
How To Go From Dreamer To Achiever In Less Than 6 Months

The world’s population can be broken down into two types of people. One group consists of the dreamers and the other consists of the achievers. The dreamers are the ones that are always focused on wishful thinking. They have tons of aspirations and dreams of what they would like to achieve, but they don’t take much action. On the flip side, you have the achievers. The achievers are just like the dreamers, however, there is one key differentiation that separates the achievers from the dreamers. The achievers control their own destiny. They live for their dreams. Therefore, they take massive action which ultimately leads to them achieving whatever they set out to accomplish.

Now that you know the distinction between the two, it’s important for you to realize where you stand. Are you a dreamer or are you an achiever? If you think you are stuck on the “dreamer” side of things, here’s a list of ways on going from dreamer to achiever in less than 6 months.

1. Keep Your Eyes Open

To make their dreams come true, achievers keep their eyes and minds open. They never hide from the challenges that appear along the way. They gladly make new friends, explore new destinations, interact and learn.

Achievers share their dreams with others and get help. However, they don’t just wait for it sitting idly. Instead, they keep their expectations in check knowing what to expect along the way while taking massive action.

2. Follow Your Passion

Achievers follow their passion, doers don’t venture into things that they are not passionate about. Why? Because doers know that their passion is the driving force that will lead them forward through tough times.

The most important thing I have learned over the years is that money is just an object and it’s one of the hardest things to chase after. However, if you worry about other things such as purpose and passion, the money will come to you much easier. Passion is what get you started and it is what will keep you going.

3. Desire Is The Starting Point of All Achievement

A burning desire is the starting point for all achievement. While it is true that we must know what we want and have a burning desire to get it, it’s only the starting point. If your desire to succeed is great enough, it will eventually happen.

4.  Action Is The Missing Link To Achievement

We all know people who seem to have goals, confidence, beliefs and a burning desire to be successful, yet they never seem to accomplish their goals. What’s missing? Action! It’s having the courage to take consistent action that separates dreamers from achievers.

5. Knowing The Way Is Not The Same As Going The Way

While the first step to any achievement is knowing what you want, completing the journey requires the courage to do whatever it takes to get there. Doers not only plan the dream, but they plan the entire journey and work that it will take to see it through.

6. Right Peers

Achievers surround themselves with achievers. As the popular saying goes “Birds of a feather certainly flock together”. When you are around achievers, they highly inspire you. Surround yourself with the best & brightest people in your quarter, neighborhood, workplace, school, city and will encourage you to become an achiever yourself.

7. Get Inspired

To keep your dream vivid and real, look for inspiration. There have to be other successful dreamers around you. Do not envy them, but instead find a way to know them better. Without a doubt, they must have some pieces of advice for you. Use their stories for inspiration and for education as you move further along!

8. Look For Opportunities

You can find hundreds of excuses why you don’t try to make your dreams come true, but you can always do anything you put your mind to. If you don’t have a dream or something that hasn’t motivated you enough to start yet, constantly look for opportunities. Keep your eyes and ears open to see what may peak your interest and give you immense opportunity.

9. Act When Ready

It’s fairly obvious that you should take action on your ideas. However, you have to be ready mentally and physically to pursue your idea. If you start too early, you may not be prepared for things that come up that may cause failure. Start when the time is right and you have the confidence to see it through.

10. Fail

Every successful person has failed at some point. The only reason why they are successful today is because they got back up and tried again. Failure is great especially if you can fail early on. Learn from it, embrace it and use that experience to come back even stronger the second time around.


Each of us has dreamt to achieve something valuable in life, but most of us are stuck in the concept of dreaming. We need to plan a goal, take a step, fail, get up and continue until we can reach success. Dreaming is good, but becoming an achiever is way better when we are able to accomplish it. In this post, I shared with you the ways on how to go from dreamer to achiever in less than 6 months.

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