The Golden Rules For Running A Successful Online Business

The world wide web has truly made it possible for anyone to start a business. Today, it’s easier than ever to create an online business with resources available everywhere. With all that said, 9/10 online businesses fail within the first 3 years. While it’s very easy to start an online business, sustaining it is extremely difficult. Here are some golden rules for running a successful online business:


The world wide web has truly made it possible for anyone to start a business. Today, it’s easier than ever to create an online business with resources available everywhere.



With all that said, 9/10 online businesses fail within the first 3 years. While it’s very easy to start an online business, sustaining it is far more difficult. Here are some golden rules for running a successful online business:



1. Websites With User In Mind


Every business serves a purpose. Your website needs to serve the same purpose your business does. Very few website owners ever think about the user or visitor when designing and developing their website.



I did the same thing with my first two websites before people told me how bad the user experience was. Build a website that helps users achieve their purpose. Make your website clean, simple, and well-organized for visitors.



2. Have A Business Model


30% of online businesses fail because they DO NOT have a business model. Acquiring a million users and reaching out to advertisers isn’t a strong business model. The chances of you signing up 1 million users in 3 years is very low.



Before you create an online business, find a way to make money now. Come in with a clear plan to monetize your site so that you can survive on a month-to-month basis. Facebook was a one-of-a-kind success and it’s very unlikely for another website to follow the same path they took.



3. Launching Is Just The Beginning

Before a website goes live, there is a lot of work that takes place on the backend. Many people tend to take a sigh of relief once they launch their website. Success isn’t going to come knocking on your door.



Once you launch your website, you should be working twice as hard as you were before. Your website is only going to be successful by the effort you put in to market and grow your online business.



4. Honeymooners Always Fail


Honeymooners are individuals who love creating businesses. It’s fun to build a website and launch it, but that’s not enough. If you’re creating a new online business, do it for the long haul.



Don’t just be passionate about it until launch day and then snooze your way through. Find an idea or business you are strongly passionate about and are willing to stick with for more than just a few months.



5. No Marketing, No Money


Great ideas do NOT mean shit. Excuse the language, but it’s true. You could have a billion dollar idea, but if nobody sees it……it’s worth nothing. Before you build an online business, have a clear strategy on how you plan to get your website to market.



It’s not just enough to have a marketing plan because that doesn’t always necessarily equate to revenue. Create a 3 step plan all the way from branding to marketing to generating sales.





Launching an online business is easy, but making it successful is extremely difficult. By following these golden rules, you will be sure to increase your rate of success with an online business!



photo credit: DaveLawler via photopin cc

5 Big Business Lessons My Little Brother Taught Me

Meet my 7 year old brother, Justin. He’s accomplished quite a bit in his young career. Since I live with him, I naturally hear him ramble about random stuff and observe his activities from time to time. Surprisingly, he’s taught me some really BIG lessons about business that I want to share with you. Here are 5 big business lessons I’ve learned from Justin.


Meet my 7 year old brother, Justin. He’s accomplished quite a bit in his young career. He reads at the 3rd grade level (only in 1st grade), is the reigning student of the year, and managed to beat Halo 3 all by himself.



Since I live with him, I naturally hear him ramble about random stuff and observe his activities from time to time. Surprisingly, he’s taught me some really BIG lessons about business that I want to share with you.



Even though he’s only 7 years old, he still has his own goals and achievements. Here are 5 big business lessons I’ve learned from Justin:



1. Don’t Ever Take No For An Answer


When my brother was younger, he would ask for things and my parents would say ‘No’. He would ask each of us, then cry, and finally throw a tantrum. He quickly realized that no matter how bad he wanted it, he wasn’t going to get it.



Suddenly one day, I saw a change in his demeanor. He asked for cookies and my mom said ‘No’. Typically, he would come and ask me if I would give him cookies, but this time he did something very different.



Instead of asking me, he began climbing the dishwasher. From there, he climbed the kitchen counter and slowly balanced all the way to the cupboards. He got on his tippy toes and reached to the top shelf until he got the cookies.



There were a lot of things that could have happened in that sequence, but he didn’t let anything stop him. He wanted cookies and that’s all he would settle for.



Lesson: Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for funding or an employee trying to get a raise, don’t take NO for an answer. If you don’t get funding from someone, go find it from some other source. If you don’t get that big promotion at one company, find another company who values you.



2. Have An Annoying Thirst For Knowledge


Little kids are great until they learn to talk. When Justin learned to talk, he drove me insane. It wasn’t that he was trying to be annoying, but he would ask questions about everything.



I was often busy or had other things to do, so I would brush him off. However, the times when I did give him an answer, he never forgot what I told him. He understood that I didn’t answer very many of his questions so he MADE sure to remember the answers I did give him.



He sucked up information like a sponge and he continued to want more. He’s a huge basketball fan, but he knew nothing about the game, players, teams, or sport. Fast-forward 8 months and he can tell you how many points Kobe Bryant has had in career as of yesterday.



How did he learn all this information? It wasn’t me handing him out facts, because I don’t even know as much as he does. He spent time reading ESPN box scores, watching YouTube videos, and looking at pictures. He was hungry to learn!



Lesson: No matter how old or young you may be, you need to find your passions and be hungry to learn all about it. Whether it’s getting 5 minutes with your mentor or a chance to listen to a keynote, suck up as much knowledge as you can.



3. Keep Trying Until You Succeed


Growing up, I was a video game nerd. I dominated all the sports and action games. Recently, my brother has become the video game nerd I once used to be. For some reason, he thinks he can beat me at NBA 2k13.



He knocks on my door everyday begging to play me. I’ve probably played him over 100 times in the last 1 year and beaten him every single time. What amazes me is that he never gives up.



In fact, he tells me that he will continue playing against me until HE BEATS ME. While I laugh it off because it’s really not going to happen, I do admire his persistence. Most people would try 5-10 times before giving up.



