Why The Idea of A 4 Hour Work Week Is Bullsh*t

Before I start this article, I want you to know that I do not hate Tim Ferris and actually think many of the ideas in his books are very good. However, I heavily disagree with the idea of a 4 hour work week. Here’s why I think the 4 hour work week is bullsh*t.


I recently read the book 4 Hour Work Week after hearing numerous entrepreneurs talk about. I had a basic idea about what the book was before reading it, but I decided to give it a read anyway.



After reading the book, I heavily agreed with some ideas in the book while heavily disagreeing with the idea that a 4 hour work week was so appealing. The book promotes finding ways to build passive income and outsourcing work that isn’t complicated, which was one of the things I really did agree with.



Before I start, I want you to know that I do not hate Tim Ferris or his book. I think this book and his principles can be helpful for many people, I just simply don’t agree with making the 4 hour work week look so appealing to others.



Here’s why the idea of a 4 hour work week is bullsh*t:



What Happened To Loving Your Job?


If you’re trying to spend 4 hours at anything each week, you probably don’t love what you’re doing. 4 hour work weeks don’t promote you to work on something that aligns with your passions or purpose, it’s all about making money with the least amount of effort.



As an entrepreneur myself, I love the idea of creating value. I can work 100 hours in a week without any problems because I love what I do. People chasing a 4 hour work week aren’t looking to do something they love, they’re looking for money.



I think the greatest legacies and projects are built on people who are truly passionate about serving a purpose or fulfilling a need. There is NO way in hell you can build an amazing project by dedicating only 4 hours a week.



If it’s that easy, wouldn’t everyone do it?


The 4 hour work week looks so appealing on paper. You do some crap on the computer for 4 hours a week and then enjoy whatever beach you’re vacationing at this week.



If it was really that easy, don’t you think everyone would do it? Why the hell would we have employees working at McDonalds or Taco Bell? It makes absolutely no sense. Here’s a key fact that people don’t realize when learning about the idea of a 4 hour work week.



Tim Ferris didn’t start his online stuff in 2013. He started his online businesses in the early 2000’s and now has focused on building a career around media, selling books, etc. It’s a lot harder to be successful online today by only working 4 hours a week.



Successful People Don’t Quit While They’re Ahead


What’s funny is that by encountering tons of self-made millionaires, I’ve never once heard them say that they only work 4 hours. In fact, I hear quite the opposite. People share their ridiculous work ethics, which often includes all-nighters and having absolutely no social life.



If you’re able to achieve massive success in 4 hours a week, why would you stop there? Most people like me aren’t looking to settle for mediocrity. You want to be the best at what you do.



Well, if you really want to build that empire or take over your industry, 4 hours a week isn’t going to cut it. I’m sorry, but your competitors are putting in more work each day. Wake up and smell the roses, successful people aren’t working 4 hours a week – at least not until decades after starting.



It’s Giving People The Wrong Idea


Steve Jobs famously told John Scully, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?”



If you’re a believer of the 4 hour work week, you don’t want a chance to change the world. You can’t possibly do something of that magnitude in 4 hours a week, which is why you end up being the person selling sugared water for your whole life.



There are so many great people out there that motivate you to find your big dream and pursue them. Instead, many people are killing those dreams and creating some crapshoot of a business they think will make the most money without requiring much work. By feeding these ideas to our future, we not only hurt their ambitions but our society as a whole takes a hit because of it.





In this article, I shared why the idea of a 4 hour work week is bullsh*t to me. If you think differently, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.



photo credit: Lost In The RP via photopin cc