How To Write Blog Posts People Actually Want To Read

Regardless of the industry you’re in, blogging is a vital part of any businesses online success. However, a blog is only valuable if it generates traffic and interest from others. Is your blog putting others to sleep? Or worst, not generating much traffic? Well, there are probably a few problems with your blog posts. Lucky for you, these issues can be easily fixed. Here are some tips and tricks on how to write blog posts that people actually want to read:


Regardless of the industry you’re in, blogging is a vital part of any businesses online success. However, a blog is only valuable if it generates traffic and interest from others.



Is your blog putting others to sleep? Or worst, not generating much traffic? Well, there are probably a few problems with your blog posts.



Lucky for you, these issues can be fixed easily. Here are some tips and tricks on how to write blog posts that people actually want to read:



People Judge Blogs By The Title


People always tell you, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Nevertheless, people still do it anyway because it’s our natural response. For blogs, people judge your blog based on the title.



Is your title doing enough to lure readers in? If I asked you to tell me what your blog article was about in 10 seconds, that is what your title would be. Blog posts and content spreads through the title.



If your title puts people to sleep or doesn’t hook readers in, you won’t get much traffic to your blog. Make titles for your blog articles that will actually make people interested in what you have to say.



The Basics


There is no quicker way to lose an audience for your blog if you have basic errors within your posts. Before you publish your post and promote it, do the following:


– Spell Check


– Grammar Check


– Check All Links


– Check Flow Of Sentences


– Make Sure Content Is Relevant To Post


These are the very basics of crafting successful blog articles. Everyone makes typos, spelling errors, and other mistakes, but your readers shouldn’t have to see them! Proofread and revise your blog article before publishing it.



Bring Immense Value


People read blog articles because they’re looking for insight on some sort of topic. Your blog articles MUST bring immense value if you don’t want your readers to fall asleep.



Many bloggers cover the same basics over and over. That’s great, but your audience is probably not interested in hearing about the same thing 10 times. Target your audience and share expertise that can help them.



Knowledge is a big part of success in life. If you can deliver knowledge through your blog articles to others, you will have an audience for life.



Use Interesting Images


One of the biggest things I have learned from blogging is the importance of image choice. Going through the comments on my blog, about 40% of them mention something about the images I have used for a blog post.



People are very visual, especially in the era we are in today. Spend some time to find images for your blog posts that may be entertain or engage your audience further. I always try to find images that compliment the content in my blog articles.



Quality Over Quantity


The great part about blogging is that you don’t have to follow any rules. You can write an article that’s a paragraph long or something that’s 10 pages long. This isn’t like college where your Professor gives you a minimum word count.



With that said, the length of your blog articles should solely be based on the quality of your content. I can probably write a book about how to write blog posts that people actually want to read, but not everything would be high quality content.



Thus, I shrink it into less than 1,000 words and craft it into a blog article. People fall asleep when you overdose them with information. Give them the best information you have so that they stay engaged from start to finish.



Organize Your Posts


Have you ever gone to a blog and it’s a cluster of words all over? The moment I see that, my brain starts to get cramps. I immediately exit the blog and never go back again.



People like to read things that organized. Take my blog as an example, I have lots of text/words but when you first land on my article, you aren’t overwhelmed.



You look at it and you see bolded titles, nice organized paragraphs, and easy to understand content. People are up for the challenge of reading my blog articles just because it looks organized.





Writing great blog posts doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of patience, experimentation, and persistence to be a successful blogger. These tips should set you off on the right path though!



Simple Ways To Make Your Small Business Look Big

Many people run small businesses around the world. However, everyone wants to create a big business or at the least make it look big. Regardless of how many employees you have or what your business does, there are a lot of things you can do to make your business look bigger. Making yourself look bigger helps you compete with larger companies and go after high-end clients. Here are a list of simple ways to make your small business look big:


Small businesses are run by millions of people all around the world. However, everyone wants to create a big business or at the least make it look big!



Regardless of how many employees you have or what your business does, there are a lot of things you can do to make your business look bigger. Making yourself look bigger helps you compete with larger companies and go after high-end clients.



Here are a list of simple ways to make your small business look big:



Solid Website


Design and develop a solid website. We’re in the 2000’s now and everyone uses your website to judge who you are and what you do.



