
How To Deal With Stress As An Entrepreneur


Lets be honest, entrepreneurs do what they love but they also deal with a lot of stress simultaneously. I’d be lying if I told you that entrepreneurship was all about fancy cars, tons of wealth and working in the sand.



In reality, entrepreneurship has a lot of stress associated with it. You’re not only in charge of a company of your own, but your success is dependent on your own actions.



Each day presents a new challenge for entrepreneurs. This results in a lot of frustration and stress that entrepreneurs have to deal with. Early on, I was curious to see how other successful entrepreneurs managed stress in their lives.



From there, I applied what I learned from others and found a handful of techniques that worked extremely well for me. In this article, I share how to deal with stress as an entrepreneur:



Think Positive


As an entrepreneur, you have to be extremely positive. If the people around you are spreading negative vibes, you need to cut them out of your life. The happier vibes you surround yourself with, the better you perform as an entrepreneur.



When you’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to get caught up in all the negativity. However, it’s crucial that you find the positive in every situation.





One of my best friends always told me, laughter is the key to success. As ridiculous as it sounds, keeping things humorous can go a long way. It can help you deal with stress and maneuver through a tough situation.



Again, you should surround yourself with people who can make you laugh and make you feel good. During times where you are stressed out, a little laughter will reenergize you later on.





Even if exercising isn’t your thing, it can really help you get out of a funk. Whether it’s playing a sport you enjoy or simply hitting the gym hard, exercise is a great stress reliever.



Take some time out of your day to take your mind off work. Hit the gym, get your blood pumping and allow your body to release toxins. By doing some physical activity, you’ll be able to think a lot more clearly.



Ask Friends & Family


In my most stressful moments, my friends and family are always there to help me get back on track. It makes me feel a lot better when I’m able to discuss my problems with someone I can trust who then gives me advice.



Sometimes the advice sucks while other times it’s extremely useful. It’s great to see other peoples perspectives on how they would handle a situation. Not only can they help you with your dilemma, but you may find inspiration from their words of wisdom.



Go Out


Sometimes, the best stress reliever is simply going out with friends. What is it that you love to do? Whether it’s hitting the closest bar or going out to dinner, do something that will help you take your mind off of your problems.



Leave all your stress and problems at work when you do decide to go out. Use this time to enjoy yourself so that you can come back with a free mind. This has been a great solution for me during my most stressful moments.



Take A Vacation


If you’re having stress issues that are lasting for a lot longer than few days or a week, it might be time to take a big break. The best way to take a big break is by taking a relaxing vacation.



During this time, unplug yourself from your work and enjoy yourself. Find a place you’ve always wanted to vacation to and reward yourself for all the hard work you do. Vacations are great because you get to enjoy new experiences and see new places while taking your mind off of the stressful things in life.





As you can see from the list above, there are many ways to deal with stress as an entrepreneur. In this article, I shared some of my top tips on how to deal with stress as an entrepreneur.



Do you have some tips that have worked well for you? Please feel free to share them in the comments below.



photo credit: Victoria Nevland via photopin cc


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