5 Things Holding You Back From Being Successful

Achieving success on your own terms is a goal many people have. However, success is often limited by many different things. In this article, I share 5 things holding you back from being successful.


Success has no clear cut definition. Every individual defines and thinks of success in their own way. That’s absolutely fine. Regardless of what your definition of success may be, there are actions that must be taken to make that a reality.



Many actions propel you forward while others bring you right back as you strive towards your goals. Over time, I’ve seen a handful of things that have truly held me back from being successful while others have accelerated me.



In this article, I share 5 things holding you back from being successful:



1. Needing To Always Be “Right”


Growing up, I was one of the most competitive people out there. I always had to win and I always had to be right. As an entrepreneur, I learned really fast that I wasn’t going to be always right.



However, I had two choices. I could sit there and force my way until I was right or I could learn from it and fix things until they became right. The first few months, I was my stubborn self. I refused to accept being wrong.



I quickly noticed that mentality wasn’t going to take me far. Not only was I not getting closer towards my goals, but I was going backwards. I decided to keep an open mind. If I was wrong, I would gladly accept my faults and try to fix them. No matter what it is you do in life, don’t let your ego get in the way of your success.



2. Believing In Limits Set By People No Smarter Than You


I’m publishing a book in the next 5 days that will be available for sale. The title of this book is – Limitless Thinking: How one young entrepreneur found success with no experience, degree or money. Throughout this book, I share one of the most important principles I have learned as an entrepreneur.



It isn’t what we have as an individual but rather how we think and perceive things that directly affects whether or not we are successful. Many people believe in the limits that are set forth by others in the world to be true. The moment you give faith to these factors, your chances of being successful diminish greatly.



Limitations only exist in our minds. If we believe something, our actions carry it out that way. In order to be successful, wipe out everything you know to be true. Start fresh without any limitations and reach for the moon. If you don’t make it, you’ll still end up in the stars.



3. Focusing On The Past Instead Of The Present & The Future 


Success can be derailed very quickly if you let your past determine your future. It doesn’t matter who you were or what has happened in the past. As long as you’re driven by your goals and working on amazing things in the present, you have to believe your future will be different.



If I looked back on the past to see how ‘bad’ of a student I was and how that can potentially affect my success as an entrepreneur, I probably wouldn’t be successful today. It’s important to learn from the past, but make sure you’re not dwelling on it.



4. Your Friends


Surround yourself with the people you want to become. It’s great to have friends, but you want people who are going to help you not hurt you. As an entrepreneur, I quickly saw my levels of success increasing the moment I surrounded myself with like-minded individuals.



Join groups that have people who think like you and have similar goals. Set up masterminding sessions and hangouts so you can embrace their ideas. Most of my friends from college love to party and pick up girls.



However, my priorities were very different. I wanted to start successful businesses and change the world. I spent less time with them so I could spend more time with others leading a similar path as me. Remember, your income is the average of your 5 closest friends.



5. Fear & Doubt


Fear and doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. It’s hard to believe, but it’s very true. Our own thoughts have so much power that it often kills our wildest dreams and adventures.



No matter what it is you’re going to want to do in life, some part of your brain is going to bring up the bad. You’re going to be scared and doubt your abilities. Nobody has been able to find success without overcoming the demons inside their own heads.



A billion dollar idea is worth nothing unless that thought is turned into an action. Your grandest goals and dreams have the ability to come true if you simply try. There is no substitute to hard work and action if you really want to be successful.





In this article, I shared 5 things holding you back from being successful. Share in the comments below what things you believe hold people back from being successful as well.



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