The nicer the website, the better impression you make on potential customers. Spend some good money and time to create a solid website for your business.



Make sure your website outlines who you are, what you do, and conveys the vision you want others to believe in. The better the website, the easier it is to make your small business stand out.



Phone Lines


There are tools like Grasshopper that enables entrepreneurs and small business owners to create virtual phone systems for low prices.



These virtual phone systems allow you to add multiple departments, create a automated message, and do many other great things. When customers or others call your business, they automatically picture a big office with many people.



People perceive high-end phone systems like that to represent big companies. It’s a cost-effective and creative way to convince others that your business is a lot bigger than it really is.



Build Credibility


Big business are big because people know they’re trustworthy. One of the quickest ways a small business can build credibility is through the press.



The press doesn’t care how big your company is, they care about how relevant your story or business is to their readers. Websites like TechCrunch, Mashable, and thousands of other outlets feature small businesses all the time.



All you have to do is pitch your story to these outlets and see if they pick you up. If you are featured on any of these outlets, use their logos on your website and/or any promotional material. People automatically assume you’re a big business when they see things like this.



Brand, Brand, and Brand


Big businesses know the process of growing their company. They know it so well that they were able to successfully become a big business by employing some of the strategies. Here’s the 3 step process:


1. Market to your target audience


2. Brand to your target audience


3. Start focusing on sales



Big businesses have prospective customers come to them every single day. Why? The business has done a great job of marketing and branding their business to the target audience. From there, the customers come to their door and it’s easy to start selling.



As a small business, there are many affordable ways to brand your business. Social media marketing, attending local events/conferences, and creating partnerships with other businesses in your area are just a few of the many possibilities. It’s much easier to acquire customers who have already heard of you.



Office Address


Believe it or not, a lot of people will try to see if a business has an office address or not before doing business with them. Office addresses signify an established business that has a team of employees working there.



However, it’s easy to give people that impression without really doing it. Nowadays, you can purchase virtual offices (which don’t have the annoying P.O. Box # sign) for very affordable prices.



Stick the address into Google Places, Yelp, your contact page, and anywhere else. Now customers are immediately going to feel more comfortable doing business with you just because they know you exist somewhere.



Social Media


Before anything, create a social media account for your business on all the major social networking sites. From there, add the social media buttons to your website or blog.



That’s just the beginning of it though. Lots of customers snoop around the social media sites of other businesses to get a better idea of how big they are. Big businesses have big buzz on social media.



Make sure your social media accounts are filled with consistent posts, a community of people, and an appropriate profile that fits your brand.



Public Speaking


This is a great technique to make the speaker and the business seem big. Look for industry events where you can provide great expertise. Find these events, apply to be a speaker, and see if you get accepted!



If you do, you get to broadcast your ideas and expertise to a large audience of people. This automatically makes you (the speaker) and your business seem bigger.



Once the event is over, simply write a blog article or spread the news through your website about your speaking engagement. Clients will be impressed to know you spoke at a big event or that your business was represented there.





With technology, there’s a lot of things small businesses can do to glorify themselves. If you want to hang with the big fish and close big deals, you need to seem bigger than you really are. Share any ideas or tips you have used to make your small business look big!



photo credit: Tambako the Jaguar via photopin cc

The Golden Rules For Running A Successful Online Business

The world wide web has truly made it possible for anyone to start a business. Today, it’s easier than ever to create an online business with resources available everywhere. With all that said, 9/10 online businesses fail within the first 3 years. While it’s very easy to start an online business, sustaining it is extremely difficult. Here are some golden rules for running a successful online business:


The world wide web has truly made it possible for anyone to start a business. Today, it’s easier than ever to create an online business with resources available everywhere.



With all that said, 9/10 online businesses fail within the first 3 years. While it’s very easy to start an online business, sustaining it is far more difficult. Here are some golden rules for running a successful online business:



1. Websites With User In Mind


Every business serves a purpose. Your website needs to serve the same purpose your business does. Very few website owners ever think about the user or visitor when designing and developing their website.



I did the same thing with my first two websites before people told me how bad the user experience was. Build a website that helps users achieve their purpose. Make your website clean, simple, and well-organized for visitors.



2. Have A Business Model


30% of online businesses fail because they DO NOT have a business model. Acquiring a million users and reaching out to advertisers isn’t a strong business model. The chances of you signing up 1 million users in 3 years is very low.



