The Secret To Massive Influence

When you think of influential people, who comes to mind? Are they gurus in your industries? Are they icons in their respective sports? Are they highly powerful individuals running countries or organizations?

Regardless of who you consider as an influential person, the power of influence does not come easy. In this blog article, I will share the secret to massive influence.


When you think of influential people, who comes to mind? Are they gurus in your industries? Are they icons in their respective sports? Are they highly powerful individuals running countries or organizations?



Regardless of who you consider as an influential person, the power of influence does not come easy. In this blog article, I will share the secret to massive influence.



It’s Never About You


Influencers never make anything about themselves. It’s always about pleasing others and making others feel invincible.



Some of the greatest motivational speakers come into a room and suddenly make everyone in the room feel like all-stars. Give them 5 minutes and you will see a room full of people jumping in joy.



How does this happen? What does this influential person have that others do NOT have?



Bring Out The Best In Others

Influential people have this uncanny ability of bringing out the best in others. Whether you’re working at an $8/hour job or a millionaire, influential people do not care.



They will find one common trait of greatness among the both of you no matter what. Influencing people really starts with making feel people good.



There are celebrities out there that are loved by the people and others who are hated. The celebrities who are loved, live life thinking they are better than nobody. The celebrities who are hated often do things to put themselves on a higher pedestal than others.



The first step to massive influence is to know how to genuinely make people feel good. Care about people regardless of where they come from or who they are. Here are things influential people do to others:



– Remember people’s name.


– Show a genuine interest in what someone else does and how they do it.


– Listen.


– Make people feel important and useful.


– Help people.



Influence goes a long way. If you want to be influential, you have to forget about being influential. Focus on what you can do to help others.



If you can have someone smiling after having a conversation with you, they will remember you. Influential people are not individuals who do great things, they are individuals who make others feel good.



If you make someone feel good once, they will come back to you. You have created influence and a system of loyalty.



When you bring out the best in people, people tend to listen a lot more carefully to everything you have to say!





With great influence, comes great responsibility. For those of you interested in increasing your influence, PLEASE REMEMBER that these techniques are not to be misused. Always be honest with all your dealings.



photo credit: fensterbme via photopin cc