
How To Learn Anything Faster And Smarter

I don’t care what you do in life, if you want to be successful at it….you have to be willing to learn and educate yourself constantly. Whether you’re trying to be the greatest basketball player in the world or run the biggest restaurant in the world, you won’t be successful without constant education. For many of us, there are lots of things that we want to learn, but we can’t find enough time to do it.

Often times, people are intimidated by learning new things because they think that it will take them a long time. That might be true depending on how you approach it. I used to feel overwhelmed and terrified of learning new things because I wasn’t ready to commit so much time and effort. However, I began learning how to learn.

Being a quick learner has nothing to do with having a higher IQ or anything like that. There are just people who can learn things quickly because of the way they approach it. In this post, I will be sharing with you some ways on how to learn anything faster and smarter.

1. Model The Path of The Masters Before You

Before you can learn something, ask yourself who the masters of this industry, niche or topic were before you? Then, you have a person to follow. In your journey of learning something new, avoid reinventing the wheel. Why reinvent the wheel when it has already been created? To learn things faster and smarter, model the path that masters have already spent time carving out. Follow someone’s footsteps that is already achieving the results that you also want. Take the same actions and you will get similar results.

2. Deconstruct The Skill

To be able to learn faster and smarter, you should be able to break down each of the parts and look for the most important things to learn first. Breaking down the skills into its core and fundamental components will make it a lot quicker to learn. If you embrace this thinking style, it will show you exactly what you may already know and what you still need to learn. To learn rapidly and efficiently, always break things down into parts and learn one thing at a time.

3. Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking is the guilty pleasure that everyone partakes in at some point. However, recent studies have proven that multitasking actually makes you less efficient and less focused. Multitasking is one of the biggest hurdles that can prevent people from learning intelligently and rapidly. When you decide to learn something, get locked into ONLY learn that one thing.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

What do you do to learn a skill and master it? Practice! Many people truly live by the 10,000 hour rule for mastery. That rule basically says that to truly have something down, you have to spend 10,000 hours practicing it before you can become a master at it. Many people struggle to achieve mastery because they aren’t willing to practice it. Just remember, experience is the best teacher!

5. Seek Immediate Feedback

Feedback is important for a person to become a master. Feedback will be your driving force to become better at what you do. When you get good feedback about new things you have learned, it will help you improve upon it. Not only that, but if you can get advice on your new education from others who are a master at it, you can quickly figure out what you’re doing right and wrong and fix it. When you receive negative feedback, it means you need to practice it more to get better at it. Feedback is a great teacher and it can help you learn things the right way rapidly.

6. Never Think Of Quitting

People far too often are willing to quit as soon as they fail at something. For every first time or every beginning of something new, we always experience a sense of euphoria. Many people get extremely excited about something new, but as they put the time and effort in, they quickly become disinterested or find it tough and look for ways to get out of it. If you want to learn new things and be successful in life, you have to persistent with a never quit mindset.


Learning new things may take time, but it can be done faster and smarter by making yourself available to do it. Perseverance and practice are essential to mastery. In this post, I shared with you ways on how to learn anything faster and smarter.

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