5 Steps For Creating A Marketing Strategy That Will Produce Killer Results

Success with marketing is all about having the right plan of action. In this post, I share 5 steps for creating a marketing strategy that will produce killer results.

Being that I’m very active on social media and blog quite a bit, I often get emails from complete strangers. While some people may consider it ‘spam’ or dislike that, I truly enjoy hearing what others in the world have to say.

One of the biggest questions that come my way has to do with marketing. Everyone has a company, product, service or idea but they don’t know how to market it. The typical email will be something like this:

‘Hey Jeet, my name is So & So. I run a company that does This & That. Our product and business is absolutely phenomenal but we are having a tough time getting customers. What marketing tips or strategies can you give us?’ 

If I could look at a company in 30 seconds and give them an answer on how they can acquire 100x more customers, I’d be some kind of supernatural genius. Be weary of anyone who can make you a promise like that because it’s truly impossible.

My answer to these individuals is always the same. While I can’t give you the precise marketing plan that’ll give you success, I can give you a strategy that you can implement to reach your goals. In this post, I’m going to share 5 steps for creating a marketing strategy that will produce killer results:

1. Find A Market & Focus On It 

Nobody sells to the entire world. While it might seem like a glorious idea to sell your product or service to everyone in the world, it’s actually the biggest mistake you can make early on. You need to identify what segment or audience ABSOLUTELY needs your product.

Find that market and focus all your time, attention and efforts on them. To figure this out, you should start talking to potential groups of people that you think would be ideal for this product. From there, break them down by age, gender, income and any other categorizations that might help you focus your marketing efforts.

2. Understand The Best Medium To Reach Your Market 

If your target market is a 13 year old female, you’re probably going to approach them very differently than if your target market is a 35 year old businessman. Once you know who your target market is, you need to know where your target market spends their time.

By figuring out where your target market is, it’ll make it easy for you to advertise or reach them. Not only can you save money by hitting them in the right spots, but marketing is all about conversions. For every dollar you spend, you want your reach to go as far as it possibly can.

3. Know Your Competition 

Anytime I do consulting and help businesses find success, I always ask them for a list of their competitors. Having competition is a phenomenal thing because you can use them for a lot of valuable information. Not only can you find out how successful you can be in the industry, but you can try to figure out what worked and didn’t work for them from a marketing standpoint.

Try to snoop around to figure out the marketing that nets them the best results, which offerings are the most profitable for them and who they target. Understand their branding and ask your potential customers that you survey what they think about your competitors to better reach your audience.

4. Make Everything Customer Friendly 

One of the biggest mistakes innovators often make is that they innovate for themselves instead of their customers. While something might be more functional or genius to you might not receive the same appreciation from a potential customer. Just remember, who’s the one actually buying your product? It’s your customers.

People in the world love things that are simple. The less education necessary and the simpler things are, the better your business is positioned to be successful. Constantly talk to your customers and hear their concerns so that you can constantly improve your product.

5. Always Be Evolving 

When you do find the perfect marketing strategy, don’t get too comfortable. The world changes every day and it’s not the strongest or smartest that survive, it’s the ones that can adapt to change the quickest. Even if you are successful with your current marketing strategy, constantly be testing other concepts as well.

You don’t ever want to get complacent because you can always do better. If you get comfortable, you can be sure that another new competitor will come in and jump ahead of you. With marketing, trends come and go quick. Ride the wave, but jump ship just as quick.


In this post, I shared my 5 steps for creating a marketing strategy that will produce killer results. What are some strategies that have worked for you when it came to create a plan of attack for marketing your business?

6 Uncomfortable Truths About Starting Your Business Nobody Ever Talks About

I wish I could tell you that my entire entrepreneurial journey was rainbows and butterflies. However, it wasn’t and I don’t think any other successful entrepreneur can say the same. I would much rather do what I do than take a job, but starting a business is tough. In this post, I’ll share 6 uncomfortable truths about starting your business nobody ever talks about

With popular media and most marketers constantly pushing the idea of starting your own business, very few people have actually chimed in about the uncomfortable truths that go along with the journey of launching your own company. This post is not to discourage you, but to open your eyes up to the entire world of entrepreneurship.

I wish I could tell you that my entire entrepreneurial journey was rainbows and butterflies. However, it wasn’t and I don’t think any other successful entrepreneur can say the same. I would much rather do what I do than take a job, but starting a business is tough.

