5 Negative Thoughts That Are Killing Your Dreams

More dreams are killed by negative thoughts than anything else. In this article, I share 5 negative thoughts that are killing your dreams along with tips to overcome them.


Dreams. Something we all have somewhere in our minds. However, not all of us end up pursuing our dreams. They start as thoughts and remain as thoughts in our mind.



There are many reasons why are dreams do not become goals. One of the biggest reasons why is because of the way we think. We all have negative thoughts from time to time, but many of these thoughts can truly kill your dreams forever.



In this blog article, I’m going to share 5 negative thoughts that are killing your dreams and how you can overcome them:



1. “Tomorrow will be easier…”


Growing up, I used the word tomorrow as much as I could. Clean my room? I can do it tomorrow. Finish my homework? I’ll do it tomorrow. Study for that big final? I’ll wait until tomorrow. I procrastinated everything that required a lot of work or wasn’t interesting to me.



These thoughts carry on with you for the rest of your life. We prolong our dreams day after day, but nothing changes. Our environments change but our circumstances stay the same. I thought life was tough when I was in elementary school but boy is it a lot harder today.



You’re not buying yourself time, you’re simply killing your dreams. The longer you wait on those dreams, the more distant they become. I overcame this negative thought pattern by simply putting my dreams into action. I put my foot down and decided that there was no better time to start than now.



If your negative thoughts are kicking in right now, perhaps my TED talk can help.





2. “It’s just too risky for me…” 


Every decision comes with a risk. No matter how much we try to minimize the risk, there is always a risk involved. As an entrepreneur, I have taken many gut-wrenching risks. Some have paid off while others have cost me dearly.



Chasing your dreams is a big risk. I do not say this to scare you, but rather to motivate you. The bigger the risk is, the bigger the reward is. Every day that you live life, you’re taking a risk. Why not take a risk towards something meaningful?



I knew quitting my job at 17 to become an entrepreneur was risky. However, I quickly began thinking of the rewards. I could control my own destiny, be my own boss and work on something that mattered. Before you weigh the risks, look at the rewards. Prove to yourself that the leap of faith can and will be worthwhile.



3. “I don’t want to be a failure…”


It is true that you may chase your dreams and fail. However, failure doesn’t define you or your dreams unless you allow it to. We as humans have a very negative perspective of what failure really is.



Throughout our lives, the idea of failing has been antagonized. As I have progressed an entrepreneur, I quickly learned that failure was my best friend. I fail all the time and I’m proud to say it. I’m even prouder to say that I may have failed, but I’m not a failure.



Let me explain. Failure is an event – something that happens on a given day at a certain time. If you quit without learning from it, you are truly a failure. However, I’m not a failure because I embrace it, get back up and try again. Remember: you can only be a failure if you allow yourself to give up.



4. “I’m not as talented as those other successful people.”


Negative thoughts really start to take over when you start comparing yourself to others. I quickly realized that the only person you should be in competition with is yourself. Use other successful individuals as motivation, not as dream-killers.



Stop focusing on all the negatives about yourself. If you really want to compare yourself with someone else, find the common ground. See what skills and assets they have that you possess as well.



To be a successful dream-chaser, you need to find the positive in every situation. Our minds are trained to seek the negative in every moment, but you must be the master of your own mind. Challenge yourself to think positively and believe in your own abilities.



5. “I don’t know what others will say….”


The worse thing in life is living a life that isn’t your own. What I mean by that is actually really simple. If you’re making life changing decisions based on how others may think or act, you’re not living your own life.



I am sick and tired of people wondering what their friends, families, co-workers, and other influences in their lives may say. It’s great to weigh their opinions from time to time, but don’t let them run your life.



Drake says it best, start doing you. Focus on yourself and do what makes you happy in life because that’s what really matters. Good friends and family stay with you no matter what decision you make in life.





What you believe is truly what you can achieve. When you constantly begin to manifest negative thoughts, they begin to run your life. This article features 5 negative thoughts that are killing your dreams along with tips to overcome them.



photo credit: Ed Callow [ torquespeak ] via photopin cc