The thing that’s even better is that he changes his formula each time. He’ll pick a new team, get a new player, or even try a new approach to beat me. He understands that he can’t beat me playing the same way, so he continues improving himself.



Lesson: In business, failure is far more prominent than success. Failure is an event and nothing more. It doesn’t define your company or you. If you fail, come back with a new plan and be better than the last time.



4. Don’t Lose Your Imagination


My brother is the most imaginative person in the world. He comes up with insane stories and has a very open mind. Many people I meet in the business world have put their creative intuition aside.



Justin is passionate, creative, and uses his imagination. Whether it’s a story for a project or just something to do out of boredom, his imagination is unbelievable. Staying imaginative can never harm you!



Lesson: Never let your creative drive be put to rest. Creativity is something that is a crucial aspect of every business and often times imagination is what sets a company apart from the others.



5. People Want To Be Led, Not Controlled


When my parents ‘force’ my brother to do something, he gets upset and resists. You tell him to brush his teeth or to take a shower, he runs away and tries to delay it as much as possible.



However, if you tell him to brush his teeth with you, he’s far more open to it. He loves being led and even joining in with you, but he doesn’t like to be forced into doing things alone. Naturally, this is how everyone feels!



Lesson: The biggest part of a business is the way you manage other people. Nobody wants to be the employee that takes orders constantly. People love to work together with bosses and colleagues to reach a common goal. It’s not always the action that needs to change, but rather the perspective.





As you can see, my 7 year old brother has taught me a lot. I didn’t realize this until very recently when I put the pieces together. Do you have a younger sibling or child that has taught you some business lessons?


5 Tips For More Productive Mornings

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee, mornings are usually the most important parts of your day. Why? This is typically when you should be beginning your days. Unfortunately, many individuals are far less successful because of their morning routines.


Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee, mornings are usually the most important parts of your day. Why?



This is typically when you should be beginning your day. Unfortunately, many individuals are far less successful because of their morning routines (or lack thereof).



As any teenager can tell you, waking up in the middle of the afternoon and long nights are lots of fun. In business, they are dangerous. The early bird gets the worm and I’ve learned that lesson the hard way many times.



It’s essential for everyone to make their mornings productive. Here are 5 tips for more productive mornings:



1. Wake Up Early


Before you can have a productive morning, you MUST be awake first. Wake up as early as you can so that you have a large window of opportunity to be productive. I personally try to wake up anywhere from 5:30 AM to 6:00 AM everyday.



Sounds crazy, but it’s made my work ethic 10x better. When the clock hits noon, I’ve accomplished a LOT. It gives me time to answer emails, make early sales calls, and free my day up for the important stuff.



2. Save The Errands For Later


Even entrepreneurs have to run errands! Surprising, but everyone has to run errands and take care of things from their personal life. That’s perfectly fine to do, but it shouldn’t be done during the mornings.



The morning is when your brain works most effectively and it’s your best opportunity to accomplish things. Work first, run errands later. If you utilize your mornings in such a manner, you will see your productivity level increase dramatically.



3. Set Daily Goals


Whether it’s closing 5 deals or motivating your team, always make daily goals for yourself. Before you begin working or checking your emails, tell yourself exactly what you plan to accomplish.



Once you have done that, you have a clear plan for the day. Many people are less productive just because they are unorganized and unsure of what to do next. Make a list and keep it right in front of you so you know exactly what you plan to do each day.



4. Limit Distractions


Try to avoid working from your bed at all costs! It may be early and cold, but you will not be productive in your bed. Get out of bed, get some breakfast and work out of a desk.
The environment of your work-place has a dramatic effect on your productivity level. You know you’re supposed to work when you are in your desk surrounded by papers. Create an environment that amplifies what you’re trying to achieve.



5. Work Towards Your Mission


Everyone should have a white board or message board that shows them exactly what they want to achieve. Write down your goals, missions, or an inspiring quote that will motivate you every morning.



The first thing you should see every morning is something that will inspire you to take action. You cannot make someone do something, unless they really want it. Wake up every morning inspired and ready to take what’s yours.





It doesn’t take much to increase your productivity level. Scientific studies have shown clear evidence that many of the greatest minds in history were most successful during the morning hours. Share some tips you use to stay productive every morning.



photo credit: Βethan via photopin cc

5 Things They Won’t Teach You In Business School

Meet my 7 year old brother, Justin. He’s accomplished quite a bit in his young career. Since I live with him, I naturally hear him ramble about random stuff and observe his activities from time to time. Surprisingly, he’s taught me some really BIG lessons about business that I want to share with you. Here are 5 big business lessons I’ve learned from Justin.


Meet my 7 year old brother, Justin. He’s accomplished quite a bit in his young career. He reads at the 3rd grade level (only in 1st grade), is the reigning student of the year, and managed to beat Halo 3 all by himself.



Since I live with him, I naturally hear him ramble about random stuff and observe his activities from time to time. Surprisingly, he’s taught me some really BIG lessons about business that I want to share with you.



Even though he’s only 7 years old, he still has his own goals and achievements. Here are 5 big business lessons I’ve learned from Justin:



1. Don’t Ever Take No For An Answer


When my brother was younger, he would ask for things and my parents would say ‘No’. He would ask each of us, then cry, and finally throw a tantrum. He quickly realized that no matter how bad he wanted it, he wasn’t going to get it.



Suddenly one day, I saw a change in his demeanor. He asked for cookies and my mom said ‘No’. Typically, he would come and ask me if I would give him cookies, but this time he did something very different.



Instead of asking me, he began climbing the dishwasher. From there, he climbed the kitchen counter and slowly balanced all the way to the cupboards. He got on his tippy toes and reached to the top shelf until he got the cookies.



There were a lot of things that could have happened in that sequence, but he didn’t let anything stop him. He wanted cookies and that’s all he would settle for.