In this post, I’ll share 6 uncomfortable truths about starting your business nobody ever talks about:

1. It’s risky and terrifying at the same time. 

The most upsetting part of all is the number of ‘successful’ business people that sell courses and webinars telling people to quit their jobs and to start their own business. Starting a business is very risky. SBA says that 50% of businesses fail within the first year, which means entrepreneurship is VERY risky.

Don’t let the “Instagram Celebrities” fool you into thinking that starting a business is a bullet-proof plan to get rich quick because it’s really not. Failure is definitely a possibility and it’s a risk that you have to consider. Not only that, but starting a business isn’t for the weak at heart.

There are so many terrifying things that can go on when you start your business. My first 12 months of starting a business consisted of getting hit with a cease & desist letter, employees stealing from me and clients rejecting me just because I was younger than my competition. Imagine having all of those feelings while balancing the risks of launching your own company, pretty terrifying if you ask me.

2. You really can’t please everyone. 

This was the most uncomfortable truth for me of all. I always had the mindset that I had to please everyone and make sure that everyone liked me. As soon as I launched my business, it felt like everyone was against me. Were they? Probably not.

However, the truth of the matter is that you can’t satisfy everyone in business. My issue early on with my digital agency was that I had to make a decision between pleasing my employees or pleasing my clients. My clients wanted the websites done their way and my employees would say that their way was better.

Regardless of what decision I made, one party was going to be upset. However, I made the most logical decision any business owner would. Your business comes first and my business can only be successful with clients, I had to cater to their needs to ensure they were happy while not being able to please my employees every need. As a business owner, you’re going to have to make tough decisions that may hurt the feelings of others. It’s just the reality of it.

3. Taking shortcuts early on will hurt you later. 

This whole idea of faking it until you make it has became a big thing among new entrepreneurs. Sure, that might be sound advice for certain situations but it doesn’t come without a price. You really think you can take shortcuts and pretend to build a foundation that doesn’t exist without paying for it down the road?

Unfortunately, you can’t. As a new business, you’ve got to be lean and you’re willing to take shortcuts to get cash flow early, but you have to build your company fundamentally sound eventually. When I first started out, I was selling websites without having a website of my own. How long did that last? 3 projects.

I really couldn’t have expected to get away with selling websites without having a website of my own to showcase to clients. I was surprised I was able to acquire 3 clients that way. It was a shortcut that I took that allowed me to get cash flow so that I had funding to develop my own site. However, it wasn’t possible for me to completely skip that step in the lifetime of my business.

4. It takes a lot more work than you can ever realize. 

I’m extremely frustrated with how many people thinking that starting a business and achieving massive success is easy. It really isn’t easy and media nowadays has really given people the wrong idea. People see exotic cars, luxurious houses and laptops on beaches and assume that entrepreneurship is a cake walk.

What people don’t realize is that person sitting in their $500,000 car on an island somewhere worked their ass off for years eating ramen noodle cups. They just see the result of hard work, but not the hard work itself. I put in about 75 hour weeks and this isn’t close to the hardest I’ve worked.

When you start your own business, you realize that you are in charge of everything. From building up your brand, pitching to clients and delivering products/services to clients, you have a lot on your plate. You’re going to put in way more hours than you did at any job with no guarantee of a paycheck, be prepared to get your hands dirty.

5. Not all advice will be good advice, so be picky. 

When most people start their own business for the first time, they approach advice in one of two ways. They take everything they hear and they run with it or they are close minded and don’t put anyone’s advice into consideration. From my experiences, I’ve seen that people are more prone to taking everything they hear and finding a way to implement it into their business.

Either way, you’re going to be heading into some troubled waters. When I first started out, I was the second way. I didn’t care what anyone had to say because I was arrogant and I thought I knew best. Shocker, turns out the 17 year old kid with no experience didn’t know much at all actually.

When you start your own business, people with and without experience will give you advice. Take everything with a grain of salt and make sense of it. Some advice will be good and very helpful while other advice will set you back months. The way to be successful is to sort through all the advice and to implement the good stuff while staying away from the poisonous advice.

6. The highs and lows are all part of the journey. 

Jumping into entrepreneurship for the first time had me feeling bipolar. I wasn’t bipolar, but the swings that were generated from my everyday life were incredible. One minute, I’d be the happiest man in the world flying on cloud nine. The next, I’d be devastated and angry.

