
8 Principles Aspiring Entrepreneurs Must Follow For Accelerating Their Success

Aspiring entrepreneurs who rely only on traditional learning vehicles (teachers, classrooms, and risk-free practices) have a lower chances of succeeding with their startups. With the resources available outside of traditional platforms, you can not only increase your chances of success but also speed up the entire process.

The startup lifestyle is known to be stressful and challenging, but it’s also meant to be satisfying and fulfilling. As an entrepreneur who is in control of their own destiny, the sky is really the limit with what you can achieve. However, every entrepreneur needs to understand some important principles to put themselves on the right path.

Here are 8 principles aspiring entrepreneurs must follow for accelerating their success:

1. Focus On Strengths Rather Than Fixing Weaknesses

As an entrepreneur, you have to really hone in on your strengths and weaknesses. Instead of trying to fix your weaknesses and struggling through that process, solely focus on your strengths. You can always find other solutions for your weaknesses such as partner, employees and even the use of technology.

2. Intelligence & Passion Are Not Enough

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. I’m sure you’ve heard this quote over and over again throughout the years. The reason why it’s spoken about so often is because of how true it is. You can be the smartest and most passionate person in the world, but that’s not enough to help you find success if you don’t work your ass off for it.

3. Learning Means Understanding, Far Beyond Memorization

Great entrepreneurs strive to understand the depth of a customer need, rather than just the ability to recite a long list of features. Technologies are not solutions, but understanding a technology in the context of a customer need will result in more competitive and long-lasting solutions. Forget about traditional schooling which requires you to memorize things for tests. In the real world, you’re going to truly need to understand to succeed.

4. Create Some Short-Term Milestones On The Path To Your Dreams

Dreams alone won’t make you happy or successful, so start early in defining and executing against a set of milestones to celebrate progress along the way. Satisfaction is not a one-time event at the end of your career; it’s a series of good feelings driven by results along the way. Don’t go for home plate all at once, break it up into smaller pieces that are easier to take in.

5. Business Success is Significantly More Difficult to Achieve than Academic Success

In school, a student’s success is measured by things like GPA or test scores. These are helpful measures, but not necessarily a sign of business aptitude. In business, the end result is rarely spelled out ahead of time. You may know the journey but not the destination and if you are accustomed to knowing the destination, you can quickly find yourself lost. In most academic situations, you get some points just for showing up. However, the business world is not so kind. It’s your day to day actions and the results that are derived from those actions that determine your success.

6. Relationships Are A Test Of Your Learning Readiness 

Building a new business today is all about building relationships with your customers and your team. As an entrepreneur with a new startup, you are the brand and customers today expect a relationship. In addition to that, you always need relationships with advisors, investors, influencers and peers.

7. Practice, Practice, Practice

Professional athletes can easily spend 3–5 hours or more each day practicing their craft. Their reward comes in the form of a 48 to 60 minute game a couple of times a week. The same principle must be applied to your business goals. If you’ve got client meetings, practice your pitch and your approach to selling them several times. Get feedback from others and put yourself in the best position when the real meeting comes around.

8. Deliver More Than Expected

Successful entrepreneurs are always delivering more than customers expect. This is a great way to get noticed especially as a new company in your industry. Not only that, but this is one of the best ways to build a loyal following. Go the extra mile because it’s always worth it in the end.


Being a successful entrepreneur takes a lot of work, a ton of vision and a great amount of perseverance. No one is too old to learn new things as an entrepreneur. In this post, I shared with you the 8 principles aspiring entrepreneurs must follow for accelerating their success.

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