4 Easy Steps To Boost Your Online Reputation

In recent years, reputation management has become extremely popular. Businesses charge individuals and other companies hundreds to thousands of dollars a month to manage their reputation. In this article, I’m going to share 4 easy steps to boost your online reputation without paying tons of money.


In recent years, reputation management has become extremely popular. Businesses charge individuals and other companies hundreds to thousands of dollars a month to manage their reputation.



Surprisingly, people are paying for it because managing your reputation is very important. Your clients, employers, and even dates are googling your name to dig up as much dirt about you as they can.



Not managing your online reputation can be the reason why your clients go with the competitors, employers hire someone else, or your date dumps you before even giving you a chance.



In this article, I’m going to share 4 easy steps to boost your online reputation:



1. Get a www.yourname.com domain


One of the easiest and quickest ways to build credibility for yourself is to create a website that’s all about you. You get to control everything that is said about you!



Not only that, but your domain name will typically show up on the top of search engines when other people search for you. Personal websites are a very easy way to boost your online reputation.



2. Get Some Professional Headshots


Professional headshots can cost anywhere from $50-$100 but will prove to be a very valuable investment. People judge you by the pictures they see online and you’d much rather be seen posing in a suit than lying on the floor of a club.



Take a few professional pictures and use them on social media pages, your website, and any other sites people are visiting to find out more about you.



3. Get Other People To Talk About You


The fastest way I was able to build my online reputation was by getting other people to talk about me. These other people included bloggers, influencers, media outlets, journalists, and just about anyone else who was a credible source.



Don’t look for a friend or cousin to talk about you, but rather other authority figures who can boost your online reputation very quickly.



4. Blog Like An Expert


In your professional career, you must be an expert at some topic or area. Create a blog on your personal website or through WordPress and start sharing your expertise and knowledge with others.



Blogging is an easy, but effective way to build up your online reputation since you can share your experience with people on a broad scale. Your blog will typically show up when people search for you and you can leverage that to impress others.





If you plan to invest in anything, invest in yourself. Building your online reputation is something that will carry on with you for the rest of your life. Be sure to use these strategies and others to successfully create a strong online reputation for yourself.



And before I end this article, I will share you with one of my favorite pictures about this topic.


Twitter Tactics: How To Get Retweeted

With over 40,000 followers and many of my tweets getting over 100+ retweets, I have learned a lot about Twitter marketing. In this article, I share my best twitter tactics to get more retweets and strategies on how to increase your social influence.


Twitter is one of the most active and popular social networks on the internet right now. This social network also holds tremendous value for businesses and bloggers because of how quickly content can spread.



One of the best ways to acquire followers or spread content is by getting retweeted by others. If you’re not familiar with retweets, it’s just like a “share” button that takes your messages and posts it on someone else’s Twitter page.



I have over 40,000 followers on Twitter (don’t worry they’re real) and have had many tweets been retweeted by 100 or more people at a time.



In this blog article, I’m going to share how to get retweeted:



1. Great Content Goes A Long Ways


Whether you’re looking for retweets on your blog articles, quotes, or opinions……great content goes very far. You have 140 characters to be creative.



Understand who your followers and audience on Twitter are and content that is meaningful to them. If you can appeal to your Twitter audience, you will get more retweets.



2. Time & Day Matter


Are you tweeting in the wee hours of the morning? If you’re sending tweets at 3 or 4 AM tweets, here’s why you aren’t getting retweeted.



The time and day that you choose to Tweet matters greatly. The charts below will show you the best times to Tweet to get the most retweets from your audience.





As you can see from the charts above, certain days & times show the most activity on Twitter. Tweeting your best content during those times can vastly increase your chances of getting retweeted.



3. Use Link Shorteners


If you’re uploading links along with your Twitter posts, that’s great! Content with links posted on Twitter get retweeted more often, but you need to be shrinking your links.



People tend to retweet content that features shorter links way more than un-shortened links. I personally use https://bitly.com to shorten my Twitter links because of the data and metrics it provides me.



4. Less is More


Believe it or not, your Twitter audience will appreciate you more if you do something known as selective tweeting. Instead of posting every tweet that comes to mind, save the best for Twitter and the rest for your friends.



Post less on Twitter, but make sure your every post on Twitter is magnificent. Focus on posting the content that’s your best so that you get more retweets from your audience.



5. Be Quotacious


My most popular tweets have been quotes or proverbs that I have shared with my audience. For some reason, users cannot pass up a great quote and always have the urge to retweet it.



If you’re looking to use retweets to increase your social media influence and build up a larger following, you can start by quoting things your audience will be interested in.





Getting retweeted on Twitter is an art that takes time and experimentation to master. Keep experimenting with different ideas and tweets to create more influence through Twitter.