Hustlin’ 101: An Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting What They Need

The word hustle is used in so many positive and negative situations. In entrepreneurship, it’s all positive. In this article, I share tips and tricks on how to hustle and get what you need as an entrepreneur.


The word hustle is used commonly with a negative connotation. If you’ve ever watched television, you must have seen an episode where a nerdy guy enters a pool hall and pretends like he sucks.



Minutes later, he bets a large amount of money and suddenly has amazing talent. His opponent is furious because he’s been hustled. 



The word hustle in entrepreneurship doesn’t mean anything along those lines. Have you ever heard the word hustle used in sports? Example: Lebron James hustled to the loose ball as it went out of bounds.



Hustle in entrepreneurship is defined as doing what is necessary (legally) to get what you need so that your business can be successful. In this article, I’m going to share what hustling means and how entrepreneurs can hustle.



Outwork Everyone Else


If you really want to hustle, you have to outwork everyone else. While others are sleeping, you should be awake working relentlessly ensuring that your business is going to be successful.



The harder you work, the luckier you will get. If you’re trying to catch up to the competition, you don’t have a choice but to work harder and smarter than everyone else.



Embrace The Word ‘NO’


When I start out as an entrepreneur, I heard the word NO everywhere. I loved every minute of it because each rejection made me hungrier. A true hustler is one who keeps going until they get what they need, it’s real persistence.



Each time you receive a NO, figure out why you didn’t get what you needed. Go back to the drawing board making changes and try again. Whatever it is that you’re looking for, keep trying until you get it. You cannot let the word NO stop you.



Knock Down Doors


As an entrepreneur, you literally have to leverage every single resource you possibly have. If you need help from a family or friend, don’t shy away from asking them. If you need more business, start cold-calling.



You cannot be fearful of going into an uncomfortable environment. Entrepreneurship is all about doing the things you don’t to do to get the results you can’t wait to have. Hustlers aren’t scared of cold-calling, walking into an office to sell or to leverage their connections to move their business forward.



Think Outside The Box


If running a million-dollar business or becoming a successful entrepreneur was easy, everyone would be doing it. There’s a reason why only a select few people dare to try and only a small percentage of those people succeed.



It’s not easy. If you’re traditional methods aren’t working, change them. Growing up, my basketball coach would always tell me, “If your shot is broke, fix it.” In entrepreneurship, it translates to “If your shit is broken, fix it.”



Don’t be scared of change as an entrepreneur. Hustlers aren’t fearful of doing what it takes to be successful. Set a goal and promise yourself you will do everything possible to get there.



Get Help


Some of the best ideas that I have ever implemented in my businesses have come from talking to other people. Whether it’s someone I look up to in the industry or even my customers, they have a lot of insight to offer.



If you’re stuck with something in your business, get the opinions of others. I’m not saying that you should jump at the first words of advice you get, but you should keep an open mind to hear what others have to say.



Take all this feedback and decide whether or not this is something you thought of. If you haven’t, it never hurts to try and see if it solves your problem.



Drive To Succeed


What is your motivation to succeed? Is it just because you saw a beautiful car in a magazine you want or is it because you’re having trouble scraping up money for meals?



The driving force behind your success is extremely important. Find purpose. The stronger your purpose is, the harder you will be willing to hustle. Hustling as an entrepreneur really consists of three things.



Working hard, staying persistent and doing things others aren’t willing to do.





In entrepreneurship, you have to hustle. It’s really simple – disregard what others have to say and do whatever it takes to make your business successful.



photo credit: nateluzod via photopin cc