What It Really Means To Be Extraordinary

I was always worried about being classified as extraordinary because I didn’t understand the meaning behind it. In this article, I share what it really means to be extraordinary.


Growing up, my third grade teacher would always repeat the same thing in class. She would say, “Be extraordinary.” I had no clue what she meant and I thought it was better to be normal so I wouldn’t be singled out by my classmates.



Turns out, being extraordinary makes all the sense in the world today. Everyone has the ability to be extraordinary but so many people think just like I did a long time ago. It’s too scary to do that so lets do what everyone else is doing.



In this article, I share what it really means to be extraordinary:



What Does It Mean?


Google says being extraordinary is when you are very unusual or remarkable. That’s a confusing definition because many people interpret this as a negative thing while others think it’s a good thing.



When I was in the third grade, I thought it was horrible. “Very unusual” meant freak in my mind. In reality, being extraordinary is actually an amazing thing. It means being unusually great or astounding.



It’s a no-brainer that we all want to be extraordinary. The question now is, how do we become extraordinary? Well, here are a few characteristics that extraordinary people share.



Value Creator


Extraordinary people are value creators in society. They don’t chase the paper, but rather the purpose. They discover their passions and what their reason for being on planet Earth is. You cannot be extraordinary unless you are doing something positive.



They have big dreams, which they plan and execute upon. Instead of waiting for things to fall into their lap, they take matters into their own hands.





Nothing worth having in life comes easy. On the other side of risk, there is often a big reward. To be extraordinary, you cannot expect to play it safe for the rest of your life.



Some of the most amazing luxuries we have today are thanks to someone who took a risk a long time ago. Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela and Steve Jobs are just a few examples of these risk-takers.



Abundant Mindset


Extraordinary people do NOT believe in limits. In fact, they know the world is filled with an abundance of anything as long as you are focused and committed towards getting it.



Do not stop because you have achieved a little progress. Extraordinary people carry their vision out until the very end. If you have big dreams of impacting the world, keep going until you are completely finished.





Extraordinary people don’t rely on others to get things done. They have a plan and are prepared to carry it out with massive action.



Self-reliant individuals have the ability to be extraordinary because they hold themselves accountable and take matters into their own hands.





I challenge you to leave a legacy and to be extraordinary. Everyone has it inside them, it just takes a little push to get it out. In this article, I shared what it really means to be extraordinary.



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