How To Wake Up Motivated Every Morning

As an entrepreneur or business owner, it’s not always easy to wake up motivated. Regardless of how passionate you may be about your project, everyone has mornings or rough patches. Here’s an article that will show you how to wake up motivated every morning using a few simple tips and tricks.


Even entrepreneurs, those who chase their dreams and enjoy their work have some mornings when motivation is hard to find. Rather than working unmotivated for the rest of the day, you should be figuring out how to motivate yourself.



In the last few years of being an entrepreneur, I almost always woke up motivated and excited. However, there were times when things just weren’t going all too well and motivation was hard to find each morning.



Instead of continuing to work unmotivated, I decided to figure out a successful method of waking up motivated every morning. After a bunch of different experiments, I finally came up with the solution on how to wake up motivated every morning.



1. Remind Yourself Why You Do What You Do


As entrepreneurs, we all have a deeper reason for why we do what we do. Often times, when we’re unmotivated and unenthusiastic, it’s easy to forget why we started.



I have a whiteboard in my room that has a quote explaining why I do what I do. Every morning, I see “Build a successful startup or die trying” on the whiteboard right in front of me.



This immediately reminds me why I’m doing what I’m doing and it helps me get out of bed really quick.



2. Put Your Goals Where You Can See Them


On the same whiteboard, I have a list of all my goals written out as well. That way, each morning I am reminded of what my work needs to accomplish.



It helps me stay motivated knowing that I have such high goals set for myself and that I cannot achieve them unless I work towards them. While motivation should come from the inside, sometimes it takes a little extra push to stay focused.



Write your goals out where you can see them clearly everyday. Share your goals with others so your friends and family can hold you accountable when you don’t reach your milestones.



3. Seek Out Motivation


One of the best ways to wake up motivated is to seek out motivation on your own. Every morning, I love to post a quote on my Facebook page that helps motivate me and others around me.



If you’re lacking motivation or need an extra push, look up motivational quotes that help you stay focused. If anything, it’s even great to look up your favorite quotes that act as a constant reminder to why you want to be successful.



4. Ask Family or Friends For Help


Entrepreneurs need a strong support system to succeed. If you lack motivation or need a pep talk, ask your family or friends for help.



Mom’s and Dad’s are really good people for this role. We are so used to them always pushing us to be our best that their words can have the strongest message.



If you’re ever feeling unmotivated, give your friends/family a call and talk about it with them. Help them inspire you back on the right track.



5. Go To Bed Satisfied


The way you feel before going to bed has a huge impact on how you feel when you wake up. Try to avoid calling it a night if you feel frustrated or down about something in your life.



When you wake up, often times your feelings don’t go away and it may cause for an unproductive morning. The way you work during the day also has a huge impact on your mood when you wake up the next morning.



If you work hard and feel satisfied with the results achieved, you will be far more driven and motivated the next day. Try to have as many good days as possible, so you can continue waking up motivated.





Waking up motivated every morning is hard regardless of how passionate about your project you may be. However, these simple tips and tricks can help you wake up more motivated each day. Here’s one of my favorite motivational videos ever:





photo credit: Βethan via photopin cc