themselves With Other Creatives


Who you surround yourself with is extremely important. If you want your creative juices flowing, you cannot expect it to happen all by yourself.



Surround yourself with other creative minds that can spark innovative ideas on their own. Some of my best ideas have come about because of what others have said to get a conversation going.



7. They Have Fun


Forget the stress and the worries that everyone is dealing with in life. If you’re going to be creative, you need to have FUN.



Never compromise your happiness for money or anything else. Creative individuals care about having fun and worry very little about the money that can come about from it.



photo credit: JeremyMP via photopin cc


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