Lesson: Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for funding or an employee trying to get a raise, don’t take NO for an answer. If you don’t get funding from someone, go find it from some other source. If you don’t get that big promotion at one company, find another company who values you.



2. Have An Annoying Thirst For Knowledge


Little kids are great until they learn to talk. When Justin learned to talk, he drove me insane. It wasn’t that he was trying to be annoying, but he would ask questions about everything.



I was often busy or had other things to do, so I would brush him off. However, the times when I did give him an answer, he never forgot what I told him. He understood that I didn’t answer very many of his questions so he MADE sure to remember the answers I did give him.



He sucked up information like a sponge and he continued to want more. He’s a huge basketball fan, but he knew nothing about the game, players, teams, or sport. Fast-forward 8 months and he can tell you how many points Kobe Bryant has had in career as of yesterday.



How did he learn all this information? It wasn’t me handing him out facts, because I don’t even know as much as he does. He spent time reading ESPN box scores, watching YouTube videos, and looking at pictures. He was hungry to learn!



Lesson: No matter how old or young you may be, you need to find your passions and be hungry to learn all about it. Whether it’s getting 5 minutes with your mentor or a chance to listen to a keynote, suck up as much knowledge as you can.



3. Keep Trying Until You Succeed


Growing up, I was a video game nerd. I dominated all the sports and action games. Recently, my brother has become the video game nerd I once used to be. For some reason, he thinks he can beat me at NBA 2k13.



He knocks on my door everyday begging to play me. I’ve probably played him over 100 times in the last 1 year and beaten him every single time. What amazes me is that he never gives up.



In fact, he tells me that he will continue playing against me until HE BEATS ME. While I laugh it off because it’s really not going to happen, I do admire his persistence. Most people would try 5-10 times before giving up.



The thing that’s even better is that he changes his formula each time. He’ll pick a new team, get a new player, or even try a new approach to beat me. He understands that he can’t beat me playing the same way, so he continues improving himself.



Lesson: In business, failure is far more prominent than success. Failure is an event and nothing more. It doesn’t define your company or you. If you fail, come back with a new plan and be better than the last time.



4. Don’t Lose Your Imagination


My brother is the most imaginative person in the world. He comes up with insane stories and has a very open mind. Many people I meet in the business world have put their creative intuition aside.



Justin is passionate, creative, and uses his imagination. Whether it’s a story for a project or just something to do out of boredom, his imagination is unbelievable. Staying imaginative can never harm you!



Lesson: Never let your creative drive be put to rest. Creativity is something that is a crucial aspect of every business and often times imagination is what sets a company apart from the others.



5. People Want To Be Led, Not Controlled


When my parents ‘force’ my brother to do something, he gets upset and resists. You tell him to brush his teeth or to take a shower, he runs away and tries to delay it as much as possible.



However, if you tell him to brush his teeth with you, he’s far more open to it. He loves being led and even joining in with you, but he doesn’t like to be forced into doing things alone. Naturally, this is how everyone feels!



Lesson: The biggest part of a business is the way you manage other people. Nobody wants to be the employee that takes orders constantly. People love to work together with bosses and colleagues to reach a common goal. It’s not always the action that needs to change, but rather the perspective.





As you can see, my 7 year old brother has taught me a lot. I didn’t realize this until very recently when I put the pieces together. Do you have a younger sibling or child that has taught you some business lessons?



photo credit: scottwills via photopin cc

8 Secrets Self-Made Millionaires Know That You Don’t

Want a million dollars but just can’t get it? Well, that’s how everyone feels until they know the secrets of millionaires. Becoming a self-made millionaire is NOT easy, but these secrets can put you on the right track. Here are 5 secrets self-made millionaires know that you don’t.


So you want to be a self-made millionaire? Yeah, you and almost every other person in the world want the same thing. However, only a tiny percentage of people are actually able to accomplish this feat.



Luckily, someone was kind enough to share some secrets of self-made millionaires to me at a young age. Around the age of 15, I met a guy who had all the luxuries of life and was still in his early 30’s. I envied everything about him and wanted to live his life.



I told him this and he gave me some advice, which at the time didn’t make much sense. However, the advice now makes all the sense in the world. It’s been validated and verified by other self-made millionaires I’ve came in contact with as well.



Becoming a self-made millionaire is NOT easy, but these secrets can put you on the right track. Here are 5 secrets self-made millionaires know that you don’t.



1. You Are Who Your Friends Are


How many self-made millionaires do you hang out with? If that number is close to zero, change is necessary. I don’t know what the exact formula is, but it’s been proven that your friends decipher your net worth.



Self-made millionaires learned early on that they need to hang with the people they want to become. Hanging with other self-made millionaires gives you constant motivation, knowledge, and many opportunities others don’t get.



2. Stop Spending, Start Investing


If your goal is to make a million dollars and buy a Ferrari, you won’t be wealthy for very long. Millionaires understand how important it is to invest instead of spend.



I’ve met people who took their high school graduation money and made strings of great investments that enabled them to make millions of dollars. When you make money, your first thought should be, “How can I invest this money to make more?” instead of “What fancy thing should I buy today?”



3. Change Your Mindset


Before you can become a millionaire, you must believe it. Set a target, how you plan to achieve this goal, and then do everything in your power to accomplish it. Millionaires know what they want before they go and get it.



There is no shortage of money in the world for those willing to earn it. Stop thinking negatively and start thinking about how you will be a millionaire regardless of the obstacles you may face.



4. Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket


Millionaires make money from a variety of different income streams. You should do the same. Making millions of dollars from one thing is very hard, but it’s much easier to make a million from many different channels.



As a serial entrepreneur, I know how important it is to create multiple streams of revenue. I understand that my basket can be crushed at any time so I’ve created multiple baskets for insurance. You should do the same!