Before you create an online business, find a way to make money now. Come in with a clear plan to monetize your site so that you can survive on a month-to-month basis. Facebook was a one-of-a-kind success and it’s very unlikely for another website to follow the same path they took.



3. Launching Is Just The Beginning

Before a website goes live, there is a lot of work that takes place on the backend. Many people tend to take a sigh of relief once they launch their website. Success isn’t going to come knocking on your door.



Once you launch your website, you should be working twice as hard as you were before. Your website is only going to be successful by the effort you put in to market and grow your online business.



4. Honeymooners Always Fail


Honeymooners are individuals who love creating businesses. It’s fun to build a website and launch it, but that’s not enough. If you’re creating a new online business, do it for the long haul.



Don’t just be passionate about it until launch day and then snooze your way through. Find an idea or business you are strongly passionate about and are willing to stick with for more than just a few months.



5. No Marketing, No Money


Great ideas do NOT mean shit. Excuse the language, but it’s true. You could have a billion dollar idea, but if nobody sees it……it’s worth nothing. Before you build an online business, have a clear strategy on how you plan to get your website to market.



It’s not just enough to have a marketing plan because that doesn’t always necessarily equate to revenue. Create a 3 step plan all the way from branding to marketing to generating sales.





Launching an online business is easy, but making it successful is extremely difficult. By following these golden rules, you will be sure to increase your rate of success with an online business!



photo credit: DaveLawler via photopin cc

7 Creative Ways I Made Money Online

I’ve always been a stay-at-home and make money kind of guy. I’ve done numerous different things online to make some money. Ever since the age of 9, I’ve had to make money quick and have come up with many creative ideas. I’m going to share with you 7 creative ways I have made money online.


I’ve always been a stay-at-home and make money kind of guy. For a long time, I really hated the idea of going out of my comfort zone to make a buck. Turns out, I always had a little buy cheapest Viagra entrepreneurial hustle in me since I have been young.



In fact, I’ve done numerous different things online to make some money. My first attempt, which was very pathetic, started at the age of 9. I made a website around basketball, but never made a dollar on it.



However, that was my first spark of innovation. Ever since then, I’ve had to make money quick and have came up with many creative ideas. I’m going to share with you 7 creative ways I have made money online.



1. Flipping Domain Names


Around the age of 14, I heard about the story of from someone I knew. I don’t remember what the exact amount was, but I know the original owner made a ton of money flipping that domain. I took $115 I had saved up from my birthday and began purchasing all kinds of domains.



I strategically bought various domains and ended up purchasing 12 domains in all. From there, I began contacting everyone possible letting them know of the domains I had for sale. After a few months, 11 of my domains were left unsold.



Fortunately, I was able to find someone to buy 1 of my 12 domains and he paid me a whopping $1,500 for it! Even though my other 11 domains essentially failed, I did find 1 great niche domain. Making money flipping domains is difficult, but all you need is a good name and some luck to be successful.



2. Playing Computer Games


Ever since I turned 12, I’ve been playing video games on my computer. I’ve been obsessed with games like Counterstrike, Puzzle Pirates, Team Fortress, and many others. While most of these games cost me a lot of time, one of these games actually made me some money.



I was really good at different things on Puzzle Pirates and there was a high demand for the currency used in that game. While everyone else used their currency to buy fancy houses, clothes, and boats……I actually sold the currency to others on the game for real money.



The game charged about $100 for 1 Million Poe (currency in the game) and I sold the same thing for only $50. Can you imagine how many customers I had knocking on my door? I did this for a few years and made some good money before the game shut me down and banned my accounts.



3. Online Poker


Yes, I’ve played a lot of online poker. There was even a time I wanted to become a professional online poker because I loved the game so much. While it’s definitely a challenge to win at the higher stakes, the small tables are fairly easy.



I learned the game of Poker at an early age and have relied on it often to make a quick buck. I’ve played online Poker on many different occasions and it has helped me make some fast cash.



I read tons of articles online and watched YouTube videos before I was able to dominate the smaller tables. The blinds were only 2 cents to 5 cents, but I played on 7-10 different tables. This was a quick, fun, and easy way for me to make some cash sitting in my pajamas.



