10 Sleeping Habits of The Super Successful

The daily schedule of people plays a significant role in determining their success. Their sleep habits are an important part of that schedule and significantly affect their success. In this post, I share with you 10 sleeping habits of the super successful.

Sleep isn’t just something we spend a lot of time doing. It’s also something we spend a lot of time thinking about. Sleep deprivation can cause a variety of problems that can negatively affect your productivity, leading to problems that can range from concentration issues to depression.

A question often asked is, what is the right amount of sleep? The traditional answer is somewhere between seven and nine hours per night for a healthy adult. However, some experts argue that anything more than seven hours is unhealthy. It honestly comes down to figuring out what works best for your mind and body before building a schedule around it. All in all, we all know that sleep is very important!

As researchers have learned more about its purpose, the importance of getting a good night’s sleep becomes even clearer. A new study shows that there’s a difference between sleep that’s long but interrupted and sleep that’s short but sound. As you might guess, it’s better for the brain to sleep for a shorter number of uninterrupted hours than a longer number of fitful ones.

For successful entrepreneurs, managing their sleeping schedule is extremely important. The better they manage their sleep schedule, the more work they can get done and the healthier they can be. Here are 10 sleeping habits of the super successful:

1. They Stop Eating Three Hours Before Bedtime

If you’re eating your biggest meal at night or if you continue to snack until bedtime, you are more likely to have broken or disjointed sleep. After you eat, your body needs to work hard to digest it, which can hinder your ability to wind down for bed. Worst of all, if you’re eating sugary foods at night, the negative effects on your blood sugar levels could have you waking up in the middle of the night. Often times, entrepreneurs overeat at night because they’ve been skipping meals during the day. One of the best ways to prevent that unhealthy cycle is to have a solid breakfast and lunch while prioritizing healthy eating throughout the day.

2. They Exercise

Exercise promotes healthy sleep patterns by releasing serotonin and dopamine. These are the same neurotransmitters that are important for regulating our 24 hour sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm. Not only that, but exercising can also tire the body out making it easier to fall asleep and giving you a better night of sleep.

3. They Avoid Alcohol Before Bedtime

While alcohol may help you fall asleep, it will heavily affect the quality of your slumber. Sleep is lighter, you have less REM (the deepest stage of sleep) and you can end up waking up more often throughout the night. Studies have shown that many people wake up after about four hours because that’s how long it takes to metabolize alcohol. The best advice is to avoiding drinking any alcohol within three hours before bedtime.

4. They Stop Drinking Coffee Eight Hours Before Bedtime 

Coffee can linger in your system for 8 to 10 hours. If you are fueling your days with caffeine, that is likely getting in the way of restful night’s sleep. Another reason to lay off the caffeine is because coffee depletes serotonin, which are the ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain that makes you feel calm and happy. Drinking too much coffee can not only lead to insomnia and disjointed sleep, but it may also aggravate feelings of stress and anxiety.

5. They Follow Some Cleanliness Rituals

Just like your morning routine, following a couple of cleanliness rituals at night is quite essential as well. Apart from helping you maintain great hygiene, it helps trick your brain into believing that it’s sleeping time. You don’t necessarily need to take a shower, but brushing, flossing and washing your face is enough.

6. They Create A Soothing Sleep Environment

Make sure the temperature in your bedroom is cool enough to induce and maintain sleep. Not only that, but you should keep your shades drawn to block out streetlights. If you are troubled by excessive noise from the street, use earplugs or invest in soundproof windows. Having a cozy sleep environment will allow for more restful and restorative sleep.

7. They Plan Ahead For Next Day

Planning is an indispensable part of success. If you want to be successful, you need to develop the habit of planning well. Most successful people like planning their day the previous night, before going to sleep. It helps them manage time well and meet deadlines without fail.

8. They Keep Their Gadgets At Bay

The screen light of your gadgets can obstruct your sleep and strain your eyes. Hence, you end up losing sleep and also tend to waste a lot of time mindlessly scrolling on social media websites. Successful people make it a point to keep their gadgets as far away from them as they possibly can when they’re preparing to sleep.

9. They Write Their Worries Away

If you find yourself lying in bed stressing about the events of the day, successful people recommend keeping a worry journal to write down the issues that are bothering you. For those who find their heads swimming with to-do-lists, they say putting the list on paper rather than thinking about it can help to clear your head and shut off your mind before bedtime.

10. They Spend Time With Family

Most successful people ensure taking enough time out of the day to spend it with their family. They eat dinner together and talk about how each persons day went. It doesn’t just give them the perfect chance to unwind and relax; it also helps them strike the perfect work-life balance. Some quality time with the loved ones also helps you achieve a better night of rest.


The daily schedule of people plays a significant role in determining their success. Their sleep habits are an important part of that schedule and significantly affect their success. In this post, I shared with you 10 sleeping habits of the super successful.