30 Tiny Habits That Can Make A Big Difference In Your Life

In this post, I share with you 30 tiny habits that can make a big difference in your life. Small things can go a long way in changing your life.

Believe it or not, there are tiny things you can do to make a difference in the world. In order to really have a lasting impact though, you have to turn your tiny changes into consistent habits. Making positive life changes can often times be difficult and overwhelming to many people.

The truth is, change is difficult for almost everyone. Change and comfort don’t go together. If you want to comfortable, don’t expect to change. On the contrary, if you’re willing to give up your comfort, you can create massive change in your life.

To make a big difference in your life, you have to start with small changes to your routine and lifestyle before you can focus on the larger ones. Here are 30 tiny habits that can make a big difference in your life:

1. Sleep Early

We were always told to get eight hours of sleep, but most of the time sleep is not a priority in our lives. Sleeping early and making it a habit will have plenty of benefits for the health and it will allow you to wake up early.

2. Make Your Bedroom Your Sleep Cave

Transform your room into a place of only sleep. Too many people work, read and utilize electronics out of their bedrooms. If you avoid the electronics and make your room a relaxation cave, you’ll find yourself much better rested.

3. Exercise Regularly 

Exercising regularly has its benefits for the mind and body. When you make it a habit of doing partaking in some sort of exercise daily, it will help you to clear your mind of stress, clear your body of tension and help you achieve a greater sense of healthiness.

4. Read Something Every Night 

If you want to be a better person and more successful in your career, you have to constantly educate yourself. One of the best ways to learn more and become smarter is to read something every single night. One of the best ways to shut down your body is to do something that doesn’t involve electronics, such as reading every night.

5. Learn A New Language

Being bilingual or multilingual never hurts and learning a new language has a ton of benefits. Self-education of a new language does not require you to go to school or to go through some sort of vigorous curriculum. There are online apps available that you can use to learn the basics. Learning a new language can be exciting and it can also tap into other parts of your brain that you don’t use as often.

6. Being Super Focused 

There are hundreds of things you can probably fix about yourself or your life, but it’s best to start with one thing at a time. Be super focused and try to improve yourself over time instead of all at once. Mastering a single habit at a time is a far better approach because it will allow you to focus on improving one part of your life.

7. Try To Stay Prepared 

Those who are prepared are put in the best situation to thrive. Make it a habit of preparing all the things you need for that moment or that day. It is always better to be prepared than to cram at the last minute.

8. Park Your Car A Few Spots Farther

One of the best forms of exercise is actually known as walking. No matter how old you are, taking a nice stroll will be helpful. However, many people find it tough to fit in extra time to go on a walk. One of the best ways to include more exercise in your life is by doing little things such as parking your car a few spots farther.

9. Eat A Balanced Diet

This might be one of the toughest tasks to maintain. With a ton of fast food chains in the world, people are becoming more and more dependent on it. They forget how unhealthy processed foods are and they neglect a balanced diet. However, trying to eat a balanced diet regularly will become a habit. When you make it a habit, you will have a healthier life.

10. Meditate

The common misconception with meditation is that it’s a time consuming task. However, it’s easy to learn and you can really spend as much tim was you need to. Make it a habit to meditate for just a few minutes a day. Eventually, you will feel a difference mentally and physically.

11. Practice Gratitude

You might have heard this a ton of times, but saying thank you for everything you have received is good. It’s a great practice to constantly remind yourself what you are grateful about. Count your blessings because you’re always doing better than someone else.

12.  Drink More Water

Water is essential to the survival of your life. When you drink water, it cleanses your body and keeps you hydrated. Health is wealth and it starts with drinking enough water each day!

13. Reset Your Expectations

When you expect too much from others, you put yourself in a position to be disappointed. My motto has always been hope for the best, but expect the worst. While some may say this is a pessimistic way to think, you keep your expectations at bay. This has allowed me to achieve much less stress and far less disappointment.

