8 Signs You Should Quit Your Job Soon

If you do decide to leave, be smart about it. Don’t burn bridges by venting about all of the reasons you’re leaving. Instead, simply explain that you’re leaving to pursue another opportunity, and then do so graciously. In this post, I shared with you 8 signs you should quit your job soon.

If the words ‘Should I quit my job’ are frequenting your vocabulary or your Google search bar, then it might be an idea to start taking it seriously. It’s likely that you spend more of your precious waking hours at work than you do anywhere else and life is too short to continue doing something you don’t enjoy. It’s too short to spend your days working for a terrible boss, to go home every day feeling unfilled or to be feeling undervalued.

There comes a time in everyone’s career when the realization comes that you and your current job just aren’t a great fit anymore and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re unsure whether it’s time to quit your job, here are 8 signs you should quit your job soon:

1. You’re Bored All The Time

If you’re no longer challenged in your position and have tried communicating with your boss without reaching a solution, this may be a sign that it’s time to leave. Although boredom is a very standard feeling, researchers believe prolonged feelings of boredom while at work are a major warning sign that you are not doing what you should be doing. If you’re spending most of your workday on the internet shopping or playing games, those are key indicators that you need a new line of work.

2. You Don’t See Eye to Eye With Your Boss

If the person who’s supposed to be raising you up is actually bringing you down, it might be time to leave. Studies show that bad bosses affect how your whole family relates to one another, your physical health and your morale while in the office. They also raise your risk for health diseases due to stress and it may not be worth putting up with long-term.

3. You’re Out Of The Loop

Does it seem like you’re always the last one to hear about what’s going on at work? If you’re left out of meetings, rarely get face time with upper management and have never even heard of the big project everyone else is so excited about, that could mean that your bosses just see you as a body filling a desk. If you feel that you deserve to be a valuable contributor, you should find a situation where you will be valued.

4. You Worry About Money All The Time

It’s true that most of us worry about money often however if it’s constantly on your mind and you’re scrambling to pay the bills, then you might not be getting paid enough. Do some research on the job boards and via salary surveys to gauge what you should be earning and if you’ve been with your company long enough. Then request a meeting with your manager to discuss a possible pay rise. If your current company doesn’t agree to a pay increase, then it might be time to find a company that does.

5. You Feel Physically, Emotionally Or Mentally Exhausted All The Time

Work can be taxing for everyone and we all occasionally feel weary after a long day at the office. However, if your life is a chronic state of stress and exhaustion because of you rework life, you’re probably getting burned out too often. Stress, fear or lack of enthusiasm are all things that can drain your energy. This will not be a very healthy thing for you moving forward and it may be time to shut it down then and there.

6. Your Work Life Balance Is Messed Up 

Work has a way of getting in the way of things that matter the most to us such as family time. These numbers offer a glimpse at the ongoing epidemic: 55% of all employees say they don’t have enough time for themselves, 67% of employed parents say they don’t have enough time with their kids and 63% of married employees say they don’t have enough time with their spouse. Striking the right balance is typically difficult, but if you’re severely under-serving yourself or your loved ones, it may be time to find a new job that offers more flexibility.

7. You’ve Lost Your Passion

Even if you love the company, your boss and your co-workers, it’s not worth the effort if you hate the work. Passion is a necessary ingredient for success. If you’re unenthusiastic or even indifferent about the work you do, it’s time to weight your career options. If you don’t enjoy what you do, you will be miserable and your happiness should always come first.

8. You Just Know

When it comes to knowing that something isn’t right, then it really is best just to listen to your gut feeling. If your heart is eating at you for a while now that you need to quit your job, you may just need to do it. The aftermath may be terrifying, but sometimes you know what’s inevitable.


If you do decide to leave, be smart about it. Don’t burn bridges by venting about all of the reasons you’re leaving. Instead, simply explain that you’re leaving to pursue another opportunity, and then do so graciously. In this post, I shared with you 8 signs you should quit your job soon.

5 Signs You Really Need To Quit Your Job

In this article, I share 5 signs you really need to quit you job. I draw from my personal experiences and the discoveries I have by talking with others to write this post.


At the ripe age of 15, my father walked into my room one day and told me you have to get a job. I put down my headphones, paused the game I was playing and gave him a perplexed look.



He said, “All those games I’ve been buying for you and all that money I’ve given you to go out with friends isn’t going to come from me anymore. It’s time you learned the value of a dollar.” That was it.



The next couple weeks were followed by me looking for a job. Between the ages of 15 to 17, I worked more jobs than the usual teenager did. I did sales, project management, customer service, tutoring, coaching, billing, telemarketing, and just about any other odd job that would hire me.



I would last a month or two at each of these jobs before quitting. This pattern continued throughout those two years and I finally realized that something wasn’t right. I couldn’t possibly try every single job in numerous different fields only to hate every single one of them equally.



It was at this moment I realized that I hated the whole idea of working a job. It wasn’t for me and I had to find a new career path. From there, I jumped into entrepreneurship and found a career I love.



In this article, I share 5 signs you really need to quit your job:



1. The Whole Experience Is Toxic


When I worked jobs, I dreaded the commute to the establishment and I counted down every single minute until I was free. I felt like a prisoner and these were some really toxic conditions.



If you totally dislike going to work, being at work and cannot wait to get out, it’s a sign that you really should quit your job. Your quality of life can be improved dramatically if you decide to work on something that will actually make you feel good.



2. Your Heart Is Somewhere Else


You may physically be at the place of work, but your heart and mind are really somewhere else. If this is the case, working a job isn’t for you. When I worked those mundane jobs, I was constantly daydreaming about other things.



Listen to your instincts. If you do what you love, money will always come. It’s worth taking the risk to do something meaningful that will make you happy for the rest of your life. Don’t force yourself to work a job that isn’t right for you.



3. You Don’t Feel Appreciated


Being appreciated and getting respect from your co-workers and bosses is extremely crucial for a healthy relationship in the workplace. If people do not appreciate the services and work you do for their organization, you have no reason being there.



I remember coming up with really creative ideas at a specific job, but not getting my voice heard. I would try sharing it with my bosses or managers and they would simply ignore me as if I didn’t exist. If you don’t have an active voice and role in the organization, it’s a sign you should move on.



4. You Think You Can Do Better


Do not EVER limit yourself. If you feel that you can get a better job or do something superior, do it!



Do not let fear hold you down from achieving your full potential. Not only must you think limitless thoughts, but you must act on these thoughts limitlessly as well. If you think you can do better, you’ll never know unless you try.



5. You Don’t Learn Anything


Every day is successful one if I go to bed knowing a little bit more than I did the day before. If you’re working at a job where you do not learn anything new, it’s really time for a change. Let me explain why.



A relationship between an employee and a company goes far beyond just a paycheck being exchanged for time. Employers are expected to create strong culture, help their employees learn and to foster growth in the workplace. If you aren’t constantly evolving with your job, you’re going to be screwed 10 years from now.





For all the dreamers out there, this article is targeted to you. I recently delivered a TEDx talk asking the important question – If not now, when? In this article, I shared 5 signs you really need to quit you job!



photo credit: katiew via photopin cc