This is what entrepreneurship does to you, it’s a sad but unfortunate reality. After years of being an entrepreneur, I’m accustomed to these feelings and have been able to deal with my emotions a lot better. For someone just starting out, you have to be prepared to combat the highs and lows.

It isn’t easy feeling like a million bucks one minute and wanting to cry the next, but that’s part of the journey to become successful launching your own business. Don’t let emotions make business decisions. If you’re on an emotional high or low, take some time off. Find something that gets your brain to reset. For me, it was playing basketball and exercising. I’d come back a new me, more sane and controlled than before. Find your ‘reset’ button and hit it when needed.


Even knowing these uncomfortable truths, I wouldn’t change a thing about my career choice. Pursuing entrepreneurship is the greatest decision I made and I have no regrets about it. However, it’s important that people know both sides of the tale. In this post, I shared 6 uncomfortable truths about starting your business nobody ever talks about.

5 Tips For Making A Great First Impression In The Business World

In this post, I share 5 tips for making a great first impression in the business world. Find out exactly what it takes to win a room over while establishing connections that can last a lifetime.

First impressions seem to mean a lot, especially in the world of business. If you aren’t able to impress your counterpart right away, they will probably lose interest in what you have to say.

Whether it’s going to networking events, pitching to investors or trying to close deals, I’ve been placed in a ton of situations where a first impression has been crucial. In this post, I’ll share with you 5 tips for making a great first impression in the business world:

1. Seek Connections More Than Impressions 

Too many people are focused on pretending to be someone they aren’t with the hopes of impressing someone. Authentic people can quickly detect someone who isn’t being real with them. You don’t want to be overly fake and pretend to be someone you aren’t regardless of what you’re seeking.

Instead, focus on generating genuine connections. From my time spent meeting people for the first time, I’ve been able to build some amazing friendships, business relationships and connections that I have with me today. If you focus on adding value into the lives of others and seeking the same in return, you’ll meet some awesome people.

2. Listen More Than You Speak 

It’s easy to get caught up with the idea of selling yourself and talking as much as you can to portray that. However, I learned over time that listening is the most important skill of all when meeting someone. You can make someone feel extremely important if you listen and hear whatever they have to say.

When listening, do head nods and throw in comments to show that you’re really paying attention to what they have to say. By doing this, not only will people be impressed by your listening skills but people will ask you questions trying to learn more about you.

3. Find Common Ground 

If you can find a topic that you and someone else really care about, your conversation will organically take off. Often times, it’s hard to force an unnatural conversation with someone. Thus, the best option is to learn about passions, hobbies and interests that someone else shares.
From there, figure out the things you two may share in common and start your conversations from there. By doing this, the person you speak to will remember you because they’ll remember you as the person who shared that similar interest with them.

4. Be Confident In Yourself 

There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. If you’re too arrogant, people will be rubbed off the wrong way and you’ll end up leaving a negative first impression. However, someone who exudes confidence can leave a lasting impression.

Ever since I was 18 years old and going to networking events, I always knew confidence was vital. If I’m nervous, quiet and timid….people can almost smell that and it becomes tougher to leave a lasting impression. Go into the room confident and people will sense that from your behaviors.

5. Be Warm Towards Others 

Sometimes the easiest way to leave an awesome first impression is to create a warm and nurturing setting when conversing with others. Smile, maintain eye contact and have a great handshake. The little things can make a big difference when it comes to making sure people remember you.

Not only that, but dress well, have good breath and spray yourself with cologne/perfume. Do the basic things that you would do to make sure that people aren’t turned off by you for something else. The little things can go a long way.


In this post, I shared 5 tips for making a great impression in the business world. What are some of the ways that you’ve been able to leave lasting impressions?

5 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful In Life

In this post, I discussed 5 things you should give up if you want to be successful in life. What are some things that you gave up that allowed you to achieve more success?

Unhealthy habits are often easy to fix, but hard to take accountability for. I was the same way when I was younger and I quickly realized how much my unhealthy habits were holding me back. After that, the answer was easy.

My mentors told me that I had to get rid of the habits that weren’t positive if I wanted to be more successful in life. One by one, I focused on each of those habits and slowly began giving them up.

