5 Beliefs of People Who Refuse To Quit

In this article, I share 5 beliefs of people who refuse to quit. From my own failures and roadblocks in my entrepreneurial journey, I have learned to stay persistent by focusing on some core beliefs.


As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned to develop a thick skin with many different things. I wouldn’t be able to call myself an entrepreneur today if I didn’t develop a thick skin to failure.



Mistakes, obstacles and failures always come up. It’s part of the ups and downs every entrepreneur has to deal with at some point. Luckily for me, I became really good at dealing with failure.



The solution was really simple, far too simple actually. I just refused to quit. That’s easier said than done as many people know. I had to develop some really powerful beliefs that enabled me to stay persistent no matter what happened.



In this article, I share 5 beliefs of people who refuse to quit:



1. Next Time Will Be Better


Each time I failed, I used that experience to learn from it. I wrote down the things I thought I did really well and the negative things I thought caused the downfall. By doing this, I was able to openly reflect on the whole experience.



After that, I had two choices. I could give up or I could create a new plan that incorporated all this feedback. Successful people always choose the latter option. They create a new plan and have confidence that the next time around will be far better.



2. You Only Have To Be Right Once 


Here’s the beautiful part about being an entrepreneur, you ONLY need to be right once. You can find a thousand ways that don’t work and fail just as many times. People do not remember you for your failures, but for your successes.



As long as you’re able to get it right once, you can make a lot of money, change the world and disrupt a massive industry. People who refuse to quit understand this belief. They know that it’s nearly impossible to get everything perfect the first time around.



3. They Believe In Taking Risks


Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you that they did something that not many others were willing to do. Often times, this means taking a big risk. If you’re looking to limit risk, chances are you might end up failing.



Successful individuals understand risks, but they aren’t afraid to fearlessly push through these challenges. You have to take a risk and push yourself to the limits to be successful. It won’t be easy, but it will be worthwhile.



4. Mind Over Matter


This saying might be really cliche or overused, but I still think it is extremely powerful. Successful individuals need to master their minds. If you have the proper mindset, you can truly achieve anything.



In order to push past failures and stop yourself from quitting, you need to believe in yourself. It doesn’t matter if no one else in the world believes in you as long as you believe in your own dreams. Mental strength and self-confidence are keys to success.



5. Haters Don’t Phase Them


When you fail or stumble upon a nasty roadblock, people will always be there to laugh and criticize your actions. Many people let this outside influence stop them from continuing their dreams.



That’s a deadly mistake you want to avoid at all costs. Sometimes, you have to embark on a vision that only you can see. If others saw it too, they’d be creating a journey of their own. Always listen to what others have to say, but take it with a grain of salt. Make your own decisions and follow your own path in life.





Finding success in this world requires a lot of determination and grit. In this article, I shared 5 beliefs of people who refuse to quit.



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