
The Night I Almost Died And What I Learned From It


Almost two and a half years ago, I went through a horrifying experience. The incident scared the shit out of me so I never really talked much about it.



However, looking back…I think the experience taught me a lot. Thus, I am going to be sharing my story of what happened that night and the things I learned from it.



The Story


It was about 2 or 2:30 AM and I decided to head back home. I hadn’t taken a sip of alcohol or been under the influence of anything so I was perfectly fine.



The drive back to my house was about 30 miles, which was something I had routinely been doing for years now. The freeways were typically empty at these times and I would get home within 30 minutes.



About halfway to my house, a SUV (presumably a drunk driver) nailed my car at about 80 miles per hour. At this time, I was driving a ’99 Corolla that got slammed on the divider on the left and spun across 7 lanes before getting thrown over to the exit lane.



I had blacked out completely after hitting the divider and just remembered spinning. I would wake up a few minutes later when a crowd of other drivers came to my door checking to see if I was okay.



I was okay, but the other driver had disappeared to never be seen again. Nevertheless, I was really lucky. Can you imagine being inside a vehicle spinning across a major freeway while you are helpless and can’t do much? That was exactly my situation and I was thankful that no vehicle had nailed me during that time.



I just had some bruises, scratches and horrific memories. The car was completely totaled and would never be used again. Below are some of the lessons I learned from this experience.



Life Is Unfair


The truth about life is that it’s really unfair. Did I do anything wrong that night? No. I mean I could have gone home earlier or at a different time, but thinking like that is just absolutely ridiculous.



The truth of the matter is that I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. However, that’s how life is. You never know when the prize of life can be taken away from you so make the most of it every single day.



Keep Moving


The day after the accident, one of my best friends was having a birthday party. I had thoughts of never driving again and many other stupid thoughts roaming around in my head. I could have just given up, but I quickly learned that you have to keep moving in life.



Life will hit you hard and get you down. As long as you keep moving forward, you will eventually get past your current struggle. I snapped out of it, drove to my friends birthday party and had a great time. Always be moving in life!



Take Better Care of Yourself 


You cannot be successful unless you are physically healthy. When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I went on a fast food diet. Okay seriously, that’s not a diet but rather a death sentence.



I was too busy to cook my own food so I didn’t give two shits about my health. I was focused on being successful and I literally grabbed fast food 2 times a day. Not only that, but this death-like experience showed me that I can’t do anything unless I am physically and mentally there. Most importantly, I learned that you NEED to take care of yourself!





In this article, I shared a personal story of the night I almost died and what I learned from it. I hope you enjoyed!



photo credit: Caden Crawford via photopin cc


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