14. Take Deep Breathes

Taking deep breaths can help lessen tension, stress, and anxiety. It can make you calmer and think better. Take a deep breath especially when you’re having a tough day!

15. Reinforce You Goals

If you are serious about your long-term goals, never forget about it. Make it a habit of reminding yourself of your goals constantly. By reinforcing your goals, you’ll be one step closer to achieving it and it will take you to the right path.

16. Plan For Tomorrow

Every day, we have a goal we want to accomplish. However, too many people are caught up in the present and don’t think of the future. Think and plan for tomorrow just as much as you live in the present. When you accomplish this, you will have daily success. If you make this a habit, you will be successful in your everyday life.

17. Learn To Say No

Most people hate to say no because they are nice people. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the nicest person in the world as well but priorities are important. The more you learn to say no, the more focused you’ll stay on your goals and the better chances of being more successful you will be.

18. Ask Open-Ended Questions

It is not enough to just throw questions that are easily answerable by a yes or a no. Ask questions where you can have a deeper conversation, learn something and relate with others. When you make this a habit every day, imagine the wisdom you will gain for the near future.

19. Be Silent

This isn’t another breathing or meditation exercise, but so much more. By being silent, you get to take time to hear what others have to say. The less you talk and the more you listen, you’ll be amazed at how much you can learn. This habit is one of my favorite things to practice!

20. Respond To Invitations

There are emails sent daily, some of which may be invitations to various things. Do not hesitate to respond. Your response is important, but it does not have to be a yes or a no. Take time to think by responding “I’ll check my calendar.” This response is better than not responding at all.

21. Stay In Touch With Friends And Family

As an entrepreneur, I know most importantly how tough it is to stay in touch with friends and family. Your work and personal life can get overwhelming at times causing you to forget about your loved ones. Your friends and family are your greatest gift. Keeping in touch with them will not only make them happy, but it will also strengthen a relationship.

22. Be Interested

Today, almost everyone is super obsessed with themselves and they are constantly talking about themselves with others. However, what other people want more than anything else is a great listener. Listen more, speak less and see the difference it makes!

23. Give Credit

If you are the boss, never forget to give credit to your employees. Not only that, but regardless of what your position is, you should give credit to others for good work that they do. This will help others stay motivated, work harder and you can make someone’s day with a few words of encouragement. Make people feel appreciated!

24. Take One Picture A Day

Pictures can tell a thousand words. The picture you have today may be ordinary, but 20 years from now, it will be a treasure. When you go back, you will remember your accomplishments through the pictures.

25. Disconnect From Your Phone

I am a culprit of constantly being on my phone, but sometimes it’s so nice to disconnect from your phone. Overusing your phone can affect your relationship, goals and your health. Taking a pause from your phone can improve your family relationship, work ethics and health. Making this a hobby can result in improvement.

26. Think Positively

Develop a mindset of thinking positively about yourself and what you do can make a big difference in your life. This will help you to be motivated and positive to overcome hurdles head on.

27. Avoid Multitasking

Many busy people think that multitasking is a must. But as much as possible, avoid multi-tasking. Multi-tasking can prevent you from being productive. Instead, focus on a single task and accomplish it before jumping to the next one. Make it a habit and you will see yourself being more productive.

28. Eliminate The Non-Essentials

Identify what is essential and useful in your daily life. Then, you will be left with things that are not essential. This can change a life because it helps to simplify things and focus on the important things that really matter to you.

29. Practice Self-Compassion

Do not be hard on yourself if you have a setback. Instead, treat yourself with compassion and reassurance. Stacking guilt on top won’t make things better and you’ll just end up being more stressed.

30. Be Charitable 

You don’t have to be a philanthropist to donate money. If you find it in your heart to help and give, you can give to a charity of your choice. In fact, only give what you can and when you can. It does not have to be a big amount, but knowing that you’re helping others is one of the most fulfilling feelings in the world!


Small things can go a long way in changing your life. In this post, I shared with you 30 tiny habits that can make a big difference in your life.