4. Write Articles/Blog Posts


When I was 16 years old, I actually found numerous gigs on Craigslist where people paid me to write articles. They didn’t know I was 16, but they did appreciate my writing. I wrote about all kinds of different things because other people didn’t have time for it.



You have to create a portfolio of your best pieces of writing to get started. Once you have that, you contact the many different gigs available on Craigslist and begin pitching yourself. I only pitched myself on topics that I felt well-versed in such as sports, internet marketing, etc.



While it wasn’t a lot of money, I got paid anywhere from $25-$50 for each article/blog post I wrote. It took me anywhere from 1-2 hours to craft a strong article, but it was good money considering I never left the comfort of my home.



5. Post Ads For Other People


One of the guys I had written an article for loved me a lot. I don’t know why, but he thought I was amazing and wanted to work with me in every way possible. He opened up a computer service company, where he would virtually remove viruses, speed up computers, and fix them up on TeamViewer.



He wanted to go big and decided to hire me for an online gig. At this time, I was also working at my Dad’s software development company so I was doing this as a side job. He would have me post ads promoting his business on Craigslist throughout all the cities in the United States.



I spent less than 1 hour a day doing this, but was compensated very well. He paid me $50 a day and gave me 10% commission on every client that came his way. I did this gig for about 4 months and ended up making around $3,200 out of it. It’s not always a bad idea to rely on commission!



6. Type For Other People


For some reason, I’m really good at typing. I don’t know why but everyone I meet is immediately surprised by how quickly I can type. I decided to turn my skills into some quick cash when I was 15.



I happened to find gigs online where people were looking to turn clips, videos, and recordings into text. Many people came to me saying they struggled to type it all up because they just could not keep up with the voice and had to pause and go back.



Lucky for me, I was fast enough to keep up with the recording and it didn’t take me very long. I literally would finish a 1 hour recording in 1 hour and have it ready for my clients. My clients thought these tasks were an impossible challenge and they ended up paying me really well.



7. Flip Things Online


Another way I made some quick cash was by flipping various things online. I would look for things people were selling on Craigslist (mainly electronics) and tried to hustle for the best deal. Once I got a deal I loved, I bought that item.



After buying that item, I would go and repost that same item for a higher amount. I have bought iPhones in the past for $100 and been able to resell them hours later for $250-$300. It was all about finding a deal quickly and jumping on it right away.



Unfortunately, this gig did cause some problems for me. People on Craigslist did end up ripping me off and even though I made good money, a lot of it was lost from the bad deals I made. Nevertheless, if you know what you’re doing, this is another great way to make a quick buck online.





As you can see, I’ve always had that hustle and drive in me to make a quick buck. However, I attribute this skill to my parents. They were cheap and made me earn everything I wanted.



I hated them for it then, but now I love them for it. If they hadn’t pushed me to go get what I want, who knows when I would have got started. Have you made money online in any creative ways? Feel free to share below!



Stay Simple – My Most Valuable Business Lesson

Creating a startup company with very little experience is a tough challenge. You’re bound to make small mistakes, screw some big things up, and even possibly fail. When I created my second startup company, I made a pretty big mistake many entrepreneurs make. Find out as I share in detail what this mistake was and why it was so valuable.


Creating a startup company with very little experience is a tough challenge. You’re bound to make small mistakes, screw some big things up, and buy cheap viagra soft



When my partner & I created StatFuse, it was only our second venture ever. Not only that, but it was our first web application and we didn’t have much guidance.



The whole episode taught me a very valuable lesson that I want to share with all of you today. We couldn’t keep the project, website, and vision simple. We wanted to do too much and didn’t really know what our own vision was.



The Problem



With StatFuse, we wanted to help students in every aspect of the college admissions process. While that was a very inspirational dream to have, it really wasn’t possible.



Why? Because we couldn’t do all this before launching. Not only that, but we couldn’t explain to others what our vision really was without taking up half their day.



When launching, we had a bunch of different things our website did, but we as the visionaries didn’t really know what our goal was. That was a pretty scary moment.



Businesses want to come out of the gates doing as much as possible. However, that’s the wrong thing to do. It only takes one great product, service, or piece of information to win your customers over.



The Lesson


This taught me a few things about creating a startup. Before you even start working on it, you need to have a distinct vision and goal you want to achieve.



