5 Reasons Why Working For Someone Else Won’t Get You Rich

In this article, I share 5 reasons why working for someone else won’t get you rich. I used first-hand examples to showcase this comparison within this post.


“Build your dream or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” 



Every morning I wake up and see those words framed in the wall right in front of me. That is one of the most powerful quotes to me. It reminds me that if I don’t do chase my dreams, I’ll just be helping someone else with theirs.



People often times have big dreams of being their own boss, but something always holds them back from taking the leap forward. In this post, I want to change your mind and help you jump into entrepreneurship.



Here are 5 reasons why working for someone else won’t get you rich:



1. You’re Building Someone Else’s Wealth


When you are working for someone else, you are essentially building their business. Your salary is probably fixed and it doesn’t matter how well you do since it probably won’t affect your annual income very much.



If your salary is $100,000, then you know for a fact that the person running the show is making a lot more than that. Worst of all, everything useful that you do for the business is an asset to the owner, not you.



2. Time Is Greater Than Money


The vast majority of jobs across the board require you to trade your time for a salary. In exchange for a set number of hours each month, you are receiving a set number of dollars.  However, I have learned one very valuable thing over the years. You can always get more money, but you can’t ever get your time back.



To me, time is the most valuable commodity that is out there. If you’re ever working in a place where you’re forced to trade time for dollars, you’re never going to get rich. You only have 24 hours in a day and after some point, you can’t put in any more hours.



3. You Save Instead of Invest


For some reason, entrepreneurs and employees think very differently. Entrepreneurs are always looking to diversify and invest to increase their assets. Employees on the other hand are always looking to save up money for a rainy day.



Employees always think they must have a large rainy day fund just incase they get laid off or something goes wrong at their company. By saving instead of investing, you are giving up the opportunity to potentially make a lot of money.



4. You’re Too Comfortable 


You have to take risks to become really wealthy in life. Entrepreneurs are willing to put it all on the line and take the biggest risks necessary to be successful. Remember, the bigger the risk….the bigger the reward.



When you work a job, you become too comfortable. Many people ask themselves why they should take a big risk and potentially lose it all when they can just let things continue as they have been.



5. You Stop Learning


When you work a 9 to 5 style job, it becomes really hard to continue educating yourself outside of your job. By the time you get home from all that traffic, you’re tired and exhausted.



People that work for others are comfortable and don’t really give a shit about learning more. Entrepreneurs on the other hand are opportunists. They understand that if they can learn something before others, they can capitalize on that and make a lot of money.





If you find complete happiness working at a job, by all means don’t give that up. At the end of the day, it’s really about how happy you are. In this article, I shared 5 reasons why working for someone else won’t get you rich.



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