In this post, I’ll share 5 things you should give up if you want to be successful in life:

1. Let Go Of Grudges

There are bad people in the world and that’s an unfortunate reality that you have to come to terms with. People will screw you over, talk behind your back and do things to hurt you. I hope it doesn’t happen to you, but it seems like everyone deals with these issues. I sure did and still do.

However, I quickly learned that toxic people can bring out the worst in you. Instead of holding grudges or trying to get revenge on these ‘negative’ individuals, let karma do its job. Don’t stoop down to someone else’s level and learn to let go. Let the world take care of these individuals while you focus on moving forward.

2. Stop Playing Small 

Too many people I meet are satisfied with the minimum or aren’t thinking big enough. It’s extremely frustrating when people don’t give themselves enough credit. You have the power to achieve anything that you put your mind to.

Stop thinking small and playing small. Go big or go home. If you have a dream or a goal, why settle for the minimum? Why not shoot for me the moon and try to be in the top 1% or to be the best at whatever it is that you want to pursue? It’s all a mindset and it’s all about thinking the right way.

3. Give Up Your Desire To Be Liked

I spent the majority of my childhood and teenage years thinking that what mattered in life was what the people around you thought. The whole time in school, I would buy the clothes to make sure that I was liked. As I got older, I realized that’s all a bunch of bullshit. If you’re fitting in, that means you’re probably doing something wrong.

Forget about being liked. Be who you are and let the right people come to you. By pretending to be someone you aren’t, you’re attracting all the wrong people. Those who are different and unique are the ones who end up achieving massive success.

4. Give Up The Unhealthy Lifestyle 

This is something that is still a work in progress for me, but I’ve learned for a while now that your body is a temple. You need to treat your body with love and do everything necessary to live a long and healthy life.

A few years ago, I was so focused on building my startups that I disregarded my health. I ate whatever I wanted and exercised rarely as I was too focused on getting as much done as I possibly could. Regardless of how busy you are, always make time for your health because it’s far more important than anything else.

5. Give Up Thinking For Only Today 

People have short-term mindsets that hamper long-term growth. If you’re only thinking about the present, you’re going to have a tough time in the future. Successful people are constantly setting goals and planning for their futures.

Whether it’s saving up for a new house, planning to travel or setting up your future enterprises, thinking ahead is crucial to achieving success. If you want to be successful, stop thinking about just today. Start focusing on the future as well.


In this post, I discussed 5 things you should give up if you want to be successful in life. What are some things that you gave up that allowed you to achieve more success?

9 Ways To Validate Your Startup Idea (Infographic)

If you’ve ever launched a business or idea, you know how important it is to figure out whether your idea will be successful or not early on in the journey. In this post, we share 9 ways to validate your startup idea with an awesome info graphic inside.

Existing businesses generally started with a simple idea that the owners have worked hard on and pursued to become successful. If a brilliant idea suddenly crossed your mind and you think that it’s going to be a hit, it’s best to weigh things out before investing your money and effort, for a better chance of succeeding.

Validating your startup idea doesn’t necessarily eliminate the risks of failing in your venture. However, the probability of becoming successful becomes bigger, just like any well thought of and planned project.

One of the best ways to determine if it’s worth pushing through your idea or not is stating what problem your idea resolves or eliminates. Businesses become successful because their products or services efficiently answer certain concerns of their customers. You must be clear of what problem you wish to eliminate and how your product or service will do this.

You must also know the specific market that you wish to target and find out their needs, wants, and expectations. This will help you determine if your idea can meet these requirements or if it needs more work.

We want you to be confident and ready once you decide to turn your idea into an actual business. This is why we created an infographic that will help you validate if it’s smart to continue starting your business.

Our clean and organized illustration below contains everything you need for validating your idea in starting a business. See the list to help you decide.

5 Signs You Were Born To Be An Entrepreneur & Start Your Own Company

The topic of whether entrepreneurs are born or bred will still be discussed for many years to come. In this post, I discuss 5 signs that you were born to be an entrepreneur & start your own company.

A highly debated topic or question that I hear about often is whether entrepreneurs are born or bred. My answer to the topic is that I believe it is a combination of the two. Some people are born with various skills, traits and attributes that enable them to be entrepreneurs, but they must be bred in the proper environment to venture out on their own.