Once you have a goal, build around that goal and do not change that goal unless it is absolutely necessary. Not only that, but instead of finding thousands of ways to fulfill the goal, find the best one.



Create one simple strategy and approach to achieve your goals before launching your business. Simplicity shouldn’t just be in the approach, but also in the overall execution of the project.



You want to find the simplest way to explain, market, and sell your product to customers. Take a look at DropBox.



DropBox is one of the most successful online applications out there. What do they do? They store your files on a cloud server making it easy for you to view them from different computers.



That’s it. DropBox’s vision is to actually simplify your lives. Did they achieve that? Yes, now you do not need flash drives, CD’s, or even a laptop to carry files from place A to place B.



Think simple, clean, and smooth. You do not need to change the world from day 1, you just need to make a dent in it. Simplicity sells and I learned that the hard way.



The Advantages


When you stay simple, your sales pitches are shorter, your customers are more engaged, and getting your vision across is much easier. Not only that, but you get to focus more on sales/marketing and less on maintaining your products.



When your business takes off, you start to create a community and generate awareness for your brand, which now allows you to expand your vision further. Companies like SalesForce, HubSpot, and others came into the market with just one goal.



Their first goal worked and that’s when they decided to expand and create new products. They could now charge a premium for these products (which they couldn’t have done had they launched all this together) and they had a base of satisfied customers.



Simplicity also makes it easy for you to tweak and change your product/business/service as necessary. You can never know for sure whether your ideas will be successful. Instead of building the worlds greatest ‘prototype’, build something simple and get feedback before going any further.





It is very easy to get caught up in the ‘do it all’ mentality when developing your ideas. Instead of trying to solve every problem, focus on one and do a great job at it.



I may not have learned this valuable lesson at first, but lucky for you I can share this with you today. Are there any another valuable lessons you have learned? Feel free to share it in the comments section below.



photo credit: Yogendra174 via photopin cc

5 Things I Learned About Our Future From Other College Entrepreneurs

Since Thursday of this week, I have been blessed with the opportunity to connect with college entrepreneurs all over the country at the CEO Conference in Chicago, Illinois. CEO is a great organization that promotes college entrepreneurship and helps orchestrate it throughout the year. I just finished a speech about Online Marketing strategies for startups and have met many great speakers, mentors, and college entrepreneurs. From meeting so many college entrepreneurs, I learned a lot about our future. Here’s what I learned.


Since Thursday of this week, I have been blessed with the opportunity to connect with college entrepreneurs from all over the world at the CEO Conference in Chicago, Illinois,Order Viagra.



CEO is a great organization that promotes college entrepreneurship and helps orchestrate it throughout the year.



I just finished a speech about Online Marketing strategies for startups and have met many great speakers, mentors, and college entrepreneurs. From meeting so many college entrepreneurs, I learned a lot about our future.



Here’s what I learned:



1. We’re in great hands.


Even though the elderly say our generation is forever ‘screwed’, I don’t believe it. Just because our generation has different perspectives and parties hard does NOT mean they will not take care of the country.



As hard as all college students party, they work just as much. I was surprised to see how many other college entrepreneurs there really were. Whether they had established businesses or were tossing around ideas, they all shared similar goals.



They all wanted to succeed and live life their way. That’s great! The motivation and passion I saw in the faces of thousands of entrepreneurs was amazing. They want to succeed and that’s why they will!



2. Innovation will never die.


Whether these college students had their own businesses or were working elsewhere, they all wanted to be a part of something great. They wanted to implement their ideas into some sort of product, idea, website, or application.



To see so many entrepreneurs striving to learn more about innovation, technology, and marketing, it showed me that innovation will never die. Innovation is great because it helps businesses, countries, and people as a whole move forward.



3. It’s not all about money.


A chunk of cash is always great, but these entrepreneurs showed me that they really cared about more than just money. They were interested in building businesses focused around their passions or doing something to help the environment, society, or people.



If you have a generation who is interested in doing what they love and helping others, that has great implications on the world. Many have said that the old generation was money and power hungry, but our generation is more about helping others than doing it for monetary gain.



4. Technology will run us.


Even though I met many people with very different ideas, it somehow always revolved or connected to technology in some way. It has become clearly evident that technology will be the center-point for all innovations in the future.



