
How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog


With the resources available nowadays, anyone can essentially start a blog rather quickly. However, starting your own blog is just the first step. The second and much harder step is driving a steady stream of traffic to your blog without spending a lot of money.



Without spending a single dollar on marketing my blog, I’ve been able to get hundreds of thousands of unique visitors to my articles.



In this article, I’ll share my tips on how to get more traffic to your blog:



Target Your Content


There are two types of readers that you will come across on your website. There are those that are constantly sharing your content and then another group of individuals who are just reading, but not sharing.



You need to narrow down the audience that is sharing your posts actively so that you can craft your content to cater towards them. I quickly found out that the younger audience on my site was more likely to share articles. Thus, I began crafting more content that would target them specifically.



Get Involved In The Community


Given the number of blogs that are out there in the blogosphere, you don’t have to worry too much about ‘competitors’. The reason is that the same person is very likely to read multiple blogs.



You can reach out to other bloggers in your sphere and ask if you can guest post on their site. It helps them because they are getting more content while you’re writing is being presented in front of a new audience. Find ways to work with other blogs to create mutually beneficial relationships.



Make Your Blog SEO Friendly


Most blogs are built on WordPress. There are numerous SEO tools available that help you get your content visible on the search engines. I personally love using Yoast SEO, which is a free plugin available for WordPress.



By installing these plugins, you are easily able to customize URL’s, meta titles, meta descriptions and keywords for your article. These are all of the vital elements that help you rank on the search engines.



Actively Share Your Posts On Social Media


Social media is a great way to promote your content through the web. It is vital that you have profiles created on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google + so that you can share your newest blog posts with your audience.



It’s not always about getting unique visitors to your blog, but rather getting a large base of loyal readers. Social media sites such as Twitter can help you keep your audience close to you so that they know whenever you post a new blog article.



Pay Attention To Your Analytics


I personally recommend using Google Analytics if you’re looking for a free solution that gets the job done. I use that on my blog and it tells me exactly how much traffic I’m getting, where the traffic is coming from and how long they are spending on my site.



These are three key metrics that everyone should focus on when trying to increase traffic to their blog. When you see a specific marketing strategy working better than the others, you focus more of your efforts on that specific factor.





Getting traffic to your blog is a long and challenging process. In this article, I shared some of my tips on how to get more traffic to your blog. What are some things that have worked specifically well for you?



photo credit: lastquest via photopin cc


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