From working with many entrepreneurs and speaking to many, I’ve learned many indicators of good entrepreneurs. In this post, I share 5 signs you were born to be an entrepreneur & start your own company:

1. You’re Competitive About Everything 

From a young age, people knew one thing about me. I was extremely competitive about anything and everything. In fact, I used to love basketball as a kid and enjoyed playing the game quite a bit. I would make my father go out to our driveway and play me 1 on 1 while I asked him to put his full effort in. He was bigger and stronger than me so he was able to win handily most of the time. However, I wouldn’t let him get back inside until I got his best and I was able to beat him.

Some people have this competitive nature that is undeniable. They want to win and be the best at everything that they try. I was definitely one of those individuals and these types of people make great entrepreneurs. The reason why they are so successful as entrepreneurs is because they’re constantly motivated and pushing themselves to do whatever it takes to make it.

2. You Tackle Problems With Solutions 

One of the best ways that I have identified the entrepreneurial mindset is by how different people approach various problems. Many times, I’ll be walking with someone and he/she will come across a problem. Majority of the people I know tend to complain about the problem or make excuses before moving on. A small few select group of people will actually question the problem, wonder if there’s a solution to it and try to create something to solve that problem.

If your mind is constantly working in a way where you embrace the challenge of solving problems, you have what it takes to be an entrepreneurs. Good entrepreneurs take big problems and create easy solutions for them. If you are very open minded and are willing to create change instead of complain about it, you’ve got what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

3. You’re Confident With Yourself And What You Do 

Confidence is one of the most important qualities any successful entrepreneur needs. If you don’t believe in yourself or your ideas, it’s going to be nearly impossible to get others to believe in them too. Successful entrepreneurs are individuals who are confident and don’t let criticism or other things bring them down.

Confident individuals will thrive and succeed as entrepreneurs. That type of charisma and personality resonates through your employees, partners and customers allowing your business to grow and flourish. If you always have that edge that is rare to find in most people, you definitely have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

4. Risky Is Your Middle Name

Let’s be honest, entrepreneurship isn’t for the faint at heart. It’s a big risk to drop everything and chase a dream that nobody but only you can see. You give up comfort, stability and a paycheck for the hope that one day your business will be successful. Most of the time, it’s not successful and that’s an honest possibility that you may have to deal with.

If you’ve always been a risk-taker or the type of kid who was willing to take a big risk for the reward, entrepreneurship might be for you. You’re basically gambling or taking a big risk with hopes that your entrepreneurial ventures can be successful.

5. You Aren’t Afraid of Hard Work

It’s not a matter of talent when it comes to launching a successful business but rather all about how hard you’re willing to work. If from a young age you’ve always been willing to work hard because of the end goal, entrepreneurship might just be for you. I’ve always valued working hard and done what it takes to get things I’m passionate about since I was a toddler.

To launch a successful business, you have to work your ass off. This isn’t like playing the lottery where you can get lucky and expect to make millions of dollars. It takes a ton of hard work and persistent to see your dreams out. If you have those qualities and the capability to put in a ton of work without any guaranteed return, entrepreneurship is the right career path for you.


The topic of whether entrepreneurs are born or bred will still be discussed for many years to come. In this post, I shared 5 signs you were born to be an entrepreneur & start your own company. What are some other signs you’ve seen from your own experiences?

5 Tips For College Dropouts To Transition Into Successful Entrepreneurs

In this post, I share 5 tips for college dropouts to transition into successful entrepreneurs. Many people realize that they are lacking some essential skills that they may have acquired from going to college when they dropout, but those things aren’t hard to find in the real world.

I am a college dropout and I’m proud to admit it. While my path to dropping out of college may be different to someone else’s, one thing remains the same. I didn’t get a ‘formal’ education from a university just like anyone else who may have dropped out of college.

I dropped out of college when I realized that the education I was receiving wasn’t value enough. I felt like I could learn a lot more on my own and the entrepreneurial path that I was pursuing in life didn’t require any type of formal education.

There are a lots of benefits that you can get from college though. As a college drop out, I quickly began to realize some of the things I was lacking or missing out on because I had stepped away from my University. However, I made changes in my life and was able to accumulate those skills & many more.