5. Chase Anything But The Money


The idea of being a millionaire is great, I fell in love with it at 15. However, I knew that chasing money doesn’t get you anywhere. My wealthy friend told me, “Never chase the money son, chase something else and the money will come.”



That’s when I knew that the concept of being a self-made millionaire was amazing, but money couldn’t be my motivation. My motivation was found years later, which was creating innovations that solve problems. Now that I have a purpose, money just comes to me.



6. Work Harder Than Everyone Else


For some reason, everybody assumes that self-made millionaires don’t work very hard. People want to attribute their success to luck or scams, but it’s really not that. Millionaires worked harder than everyone else to get where they are today.



It’s all about work ethic. I’ve talked to millionaires who shared their work ethics with me and made mine look like shit. Not to mention, I work 16 hour days while attending school. Nevertheless, if you want to be a millionaire, work harder at it than everyone else!



7. Make A Plan


Before you can become a self-made millionaire, you really need a strong plan on how you’re going to make that happen. What’s my plan?



Well, I want to create a passive income stream that makes me a couple thousand dollars a month (so that I can stay afloat). From there, I want to build a variety of different tech companies. Once I find success in my tech companies, I want to invest in other startups, funds, and start my own restaurant. I’ve had this plan since I was about 17 years old and have begun executing it ever since!



8. No Guts, No Glory


Self-made millionaires take big boy risks. They probably don’t tell everyone what their big risk was, but almost all of them do it. At some point, you have to take a risk to reap the rewards.



Self-made millionaires don’t just take any risks though. They take calculated risks, which usually end up having larger upside than downsides. Nevertheless, you must take some chances and roll the dice to be successful.





As you can see from the list above, just wanting a million dollars isn’t enough. Self-made millionaires almost live a special lifestyle long before they make all their money. By doing some of the things listed above, you can put yourself on the right path to achieve more!



7 Creative Ways I Made Money Online

I’ve always been a stay-at-home and make money kind of guy. I’ve done numerous different things online to make some money. Ever since the age of 9, I’ve had to make money quick and have come up with many creative ideas. I’m going to share with you 7 creative ways I have made money online.


I’ve always been a stay-at-home and make money kind of guy. For a long time, I really hated the idea of going out of my comfort zone to make a buck. Turns out, I always had a little buy cheapest Viagra entrepreneurial hustle in me since I have been young.



In fact, I’ve done numerous different things online to make some money. My first attempt, which was very pathetic, started at the age of 9. I made a website around basketball, but never made a dollar on it.



However, that was my first spark of innovation. Ever since then, I’ve had to make money quick and have came up with many creative ideas. I’m going to share with you 7 creative ways I have made money online.



1. Flipping Domain Names


Around the age of 14, I heard about the story of from someone I knew. I don’t remember what the exact amount was, but I know the original owner made a ton of money flipping that domain. I took $115 I had saved up from my birthday and began purchasing all kinds of domains.



I strategically bought various domains and ended up purchasing 12 domains in all. From there, I began contacting everyone possible letting them know of the domains I had for sale. After a few months, 11 of my domains were left unsold.



Fortunately, I was able to find someone to buy 1 of my 12 domains and he paid me a whopping $1,500 for it! Even though my other 11 domains essentially failed, I did find 1 great niche domain. Making money flipping domains is difficult, but all you need is a good name and some luck to be successful.



2. Playing Computer Games


Ever since I turned 12, I’ve been playing video games on my computer. I’ve been obsessed with games like Counterstrike, Puzzle Pirates, Team Fortress, and many others. While most of these games cost me a lot of time, one of these games actually made me some money.



I was really good at different things on Puzzle Pirates and there was a high demand for the currency used in that game. While everyone else used their currency to buy fancy houses, clothes, and boats……I actually sold the currency to others on the game for real money.



The game charged about $100 for 1 Million Poe (currency in the game) and I sold the same thing for only $50. Can you imagine how many customers I had knocking on my door? I did this for a few years and made some good money before the game shut me down and banned my accounts.



3. Online Poker


Yes, I’ve played a lot of online poker. There was even a time I wanted to become a professional online poker because I loved the game so much. While it’s definitely a challenge to win at the higher stakes, the small tables are fairly easy.



I learned the game of Poker at an early age and have relied on it often to make a quick buck. I’ve played online Poker on many different occasions and it has helped me make some fast cash.



I read tons of articles online and watched YouTube videos before I was able to dominate the smaller tables. The blinds were only 2 cents to 5 cents, but I played on 7-10 different tables. This was a quick, fun, and easy way for me to make some cash sitting in my pajamas.



4. Write Articles/Blog Posts


When I was 16 years old, I actually found numerous gigs on Craigslist where people paid me to write articles. They didn’t know I was 16, but they did appreciate my writing. I wrote about all kinds of different things because other people didn’t have time for it.



You have to create a portfolio of your best pieces of writing to get started. Once you have that, you contact the many different gigs available on Craigslist and begin pitching yourself. I only pitched myself on topics that I felt well-versed in such as sports, internet marketing, etc.



While it wasn’t a lot of money, I got paid anywhere from $25-$50 for each article/blog post I wrote. It took me anywhere from 1-2 hours to craft a strong article, but it was good money considering I never left the comfort of my home.



5. Post Ads For Other People


One of the guys I had written an article for loved me a lot. I don’t know why, but he thought I was amazing and wanted to work with me in every way possible. He opened up a computer service company, where he would virtually remove viruses, speed up computers, and fix them up on TeamViewer.



He wanted to go big and decided to hire me for an online gig. At this time, I was also working at my Dad’s software development company so I was doing this as a side job. He would have me post ads promoting his business on Craigslist throughout all the cities in the United States.



I spent less than 1 hour a day doing this, but was compensated very well. He paid me $50 a day and gave me 10% commission on every client that came his way. I did this gig for about 4 months and ended up making around $3,200 out of it. It’s not always a bad idea to rely on commission!



