10 Things Mentally Strong People Never Do

In this article, I discuss 10 things mentally strong people never do. Drawing from my own experiences through my entrepreneurial career, I gives you a first-hand perspective on what it takes to be mentally strong.


Ever since embarking on my entrepreneurial journey, I have realized that you have to master one thing to be successful. It isn’t your industry, people, technology, or anything else. The most important thing to being successful is mastering your own mind.



Everything that goes on around us and our reaction to it is a result of our mental thoughts. In life, we go through really good days and really shitty ones. Life wouldn’t be as great as it is unless we were tested at our weakest moments.



However, it is our reaction to these tough moments that define who we are as people. It defines how successful we can be and what we can achieve.



In this article, I’m going to share 10 things mentally strong people never do:



1. Regret The Past 


Dwelling on the past will get you absolutely no where. You cannot hope to live an amazing life today if you’re too focused on the past. Mentally strong people do not live a life filled with regrets. Instead, they live a life filled with memories and embrace the past as a learning lessons.



2. Be Close Minded 


Nobody in the world knows everything. The person who says they know everything is a complete fool themselves. Never be fearful of opportunity or seeing what the world has to offer. Mentally strong people will never be close minded because they understand the damage it will do.



3. Let Jealousy Ruin Them


I love watching people around me thrive and become successful. Am I jealous of them? Absolutely not. If anything, it motivates me to work twice as hard as I did before. I am a very competitive person and I love seeing people around me achieve amazing things. It gives me the desire to kick things into another gear.



4. Give Up


If everyone gave up after failing once or twice, the world that we see around us wouldn’t exist. Everything was said to be impossible until someone went ahead and did it. Do you think it’s easy to create anything worthwhile? Absolutely not!



5. Don’t Try Pleasing Everyone


I have come to terms with the idea that some people will f*cking love you and others will f*cking hate you. I don’t really care what side people are on because I’m going to be the best version of myself that I possibly can be. Don’t live for others, do what makes you feel good.



6. Feel Entitled


The biggest problem I see in our generation right now is that too many people feel they are entitled to shit. People think they deserve an A in this class or the highest paid job straight out of college, but have absolutely no logical reason for why they deserve it. Mentally strong people don’t feel entitled to anything. They understand that they have to work their ass off to get what they want.



7. Don’t Try Fitting In


Too many people are worried about being cool or being friends with the popular kids. While that stuff seemed like it mattered in high school or even college, it doesn’t mean shit in the real world. Those ‘popular’ kids eventually end up working for the guy who spent his time getting educated and working hard.



8. Letting Fear Take Control


You can be one of two things. You can be really comfortable or you can change your life for the better. However, comfort and change are two things that don’t go hand in hand with one another. Mentally strong people understand their fears, but they don’t let that control their lives.



9. Don’t Feel Sorry For Themselves


Shit comes and goes in life. However, mentally strong people are so successful because they don’t let the negatives run their lives. Instead, they refuse to feel sorry for themselves. They take on adversity and fight through the lows to eventually turn them into positives.



10. Don’t Settle 


Settling to me is another form of giving up. You got halfway to your goal, got really tired and decided to take what you could. That’s the equivalent of just giving up. One thing I have learned so far in my life is to never settle for anything but the best. If you stick to that mindset, your potential will be limitless.





In this article, I shared 10 things mentally strong people never do. What are some things you don’t do that have made you very strong mentally?



photo credit: Andrew Mason via photopin cc