In this post, I share 5 tips for college dropouts to transition into successful entrepreneurs:

1. Constantly Learn & Educate Yourself 

The most underrated thing any college dropout can do is to continue learning. It doesn’t matter how you educate yourself, it just matters that you do. Spend every single day of your life learning something new and challenging your mind to tap into different areas. If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you don’t have to be the smartest or the wealthiest. You just have to be the most willing to adapt to the markets and the worlds around you.

What do I mean by that? Well, new trends hit the market every single day. The smartest & wealthiest aren’t the only ones capitalizing on these markets. It’s the people who are constantly learning, reading and keeping an open mind that are capitalizing on these markets as well. No matter what domain you pursue, constantly educating yourself will be crucial to your overall success.

2. Experience Is The Best Teacher 

There are entrepreneurs and there are wantrepreneurs. The only difference between the two groups of people is massive action. Entrepreneurs pursue their wildest ideas and dreams while wantrepreneurs tend to only talk about their ideas. If you dropped out of college or don’t have a formal education but are looking to learn, there is no faster way to learn than by experiencing it yourself.

Take the first idea that comes to mind and put it into action. Sure you might fail, but who cares? The knowledge and the connections you will make through the process of launching your first idea will guide you for the rest of your life. Stop thinking & start doing!

3. Talk To As Many People As You Can 

The biggest thing I missed about college was the fact that I had thousands of students around me all the time. I could make new connections, new friendships and even new relationships so easily. However, when I dropped out and ventured out on my own….I was pretty lonely. I knew I had to think outside the box to network and meet new people.

What is so valuable about talking to as many people as you can? Well, you can find future partners, clients, friends, investors and so much more by talking and networking with others. Sometimes it just takes one connection to put your career or business over the top. I opened up so many doors by attending networking events, joining various Facebook groups, tapping into my own friend circles and making the effort to talk to others everywhere I was.

4. Sell What You Have, Not What You Lack 

Whether you’re pitching to an investor or to a friend to join your new startup, always sell what you have. Don’t focus on the fact that you may not have a fancy degree or a ton of experience. For one, it doesn’t show self-confidence in yourself and don’t jump to those topics unless someone asks you directly. If someone asks you those types of questions to your face, then you should absolutely answer honestly.

However, from the times that I’ve pitched to multi-million dollar clients or venture capitalists, what I didn’t have didn’t matter. Why? Because I sold what I did have so well that people believed it. Sit down and understand why you are the best person for whatever it is you’re vying for and craft your pitch around that.

5. Never Give Up 

If you make the decision 100% mentally that you are going to pursue entrepreneurship, you cannot give up. With business and entrepreneurship especially, you JUST have to be right ONCE. You can be wrong 500 times, but you being right one time can make you a billionaire. Think about how crazy that is…..

People don’t remember you for your wrongs or failures unless you allow it to define you. If you give up or quit, then you’ll be remembered by the last thing you did as an entrepreneur. However, if you keep bouncing back and using your knowledge from your previous failures to come back even stronger, you’re bringing yourself closer and closer to succeeding. As an entrepreneur, never give up.


In this post, I shared 5 tips for college dropouts to transition into successful entrepreneurs. What are some tips you might have for others?

8 Differences In Mindset Between Successful And Unsuccessful People

Successful people share a mindset that is very different from that of unsuccessful people. In this post, I’ll share 8 difference in mindset between successful and unsuccessful people.

There are some people who are just successful at almost anything that they pick up and touch. If you’ve wondered how someone can be so talented, most of the time it’s not so much talent as it is the mindset and approach.

Successful people share a mindset that is very different from that of unsuccessful people. In this post, I’ll share 8 difference in mindset between successful and unsuccessful people.

1. Successful people think long-term while unsuccessful people are engrossed in the present. 

Unsuccessful people often times find them obsessing over and worrying about short-term things. What they will eat today, what they will do today and how they will pay their bills for the week are often things that concern unsuccessful individuals. Successful people however are constantly setting goals, creating dream boards and planning out long-term plans for how they will achieve their goals.

2. Successful people believe hard work is the key to success while unsuccessful people think it’s just luck. 

Successful people understand that luck may be involved with success, but there is no substitute for hard work. Hard work and preparation can meet luck to create massive success, but even without any luck…..hard work will give you enough to make you successful. Unsuccessful people think that they don’t need to work hard and they hope to go through the motions and get lucky.