6. Type For Other People


For some reason, I’m really good at typing. I don’t know why but everyone I meet is immediately surprised by how quickly I can type. I decided to turn my skills into some quick cash when I was 15.



I happened to find gigs online where people were looking to turn clips, videos, and recordings into text. Many people came to me saying they struggled to type it all up because they just could not keep up with the voice and had to pause and go back.



Lucky for me, I was fast enough to keep up with the recording and it didn’t take me very long. I literally would finish a 1 hour recording in 1 hour and have it ready for my clients. My clients thought these tasks were an impossible challenge and they ended up paying me really well.



7. Flip Things Online


Another way I made some quick cash was by flipping various things online. I would look for things people were selling on Craigslist (mainly electronics) and tried to hustle for the best deal. Once I got a deal I loved, I bought that item.



After buying that item, I would go and repost that same item for a higher amount. I have bought iPhones in the past for $100 and been able to resell them hours later for $250-$300. It was all about finding a deal quickly and jumping on it right away.



Unfortunately, this gig did cause some problems for me. People on Craigslist did end up ripping me off and even though I made good money, a lot of it was lost from the bad deals I made. Nevertheless, if you know what you’re doing, this is another great way to make a quick buck online.





As you can see, I’ve always had that hustle and drive in me to make a quick buck. However, I attribute this skill to my parents. They were cheap and made me earn everything I wanted.



I hated them for it then, but now I love them for it. If they hadn’t pushed me to go get what I want, who knows when I would have got started. Have you made money online in any creative ways? Feel free to share below!



A Life Lesson Mike From Suits Taught Me

One of the most popular shows this year has been the action-packed legal show, Suits. One of the main characters from the show, Mike Ross, managed to teach me a very valuable life lesson. It was something that really represented my life very well, but I never knew it. I want to share with you my opinion on a highly debated topic, the value of college education.


For those of you who have never seen the show Suits on USA, you need to watch it! The show is absolutely great. It literally has me hooked and they haven’t even aired new episodes for months.



Before I can give you the life lesson I learned from Mike Ross on Suits, I have to give you some background on him and the show. This show has been airing on USA for a while now and they recently finished their second season. I found out about this show only a few months ago and literally completed 2 seasons of episodes in less than a week.



The Background


Mike Ross has an eidetic memory, which basically means he can remember everything. During some point of his life, he meets a guy named Trevor Evans and gets into some bad stuff with him. He begins smoking pot, selling it, and almost getting caught.



Through a dramatic chase, he ends up in an area filled with lawyers interviewing for a position. Desperate to escape the perpetrators chasing him, Mike decides to ‘pretend’ like he’s applying for this job. He makes a clever remark and is able to make it into Harvey Spector’s office.



Harvey Spector is a badass. That’s really the best way to put it. He’s one of the best closers and attorney’s in New York and works for Pearson Hardman. He wins every case, he plays by his own rules, and he really doesn’t answer to anyone.



Not only that, but he has one of the most brilliant minds and is only looking to hire someone as good as him. As you can imagine, Harvey does not take well to Mr. Ross who is completely befuddled. As the interview comes along, Mike Ross shows just how valuable he can be by outsmarting Harvey.



Long story short, Harvey has a dilemma on his hands. He knows that Mike is the perfect hire, but Pearson Hardman only hires the top Harvard grads. Being the rule-breaker he is, Harvey hires Mike Ross by creating him a fake diploma.



Mike Ross has a huge secret to hide, but brings unbelievable value to Harvey and the firm. There are many times when his secret is close to being exposed to the wrong people, but it never happens. So how does this crazy weed-smoking memory freak teach me a life lesson?



The Reality


Well it’s actually really simple. I not only loved the show, but I really admired Mike Ross. Here he is going toe to toe with some of the greatest legal minds who have accredited degrees and further education. However, Mike quite often dominated them.



Yeah this is a television show, but I have met many people who are better than the ‘more formally educated’ counterpart. Do you really need a formal education? Is there really any value in it?



I honestly started seeing lower and lower value in a formal education after experiencing the business world first hand. School didn’t teach me how to market my business, close deals, or build a successful business. I had to learn that all myself.



This education was very informal. My main source of education was experimentation. I made mistakes, failed, and did things wrong many times, but I eventually found the right way to do it.



I know people who graduated college with business degrees from top schools, but have found no value in their degree. They graduated, couldn’t find a job, and decided to create a business. This is a typical story, which also has a very typical result.



They struggle and they cannot implement much of their college education into their business. What do you really learn at college? As a college student, 90% of my education involves memorizing definitions or policies.



What can a policy really teach you? If an optometrist knows the definition of a cornea, will he really be successful with a cornea transplant? Hell no!



The truth is, you learn by performance, not by memorizing. I can memorize a 100 definitions and get an A on my next test, but I really did NOT learn anything. You learn when you get a hands on experience.



That’s what entrepreneurship is. Entrepreneurs will very rarely ever find value in a degree. Mike Ross taught me that no matter how highly people value a college degree, it still won’t make you skilled in a specific field or sector.



The Lesson


You don’t need a big education, tons of experience, or anything else to be successful. I believe going to college is about finding yourself, what you enjoy, and how you want to spend the rest of your life.



If you know what you want before going to college, why go? My good friend Spencer Costanzo knew what he was going to do by the age of 18 and he skipped college. What was the result? Over $500,000 in revenue in less than a few years.



Mike Ross taught me a very important life lesson that really fits my story well. I learned how important it really is to put your career into action. Not only do you really find out how much you like it, but that’s the only real way to be successful at it.



I haven’t heard of anyone come out of college and be a complete genius in an industry without ever applying what they learned. Application and engagement are the only real ways to learn, improve, and become the best at something.