Is this a bad thing? No, it’s actually great. The more technologically solid we become, the more connected our world becomes. The similarity between almost all innovators is their love for technology.



5. It’s going to be competitive.


I’m a firm believer of friendly competition. After speaking with entrepreneurs and watching pitch competitions, I realized that our generation is more competitive than ever.



Everyone wants to win, myself included. The competitive nature of our generation will be great because people will work twice as hard to beat others. Success will not be easy, but it will be well-earned.





Overall, the CEO conference in Chicago was amazing. I got to meet tons of great aspiring college entrepreneurs, innovators, speakers/mentors, and even CEO team members.



The connections, experiences, and friendships made during these few days was priceless. I feel like our future is in better hands than ever before and have decided to stop listening to the older generations ‘negative’ critiques.


Since Thursday of this week, I have been blessed with the opportunity to connect with college entrepreneurs from all over the world at the CEO Conference in Chicago, Illinois. CEO is a great organization that promotes college entrepreneurship and helps orchestrate it throughout the year.

I just finished a speech about Online Marketing strategies for startups and have met many great speakers, mentors, and college entrepreneurs. From meeting so many college entrepreneurs, I learned a lot about our future.

Here’s what I learned:

1. We’re in great hands.

Even though the elderly say our generation is forever ‘screwed’, I don’t believe it. Just because our generation has different perspectives and parties hard does NOT mean they will not take care of the country.

As hard as all college students party, they work just as much. I was surprised to see how many other college entrepreneurs there really were. Whether they had established businesses or were tossing around ideas, they all shared similar goals.

They all wanted to succeed and live life their way. That’s great! The motivation and passion I saw in the faces of thousands of entrepreneurs was amazing. They want to succeed and that’s why they will!

2. Innovation will never die.

Whether these college students had their own businesses or were working elsewhere, they all wanted to be a part of something great. They wanted to implement their ideas into some sort of product, idea, website, or application.

To see so many entrepreneurs striving to learn more about innovation, technology, and marketing, it showed me that innovation will never die. Innovation is great because it helps businesses, countries, and people as a whole move forward.

3. It’s not all about money.

A chunk of cash is always great, but these entrepreneurs showed me that they really cared about more than just money. They were interested in building businesses focused around their passions or doing something to help the environment, society, or people.

If you have a generation who is interested in doing what they love and helping others, that has great implications on the world. Many have said that the old generation was money and power hungry, but our generation is more about helping others than doing it for monetary gain.

4. Technology will run us.

Even though I met many people with very different ideas, it somehow always revolved or connected to technology in some way. It has become clearly evident that technology will be the center-point for all innovations in the future.

Is this a bad thing? No, it’s actually great. The more technologically solid we become, the more connected our world becomes. The similarity between almost all innovators is their love for technology.

5. It’s going to be competitive.

I’m a firm believer of friendly competition. After speaking with entrepreneurs and watching pitch competitions, I realized that our generation is more competitive than ever.

Everyone wants to win, myself included. The competitive nature of our generation will be great because people will work twice as hard to beat others. Success will not be easy, but it will be well-earned.


Overall, the CEO conference in Chicago was amazing. I got to meet tons of great aspiring college entrepreneurs, innovators, speakers/mentors, and even CEO team members.

The connections, experiences, and friendships made during these few days was priceless. I feel like our future is in better hands than ever before and have decided to stop listening to the older generations ‘negative’ critiques.



photo credit: maebmij via photopin cc

10 Entrepreneurs Who Made It Big Without A College Degree

With so much focus on the importance of college education, many people forget how many self-made entrepreneurs have made it without a college degree. Whether or not you agree about the importance of a degree, there are tons of entrepreneurs who have defied the odds. This article discusses puts a spotlight on 10 entrepreneurs who made it big without a college degree.


With so much focus on the importance of college education, many people forget how many self-made entrepreneurs have made it without a college degree. Whether or not you agree about buy generic soft tab cialis the importance of a degree, there are tons of entrepreneurs who have defied the odds.



Using simply their dreams and dedication, many entrepreneurs have been able to pave their way to success without any formal education. Out of the millions of entrepreneurs who have achieved great things without a degree, I have selected 10 of the biggest names.



Here are the list of entrepreneurs.