3. Successful people take accountability for their actions while unsuccessful people blame others. 

Unsuccessful people always have an excuse or a finger to point at someone else when things don’t go right. Successful people believe in accountability and have no issue taking responsibility when they are the ones to blame. Unsuccessful people hate to be at fault and will look for anyone or anything else to dump the blame on.

4. Successful people are eager to learn while unsuccessful people think that they already know it all.

Unsuccessful people aren’t eager to learn and they believe they already know everything. They try to talk and teach others, but are rarely ever open to hearing what others have to say. Successful people are the absolute opposite of that. They are always looking to learn and are extremely humble about their own achievements. They are willing to do whatever they can to educate themselves.

5. Successful people discuss ideas while unsuccessful people talk about people. 

What is the topic of your conversations? Successful people are always throwing around ideas and talking about intellectual things. Unsuccessful people seem to always talk about other people and what they are doing. If you want to be successful, you should be discussing things that are going to challenge you intellectually.

6. Successful people are driven by purpose while unsuccessful people are driven by money. 

Money isn’t everything and while many people chase currency, successful people understand that purpose is the driving factor for their careers. Unsuccessful people are constantly hopping from job to job looking for a pay raise or extra cash. However, unsuccessful people forget that they can find happiness in their work and they rarely ever chase their passions.

7. Successful people embrace change while unsuccessful people run from change. 

Change and comfort don’t go together. Successful people and unsuccessful people both know this. However, both types of people approach it very differently. Successful people embrace change and are willing to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. However, unsuccessful people are terrified of change and avoid it at all costs to keep their comfort.

8.  Successful people compliment others but unsuccessful people criticize other people. 

Unsuccessful people are unfortunately best classified as haters. They constantly criticize other people and are looking for ways to put other people down. However, successful people have nothing to be worried about so they have no issue complimenting others. They look for the best in everyone and try to compliment them as much as possible.


In this post, I shared 8 differences in mindset between successful and unsuccessful people. What are some differences that you have noticed?

10 Things Everyone Should Learn In Their Twenty-Somethings To Live A Great Life

In this post, I discuss 10 things everyone should learn in their twenty-somethings to live a great life. During your twenties, it’s the best time to learn about yourself and the world.

About a month and a half ago, I turned 24 years old. It finally hit me that I was swiftly moving through my twenties. I can remember just the other day being 17 years old and venturing out in the world of entrepreneurship like it was yesterday.

However, time flies. There is one constant in the world that cannot be changed, altered or stopped regardless of what we try. That is known as time. However, in the 4 years that I’ve been a twenty-something….I’ve learned quite a bit. Many things that I consider life changing.

In this post, I share 10 things everyone should learn in their twenty-somethings to live a great life:

1. It’s Always Okay To Ask For Help 

Whether it’s an ego or a pride thing, many people have a very tough time asking for help. When I hit my twenties, I quickly realized that there was a lot I didn’t know. However, some really smart people knew how to do certain things and were more than willing to teach me. If you’re ever in need of help whether it’s work related or hobby related, don’t be afraid to ask.

2. Cherish Your Friendships 

Within the last year, I learned more about friendships and people in my life than I had ever before. I went through some of the toughest times in my life and I was backstabbed by some of the closest people that I had known for almost my entire life. I quickly learned that you have to cherish the good people in your life and make them a priority while also eliminating toxic people and relationships out of your life.

3. Saying “NO” Is Very Important 

For the first two years of my entrepreneurial career, I never said no to anyone as I thought it was a rude thing to say. As a result, I catered to everyones needs and tried to help everyone in their projects. I became overwhelmed and the results just weren’t there. I quickly learned that it was okay to respectfully say “NO” when necessary. Many people don’t realize that it’s okay to say no and sometimes the best thing to do.

4. Invest In Yourself 

Whether it’s your health, education, career or personal life, you should always be investing in yourself. Workout, eat healthy, constantly learn new things, find ways to advance your career and put yourself out there so you can meet new people. The earlier you invest in yourself and your own happiness, the better your life will be.

5. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For What You Want 

Whether you want a raise, a date or extra time to finish a project, don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and what you’ll need. I grew up being terrified of ever asking anyone for anything. The fear of rejection stopped me from asking people anything. Then, I realized that it didn’t matter. The worst answer you’ll hear is no, which doesn’t change from where you stand before asking for it.