Mike Ross’s example should be a good one for many people out there. In my opinion, college is more about finding what interests you than it is about coming out ready to be successful. Success cannot be taught, it is achieved through application.



Stay Simple – My Most Valuable Business Lesson

Creating a startup company with very little experience is a tough challenge. You’re bound to make small mistakes, screw some big things up, and even possibly fail. When I created my second startup company, I made a pretty big mistake many entrepreneurs make. Find out as I share in detail what this mistake was and why it was so valuable.


Creating a startup company with very little experience is a tough challenge. You’re bound to make small mistakes, screw some big things up, and buy cheap viagra soft



When my partner & I created StatFuse, it was only our second venture ever. Not only that, but it was our first web application and we didn’t have much guidance.



The whole episode taught me a very valuable lesson that I want to share with all of you today. We couldn’t keep the project, website, and vision simple. We wanted to do too much and didn’t really know what our own vision was.



The Problem



With StatFuse, we wanted to help students in every aspect of the college admissions process. While that was a very inspirational dream to have, it really wasn’t possible.



Why? Because we couldn’t do all this before launching. Not only that, but we couldn’t explain to others what our vision really was without taking up half their day.



When launching, we had a bunch of different things our website did, but we as the visionaries didn’t really know what our goal was. That was a pretty scary moment.



Businesses want to come out of the gates doing as much as possible. However, that’s the wrong thing to do. It only takes one great product, service, or piece of information to win your customers over.



The Lesson


This taught me a few things about creating a startup. Before you even start working on it, you need to have a distinct vision and goal you want to achieve.



Once you have a goal, build around that goal and do not change that goal unless it is absolutely necessary. Not only that, but instead of finding thousands of ways to fulfill the goal, find the best one.



Create one simple strategy and approach to achieve your goals before launching your business. Simplicity shouldn’t just be in the approach, but also in the overall execution of the project.



You want to find the simplest way to explain, market, and sell your product to customers. Take a look at DropBox.



DropBox is one of the most successful online applications out there. What do they do? They store your files on a cloud server making it easy for you to view them from different computers.



That’s it. DropBox’s vision is to actually simplify your lives. Did they achieve that? Yes, now you do not need flash drives, CD’s, or even a laptop to carry files from place A to place B.



Think simple, clean, and smooth. You do not need to change the world from day 1, you just need to make a dent in it. Simplicity sells and I learned that the hard way.



The Advantages


When you stay simple, your sales pitches are shorter, your customers are more engaged, and getting your vision across is much easier. Not only that, but you get to focus more on sales/marketing and less on maintaining your products.



When your business takes off, you start to create a community and generate awareness for your brand, which now allows you to expand your vision further. Companies like SalesForce, HubSpot, and others came into the market with just one goal.



Their first goal worked and that’s when they decided to expand and create new products. They could now charge a premium for these products (which they couldn’t have done had they launched all this together) and they had a base of satisfied customers.



Simplicity also makes it easy for you to tweak and change your product/business/service as necessary. You can never know for sure whether your ideas will be successful. Instead of building the worlds greatest ‘prototype’, build something simple and get feedback before going any further.





It is very easy to get caught up in the ‘do it all’ mentality when developing your ideas. Instead of trying to solve every problem, focus on one and do a great job at it.



I may not have learned this valuable lesson at first, but lucky for you I can share this with you today. Are there any another valuable lessons you have learned? Feel free to share it in the comments section below.



photo credit: Yogendra174 via photopin cc

How To Boss Around People Older Than You

More and more young entrepreneurs are employing people older than them. People were shocked, confused, and really didn’t know how to handle the situation well. Instead of expecting others to adapt, I decided to adapt myself. Want to know how to boss around older people than you? Here are a few things I did to significantly drop the attrition rate, build long-term relationships with my employees, and make the workplace better.


More and more young entrepreneurs are employing people older than them. While this is a great phenomenon, many young entrepreneurs have a hard time handling the situation properly.



When I created my first company at the age of 17, my team at one point had over 15 employees. Can you imagine a 17 year old bossing around 15 others, all of whom were older than me?



While it did help that most of my developers and designers were virtually being bossed around, I saw a lot of employees come and go. Even though the employees said they found a better job or were looking for something else, my insiders told me they couldn’t handle being bossed around by a 17 year old kid.



Many of the same things happened when I put together my first sales team for JB Media Force. People were shocked, confused, and really didn’t know how to handle the situation well. Instead of expecting others to adapt, I decided to adapt.



Here are a few things I did to significantly drop the attrition rate, build long-term relationships with my employees, and make the workplace better.



Have Fun


I hear from a lot of my friends that their bosses (who are older) are always yelling and are no fun. I didn’t want to be the 17 year old kid constantly raging at my employees, so I decided to have more fun.



Whether it was going out with my team for lunch or cracking jokes, I did whatever possible to make them feel comfortable. Humor is the best tool to bring people closer together and that’s exactly what it did. I made the workplace more fun.



Just Talk


I would be all about work when I first started working with my employees. Instead, I decided to spend some time everyday talking about stuff that would build a friendship.



Whether it was the sports, the weather, current events, or what they were doing that night……people really opened up to me. Best of all, they realized that I was very similar to them and relationships began to develop.



I learned very early on that a strong relationship is the most important part of a strong team. You cannot expect efficient and pro-active employees from day one. Teams are about finding the right pieces that gel together.



Stop Enforcing “I’m The Boss” Mentality


Many bosses love to constantly stress their dominance and authority in the workplace. I was 17 and I really didn’t care too much about that. As long as we were able to get things done right, I was a happy boss.



Instead of going around with a ‘boss’ mentality, I asked everyone to treat me like a colleague. No more calling me ‘Sir’ or ‘Boss’ or ‘Mr. Banerjee’. I asked them to simply call me Jeet and that made a big difference.



