How To Stop Being A Wantrepreneur And Take Action On Your Ideas

In this post, I share how to stop being a wantrepreneur and take action on your ideas. There is no better time to launch a business than today and it’s time you took action on it. This is the post to get you from planning to building.


As many of you may have noticed, I took a hiatus from blogging without really saying much in regards to it. I apologize for that as I got extremely busy with some things and I wanted to handle those things before finally returning.



Well, the good news is that I am back and here to stay this time. The best part is that I learned a ton of things over the last few months and I can’t wait to share all of this awesome information with all of you.



One of the biggest things I recently saw is the number of Wantrepreneurs out there. What’s even worse is that many of these individuals know they aren’t a real entrepreneur and they are lost on what they can do to really change things up.



In this post, I want to show you how to stop being a Wantrepreneur and take action on your ideas before it’s TOO late. Here’s what entrepreneurs do:



They are compelled to take action.


I remember when I was 17 years old and I had this big idea of creating a multimedia agency. At many points, I really thought I should drop all of these crazy ideas and just focus on school and wait a few years. However, something kept clawing at me every time I did this.



Before I knew it, I felt like I would lose my mind if I didn’t take action on these ideas I had. I knew I had to do something about it in order to stay sane. That’s how entrepreneurs are. They get a big idea, they’ll draw it out on the napkin wherever they’re at. Then, they’ll go find someone else who can make this dream a reality and do whatever it takes to get them on board. The biggest thing about entrepreneurs is that they put some kind of PRODUCT into the market.



They are scrappy.


If you do not like getting down and dirty, you’re probably not fit to be an entrepreneur. If you’re comfortable with your office, paid lunches, administrative support and other comfortable things in life, entrepreneurship is not for you. You need to stop reading this now and go back to your leather chair.



However, if you don’t mind giving these things up for a few years to achieve something greater, continue reading. If you’re scrappy enough, you can reap the rewards of entrepreneurship through some hard work. Being scrappy simply means finding a way to get something done at all costs.



They solve problems. 


Every big company that you know today had a simple goal or mission that they were obsessed with. As a wantrepreneur, you need to find a problem to solve that you are obsessed with. Forget about the money, the cars, the fame, and anything else that comes to mind with success.



Think about just one thing. If you could solve anything in the world, what would it be? How happy would it make you and what would you be willing to do to get it done? If you can answer these things with real depth, entrepreneurship will work for you. Find a problem, come up with a better solution and create it. Start small, scale fast.



They are impatient. 


Impatience is a virtue. You can quote me on that, because that’s what I have believed since day one. When I was young, my mother always said to be patient and good things would come to me. I disagreed and I’m very happy I did. Good things don’t come to those that wait, leftovers come to them.



Good things come to those who go out and hustle their asses off until they have what they want. If you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. Most importantly, you aren’t going to wait for the perfect day. Today is just as fine of a day to get it as any other day.



They have a desire to learn.


The first thing you need to admit to yourself is how little you know. Whether it’s my employees or my 9 year old brother, I am constantly telling them how important it is to learn. Both of these individuals will come to me asking me questions and expecting me to educate them.



My favorite answer to them is, “I don’t know. Figure it out and look it up. Come back to me and tell me what you LEARNED.” Education is crucial for success as an entrepreneur. Otherwise, you’ll be a wantrepreneur forever and that’s never any good. Learn and apply your learning to your work. The results are truly magical.



They look at opportunity instead of risk.


Wantrepreneurs love giving me a hundred reasons why their business won’t work or why this is a horrible time to start. It’s BULLSHIT. Stop looking at the risks because there is a risk in everything you do. Who cares if you fail? At least you got to go through a memorable journey and learn something new.



Focus on what can happen if you are successful. That picture is far more beautiful than just thinking of all the risks and negatives. Envision success and you will be one step closer to actually achieving it.





No matter what you have to say, there is no better time to start a business than right now. It’s never been easier to access capital, learning, information, markets and resources ever before. Stop planning and being infatuated with your ideas, they mean very little. Instead, start building.