Droid Mini Review

In this article, I sit down with the latest tech gadget that I received. I provide the prone and cons of the Droid Mini with this in-depth review.


I recently got hooked up with a Droid Mini phone to check out. As always, I’ve been loyal to the iPhone but I often get technology items sent over to me so that I can review them.



I’m a huge tech enthusiast and fan of technology so checking this phone out was an honor. After using the phone and going through the motions, I had to say I was extremely impressed with the device.



The pros of the phone were as follows:


– Long battery life


– Extremely fast processing speed (really surprised me)


– Many advanced features that most Android devices don’t have


– Slick design




All in all, I was extremely impressed with the phone and what it could do for me. If you have Verizon and are looking for a new phone to upgrade to, take a deeper look into the Droid Mini.



You’ll be surprised what you’ll find!