People knew I was their boss, but it just didn’t feel like it. Now employees were comfortable cracking jokes, working the way they like too, and best of all…..we were more productive than ever.



Know What You’re Doing


Many employees become very nervous when they enter a workplace run by individuals younger than them. They worry about job security, the maturity of the owners, and what the companies goals are.



Being young, many people indirectly questioned my ‘know-how’. Instead of answering them, I showed them I knew what I was doing. Anytime an employee had given me the opportunity to work with them for a few months, they immediately began to realize I knew what I was doing.



As an employer, you need to make your employees feel comfortable. Bringing peoples comfort levels to sync took time, but it was well-worth it. When people began to trust me and the organization, things went very smoothly.



You Can’t Please Everyone


I quickly learned that it was impossible to please everyone. Instead of trying to please others, I chose to please the company. Decisions were based around what would benefit the company instead of what John wanted.



As a business owner, sometimes you have to make the right decision for your company. You can try to please everyone, but it’s not always possible. If an employer didn’t believe in the same vision as me, I wasn’t going to change my vision just for him/her.



If you know what you want out of your company, stick to it and make the employer adapt or move on. You cannot please everyone and sometimes it’s better to let go of those who do not comply with the vision to find someone who will.



Value Their Opinions


I never pretended to know everything about business, the internet, or even managing others. I let others have a voice in the company, which was very important.



Every week, I would ask employers to give me feedback on what we can do to become a better business and if they had any general suggestions or comments. Many bosses believe that nobody is right besides them.



That’s a horrible mentality to have. It will just leave your employees resenting you and your business stuck in a rut. By keeping an open mind and letting others voice their opinions, I got some great advice that really propelled the success of my business.





Managing a team of employees who are all older than you can definitely be a challenge. It’s not about enforcing your dominance or showing others how smart you are.



You hired employees because you need help. Value their skills, talents, and work. Creating a strong relationship with your team will not happen overnight. It takes months to build a positive rapport with your team.


More and more young entrepreneurs are employing people older than them. While this is a great phenomenon, many young entrepreneurs have a hard time handling the situation properly.

When I created my first company at the age of 17, my team at one point had over 15 employees. Can you imagine a 17 year old bossing around 15 others, all of whom were older than me?

While it did help that most of my developers and designers were virtually being bossed around, I saw a lot of employees come and go. Even though the employees said they found a better job or were looking for something else, my insiders told me they couldn’t handle being bossed around by a 17 year old kid.

Many of the same things happened when I put together my first sales team for JB Media Force. People were shocked, confused, and really didn’t know how to handle the situation well. Instead of expecting others to adapt, I decided to adapt.

Here are a few things I did to significantly drop the attrition rate, build long-term relationships with my employees, and make the workplace better.

Have Fun

I hear from a lot of my friends that their bosses (who are older) are always yelling and are no fun. I didn’t want to be the 17 year old kid constantly raging at my employees, so I decided to have more fun.

Whether it was going out with my team for lunch or cracking jokes, I did whatever possible to make them feel comfortable. Humor is the best tool to bring people closer together and that’s exactly what it did. I made the workplace more fun.

Just Talk

I would be all about work when I first started working with my employees. Instead, I decided to spend some time everyday talking about stuff that would build a friendship.

Whether it was the sports, the weather, current events, or what they were doing that night……people really opened up to me. Best of all, they realized that I was very similar to them and relationships began to develop.

I learned very early on that a strong relationship is the most important part of a strong team. You cannot expect efficient and pro-active employees from day one. Teams are about finding the right pieces that gel together.

Stop Enforcing “I’m The Boss” Mentality

Many bosses love to constantly stress their dominance and authority in the workplace. I was 17 and I really didn’t care too much about that. As long as we were able to get things done right, I was a happy boss.

Instead of going around with a ‘boss’ mentality, I asked everyone to treat me like a colleague. No more calling me ‘Sir’ or ‘Boss’ or ‘Mr. Banerjee’. I asked them to simply call me Jeet and that made a big difference.

People knew I was their boss, but it just didn’t feel like it. Now employees were comfortable cracking jokes, working the way they like too, and best of all…..we were more productive than ever.

Know What You’re Doing

Many employees become very nervous when they enter a workplace run by individuals younger than them. They worry about job security, the maturity of the owners, and what the companies goals are.

Being young, many people indirectly questioned my ‘know-how’. Instead of answering them, I showed them I knew what I was doing. Anytime an employee had given me the opportunity to work with them for a few months, they immediately began to realize I knew what I was doing.

As an employer, you need to make your employees feel comfortable. Bringing peoples comfort levels to sync took time, but it was well-worth it. When people began to trust me and the organization, things went very smoothly.

You Can’t Please Everyone

I quickly learned that it was impossible to please everyone. Instead of trying to please others, I chose to please the company. Decisions were based around what would benefit the company instead of what John wanted.

As a business owner, sometimes you have to make the right decision for your company. You can try to please everyone, but it’s not always possible. If an employer didn’t believe in the same vision as me, I wasn’t going to change my vision just for him/her.

If you know what you want out of your company, stick to it and make the employer adapt or move on. You cannot please everyone and sometimes it’s better to let go of those who do not comply with the vision to find someone who will.

Value Their Opinions

I never pretended to know everything about business, the internet, or even managing others. I let others have a voice in the company, which was very important.

Every week, I would ask employers to give me feedback on what we can do to become a better business and if they had any general suggestions or comments. Many bosses believe that nobody is right besides them.

That’s a horrible mentality to have. It will just leave your employees resenting you and your business stuck in a rut. By keeping an open mind and letting others voice their opinions, I got some great advice that really propelled the success of my business.


Managing a team of employees who are all older than you can definitely be a challenge. It’s not about enforcing your dominance or showing others how smart you are.