1. Richard Branson


Richard Branson is very well known for his outside-the-box thinking and thrill seeking spirit. Many people don’t know this, but Richard Branson dropped out at the age of 16 to start Student Magazine.



After that, he would become the owner of the Virgin brand and over 360 of its other companies. Currently, Richard Branson is worth over $4.2 billion. Not too bad for a dropout huh?



2. Michael Dell


Michael Dell has a very remarkable story. He had $1,000 and a dream when he dropped out of college at the age of 19 to start PC’s Limited. The company would later be renamed to Dell, Inc.



In 1996, Dell was considered the most profitable PC manufacturer in the world. It seemed like Michael’s crazy risks paid off big time. He is currently estimated to be worth over $15.9 billion.



3. Bill Gates


Bill Gates was given the rare opportunity to use a computer at a very young age. The computer was new and luckily his school library had one. He believed in the computer so much that he dropped out in college.



From 1995 to 2006, Bill Gates was ranked as the world’s richest person. His computer software company Microsoft was a big hit and is now a household brand all over the world. Bill Gates is estimated to be worth over $66 billion as of 2012.



4. Oprah Winfrey


Oprah didn’t have a great life as a kid. However, she was able to overcome adversity and received a full scholarship to Tennessee State University. However, in 1976, Oprah dropped out to pursue a career in media.



That may have been one of the best decisions she has made because Oprah got a lot of her big breaks during this time. Today, Oprah is estimated to be worth over $2.7 billion and is seen as an icon by many.



5. Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs attended one semester of college before calling it quits. He got a job with Atari and would go on to become the co-founder of Apple Computers. Apple has created some of the most innovative products over the years and Steve has been considered one of the greatest visionaries of all time.



Steve Jobs said, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” He would change the world forever and leave a ding in the way entrepreneurs think. Before his passing, he was estimated to be worth over $3.1 billion.



6. Walt Disney


Walt Disney has an astounding career that is filled with accomplishments all over the board. Disney is a magical place that has captured the hearts of children and adults for years.



Disney has received the most records and nominations in history. The Disney brand is known for its delightful imagination and creativity. Today the Walt Disney Company is said to have annual revenues over $300 billion.



7. Sean “P Diddy” Combs


P Diddy is a renowned entertainer, producer, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. He dropped out of college when his internship at Uptown Records turned into a job as a Talent Director.



Since then, P Diddy was able to build an empire all on his own in multiple industries. Without a college degree, Sean Combs has been able to amass a net worth estimated to be approximately $250 Million.



8. Kirk Kerkorian


Kirk Kerkorian is probably one of the less known individuals on this list. However, his accomplishments are seriously amazing. He dropped out in eighth grade and is now the owner of Mandalay Bay, Mirage Resorts, and the MGM Movie Studio.



It’s hard to believe someone can drop out so early in their age and create such a magnificent career. Kirk was able to do that and is estimated to be worth over $3 billion today.



9. Gurbaksh Chahal


When I heard of his story from a friend at a mixer, I was simply blown away. Gurbaksh dropped out at the age of 16 and was able to become a multimillionaire almost instantly after.



He was the founder of ad networks such as Click Again and BlueLithium. He was able to sell Click Again for $40 million and BlueLithium for a whopping $300 million to Yahoo. Today, he is ONLY 30 years old and estimated to be worth over $200 million.



10. Mark Zuckerburg


Mark Zuckerburg has a story that is very well known. Everyone wishes at some point they can do what Mark has been able to do in his young career. He is one of the founders of Facebook and has created one of the most valuable social networks ever.



Mark Zuckerburg dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year to fully pursue Facebook. That was a great decision on his part because he is now estimated to be worth over $12.1 billion. That’s unbelievable, especially considering how his IPO hasn’t been going as well as he planned.





The names on this list surely show us that a college education isn’t everything. It may not even be anything considering how these individuals have broken barriers on every level.



These accomplished entrepreneurs show us that a vision, dream, and motivation can help you amount to achieve anything. If you know any other dropouts who made it big, feel free to share below.


With so much focus on the importance of college education, many people forget how many self-made entrepreneurs have made it without a college degree. Whether or not you agree about the importance of a degree, there are tons of entrepreneurs who have defied the odds.

