6 Qualities That Separate The Successful From The Lucky

In this article, I share 6 qualities that separate the successful from the lucky. From seeing numerous solely rely on luck to guide them to success, I decided to write this article to share my perspective on this topic.


There is always a lot of chatter about how successful people are just flat out lucky. While luck can play a small role in someones success, I do not think someone can be successful by just being lucky.



Not only that, but you shouldn’t be waiting for luck to determine your fate. You should be determining your own fate by putting in the time and hours necessary to achieve the success you desire.



In this article, I share 6 qualities that separate the successful from the lucky:



1. They Work Very Hard


The harder you work, the luckier you get. Instead of waiting on some good luck to take you where you want to be, put your head down and work hard. Successful people understand they must work extremely hard if they want to accomplish their goals.



Lucky people do not work hard. They try getting by with the bare minimum hoping luck will come and save the day. To be successful, you do not even consider luck as a factor in your journey. You put in as much effort as you can every single day and let hard work guide you towards success.



2. They Are Self Educated


Successful people understand that learning never stops. Just because you finished school or graduated with a fancy degree does not mean you know everything. To be successful, you have to constantly educate yourself about various things.



Lucky people will wait for success to be handed to them. Thus, they ignore important things such as educating themselves once they do graduate from college. To be successful, you need to constantly learn and adapt to the world around you.



3. They Put Themselves In Front Of Opportunity 


People seeking luck are extremely patient. They wish on stars and wait for something great to happen instead of trying to make it happen. Successful people on the other hand are constantly doing something to put themselves in a better position.



Successful people are very good networkers. They constantly meet new people and connect with others. By doing this, they are constantly presenting themselves in front of different opportunities. It only takes one person to change your life.



4. They Are Persistent


The easiest thing to do is to quit when things don’t go your way. Most people do this and hope for the best moving forward. However, the most reputable people in the world today hold that honor because they refused to quit when things got tough.



Failure does not define you or your business. It’s just an event, something that happens at a certain time and place. As long as you get back up and try again, you are not failing. Successful people are persistent and see their visions out until the very end.



5. They Take Massive Action


To be successful, you must be doing something. Thus, those who take massive action and act on their ideas end up being far more successful than those who do not.



Lucky people on the other hand take a very long time to decide on whether or not they should take action. They often decide to wait for something good to happen so that they may not ever have to take action. That’s a very wrong mindset to have. To be successful, you must take massive action.



6. They Are Hungry


Successful people start off with a sort of hunger that is rare to find. Whether it’s the fact that they’ve been poor or dissatisfied with the way something works, they have a driving force behind them.



Lucky people typically don’t have that desire or hunger to succeed. They think it would be great if it happened to them, but they’re mainly driven by the desire to amass more wealth. Successful people on the other hand have a deeper purpose than money that carries their dreams forward.





There is nothing wrong with being lucky. There is a lot wrong with relying solely on luck to find success. In this article, I shared 6 qualities that separate the successful from the lucky.



photo credit: Tiago Daniel via photopin cc