You hired employees because you need help. Value their skills, talents, and work. Creating a strong relationship with your team will not happen overnight. It takes months to build a positive rapport with your team.




photo credit: plewicki via photopin cc

5 Things I Learned About Our Future From Other College Entrepreneurs

Since Thursday of this week, I have been blessed with the opportunity to connect with college entrepreneurs all over the country at the CEO Conference in Chicago, Illinois. CEO is a great organization that promotes college entrepreneurship and helps orchestrate it throughout the year. I just finished a speech about Online Marketing strategies for startups and have met many great speakers, mentors, and college entrepreneurs. From meeting so many college entrepreneurs, I learned a lot about our future. Here’s what I learned.


Since Thursday of this week, I have been blessed with the opportunity to connect with college entrepreneurs from all over the world at the CEO Conference in Chicago, Illinois,Order Viagra.



CEO is a great organization that promotes college entrepreneurship and helps orchestrate it throughout the year.



I just finished a speech about Online Marketing strategies for startups and have met many great speakers, mentors, and college entrepreneurs. From meeting so many college entrepreneurs, I learned a lot about our future.



Here’s what I learned:



1. We’re in great hands.


Even though the elderly say our generation is forever ‘screwed’, I don’t believe it. Just because our generation has different perspectives and parties hard does NOT mean they will not take care of the country.



As hard as all college students party, they work just as much. I was surprised to see how many other college entrepreneurs there really were. Whether they had established businesses or were tossing around ideas, they all shared similar goals.



They all wanted to succeed and live life their way. That’s great! The motivation and passion I saw in the faces of thousands of entrepreneurs was amazing. They want to succeed and that’s why they will!



2. Innovation will never die.


Whether these college students had their own businesses or were working elsewhere, they all wanted to be a part of something great. They wanted to implement their ideas into some sort of product, idea, website, or application.



To see so many entrepreneurs striving to learn more about innovation, technology, and marketing, it showed me that innovation will never die. Innovation is great because it helps businesses, countries, and people as a whole move forward.



3. It’s not all about money.


A chunk of cash is always great, but these entrepreneurs showed me that they really cared about more than just money. They were interested in building businesses focused around their passions or doing something to help the environment, society, or people.



If you have a generation who is interested in doing what they love and helping others, that has great implications on the world. Many have said that the old generation was money and power hungry, but our generation is more about helping others than doing it for monetary gain.



4. Technology will run us.


Even though I met many people with very different ideas, it somehow always revolved or connected to technology in some way. It has become clearly evident that technology will be the center-point for all innovations in the future.



Is this a bad thing? No, it’s actually great. The more technologically solid we become, the more connected our world becomes. The similarity between almost all innovators is their love for technology.



5. It’s going to be competitive.


I’m a firm believer of friendly competition. After speaking with entrepreneurs and watching pitch competitions, I realized that our generation is more competitive than ever.



Everyone wants to win, myself included. The competitive nature of our generation will be great because people will work twice as hard to beat others. Success will not be easy, but it will be well-earned.





Overall, the CEO conference in Chicago was amazing. I got to meet tons of great aspiring college entrepreneurs, innovators, speakers/mentors, and even CEO team members.



The connections, experiences, and friendships made during these few days was priceless. I feel like our future is in better hands than ever before and have decided to stop listening to the older generations ‘negative’ critiques.


Since Thursday of this week, I have been blessed with the opportunity to connect with college entrepreneurs from all over the world at the CEO Conference in Chicago, Illinois. CEO is a great organization that promotes college entrepreneurship and helps orchestrate it throughout the year.

I just finished a speech about Online Marketing strategies for startups and have met many great speakers, mentors, and college entrepreneurs. From meeting so many college entrepreneurs, I learned a lot about our future.

Here’s what I learned:

1. We’re in great hands.

Even though the elderly say our generation is forever ‘screwed’, I don’t believe it. Just because our generation has different perspectives and parties hard does NOT mean they will not take care of the country.

As hard as all college students party, they work just as much. I was surprised to see how many other college entrepreneurs there really were. Whether they had established businesses or were tossing around ideas, they all shared similar goals.

They all wanted to succeed and live life their way. That’s great! The motivation and passion I saw in the faces of thousands of entrepreneurs was amazing. They want to succeed and that’s why they will!

2. Innovation will never die.

Whether these college students had their own businesses or were working elsewhere, they all wanted to be a part of something great. They wanted to implement their ideas into some sort of product, idea, website, or application.

To see so many entrepreneurs striving to learn more about innovation, technology, and marketing, it showed me that innovation will never die. Innovation is great because it helps businesses, countries, and people as a whole move forward.

3. It’s not all about money.

A chunk of cash is always great, but these entrepreneurs showed me that they really cared about more than just money. They were interested in building businesses focused around their passions or doing something to help the environment, society, or people.

If you have a generation who is interested in doing what they love and helping others, that has great implications on the world. Many have said that the old generation was money and power hungry, but our generation is more about helping others than doing it for monetary gain.

4. Technology will run us.

Even though I met many people with very different ideas, it somehow always revolved or connected to technology in some way. It has become clearly evident that technology will be the center-point for all innovations in the future.

Is this a bad thing? No, it’s actually great. The more technologically solid we become, the more connected our world becomes. The similarity between almost all innovators is their love for technology.

5. It’s going to be competitive.

I’m a firm believer of friendly competition. After speaking with entrepreneurs and watching pitch competitions, I realized that our generation is more competitive than ever.

Everyone wants to win, myself included. The competitive nature of our generation will be great because people will work twice as hard to beat others. Success will not be easy, but it will be well-earned.


Overall, the CEO conference in Chicago was amazing. I got to meet tons of great aspiring college entrepreneurs, innovators, speakers/mentors, and even CEO team members.

The connections, experiences, and friendships made during these few days was priceless. I feel like our future is in better hands than ever before and have decided to stop listening to the older generations ‘negative’ critiques.



photo credit: maebmij via photopin cc