6. Learn To Forgive People On Your Own Time 

Nobody is perfect. Due to the imperfections that exist in the world, you are bound to get hurt, angered and frustrated by others. Some people may do you really wrong while others may make small mistakes with you. Regardless of what it is, holding grudges are tiring. You don’t have to forgive anyone immediately, do it on your time but learn to let go.

7. Health Not Wealth Is The Most Important Thing 

I’ve learned that you can always get more money in life, but you only get one chance at living life. How you take care of your body and your health is crucial to the rest of your life. I’ve lost a ton of money with investments and other things over the last few years and while those losses have been tough, I’ve realized that earning more money is always attainable. Health is a one-time thing.

8. There Is No Price On Experiences 

A common theme of discussions I’ve seen in the last few years between my friends and I have been in regards to what the monetary value of various things are. To me, travel and the experiences you share with your loved ones have no price. Live life on your terms and don’t put a value on things in life that are priceless.

9. Chase Passions Not Paychecks 

Many people in their twenties care about making as much money as they can without realizing that happiness is far more important. If there is something you’re truly passionate about or love, focus your time and attention on that. Chase the things you love in life and try to turn that into a paycheck.

10. You Have The Ability To Achieve Anything You Put Your Mind On 

Many are intimidated by the real world and are fearful of what they can do. Instead of trying to change the world or setting their mind on a massive goal, they try to fit in. However, if you put set your mind on something (regardless of how massive the goal is), you have the potential to achieve it.


In this post, I shared 10 things everyone should learn in their twenty-somethings to live a great life. What are some tips and pieces of advice you can offer to others?

5 Steps For Living The Life of Your Dreams

In this article, I share 5 steps for living the life of your dreams. Your dream life is a lot easier to achieve than most would think, but it just takes the right steps to successfully achieve it.

What is the life of your dreams? Everyone has different ideas for the perfect life. Some people would be running a multi-million dollar company of their own products. Others would love to travel the world with their family and go on adventures that get their adrenaline pumping.

There are millions of different ideas of what the life of your dreams may or may not be. In this article, I’ll share 5 steps for living the life of your dreams regardless of what your dream life is:

Step 1 – Create An Outline 

It’s not always easy to find the dream life that is ideal for you. Often times, the life you think is so perfect doesn’t end up being so perfect because it’s just a perception. You don’t know the life that’s really going to make you happy until you get to experience various dreams and see which one truly fulfills your needs.

Write an outline and come up with a few different ideas of what you think your dream life may consist of. Once you have created this outline, you need to make commitments and decisions that are going to help you progress towards your goals. Once you’ve created an outline that you can visualize, you’ll see how much easier it is to make daily implementations to get closer to that goal.

Step 2 – Take Massive Action 

Everybody has dreams, but very few people actually take action upon their dreams. If you really want something, you have to do everything you can to get it. Comfort and change don’t go together. You have to sacrifice one for the other and if you want to live your dream life, you’re going to go through massive changes that aren’t going to necessarily make your life comfortable.

Constantly look for new opportunities, explore ideas and figure out what steps you can take every single day to get closer to your dream life. If you make sacrifices today, you can achieve your biggest dreams one day down the line.

Step 3 – Use The Law of Attraction 

If you haven’t watched the movie or read the book on The Law of Attraction, that might be the first step you need to take. The Law of Attraction is extremely important to attracting the dream life for you and your family. The basic premise is that your conscious and unconscious thoughts dictate the reality of your life, whether the person is aware or not. The more your thoughts are focused around your goals and dreams, you’ll be able to attract your dream life.

Step 4 – Take Small Steps

Achieving the dream life may seem like a massive endeavor. I have big dreams and big goals set out for myself, but from the beginning I knew that I would have to take small steps to achieve it. For me to get even close to my goals and dreams, I know I’m looking at a minimum of 10 years of hard work. Whatever your dream is, you need to take a bunch of small steps and accomplish your goals.

Step 5 – Keep Your Focus 

The hardest part of achieving your dream life is staying on course to get there. It’s extremely easy to get distracted and to lose focus. You have to constantly motivate yourself over and over again while ensuring that you are giving the same attention to your goals as you did when you once started. People often times don’t realize how difficult this step is, but when overlooked you may struggle to succeed all together with your dream life.


In this article, I shared 5 steps for living the life of your dreams. What are some tips and strategies you can share with others if you are already living your dream life?