Using simply their dreams and dedication, many entrepreneurs have been able to pave their way to success without any formal education. Out of the millions of entrepreneurs who have achieved great things without a degree, I have selected 10 of the biggest names.

Here are the list of entrepreneurs.

1. Richard Branson

Richard Branson is very well known for his outside-the-box thinking and thrill seeking spirit. Many people don’t know this, but Richard Branson dropped out at the age of 16 to start Student Magazine.

After that, he would become the owner of the Virgin brand and over 360 of its other companies. Currently, Richard Branson is worth over $4.2 billion. Not too bad for a dropout huh?

2. Michael Dell

Michael Dell has a very remarkable story. He had $1,000 and a dream when he dropped out of college at the age of 19 to start PC’s Limited. The company would later be renamed to Dell, Inc.

In 1996, Dell was considered the most profitable PC manufacturer in the world. It seemed like Michael’s crazy risks paid off big time. He is currently estimated to be worth over $15.9 billion.

3. Bill Gates

Bill Gates was given the rare opportunity to use a computer at a very young age. The computer was new and luckily his school library had one. He believed in the computer so much that he dropped out in college.

From 1995 to 2006, Bill Gates was ranked as the world’s richest person. His computer software company Microsoft was a big hit and is now a household brand all over the world. Bill Gates is estimated to be worth over $66 billion as of 2012.

4. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah didn’t have a great life as a kid. However, she was able to overcome adversity and received a full scholarship to Tennessee State University. However, in 1976, Oprah dropped out to pursue a career in media.

That may have been one of the best decisions she has made because Oprah got a lot of her big breaks during this time. Today, Oprah is estimated to be worth over $2.7 billion and is seen as an icon by many.

5. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs attended one semester of college before calling it quits. He got a job with Atari and would go on to become the co-founder of Apple Computers. Apple has created some of the most innovative products over the years and Steve has been considered one of the greatest visionaries of all time.

Steve Jobs said, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” He would change the world forever and leave a ding in the way entrepreneurs think. Before his passing, he was estimated to be worth over $3.1 billion.

6. Walt Disney

Walt Disney has an astounding career that is filled with accomplishments all over the board. Disney is a magical place that has captured the hearts of children and adults for years.

Disney has received the most records and nominations in history. The Disney brand is known for its delightful imagination and creativity. Today the Walt Disney Company is said to have annual revenues over $300 billion.

7. Sean “P Diddy” Combs

P Diddy is a renowned entertainer, producer, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. He dropped out of college when his internship at Uptown Records turned into a job as a Talent Director.

Since then, P Diddy was able to build an empire all on his own in multiple industries. Without a college degree, Sean Combs has been able to amass a net worth estimated to be approximately $250 Million.

8. Kirk Kerkorian

Kirk Kerkorian is probably one of the less known individuals on this list. However, his accomplishments are seriously amazing. He dropped out in eighth grade and is now the owner of Mandalay Bay, Mirage Resorts, and the MGM Movie Studio.

It’s hard to believe someone can drop out so early in their age and create such a magnificent career. Kirk was able to do that and is estimated to be worth over $3 billion today.

9. Gurbaksh Chahal

When I heard of his story from a friend at a mixer, I was simply blown away. Gurbaksh dropped out at the age of 16 and was able to become a multimillionaire almost instantly after.

He was the founder of ad networks such as Click Again and BlueLithium. He was able to sell Click Again for $40 million and BlueLithium for a whopping $300 million to Yahoo. Today, he is ONLY 30 years old and estimated to be worth over $200 million.

10. Mark Zuckerburg

Mark Zuckerburg has a story that is very well known. Everyone wishes at some point they can do what Mark has been able to do in his young career. He is one of the founders of Facebook and has created one of the most valuable social networks ever.

Mark Zuckerburg dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year to fully pursue Facebook. That was a great decision on his part because he is now estimated to be worth over $12.1 billion. That’s unbelievable, especially considering how his IPO hasn’t been going as well as he planned.


The names on this list surely show us that a college education isn’t everything. It may not even be anything considering how these individuals have broken barriers on every level.

These accomplished entrepreneurs show us that a vision, dream, and motivation can help you amount to achieve anything. If you know any other dropouts who made it big, feel free to share below.



photo credit: Nastassia Davis [] via photopin cc

5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Millionaire ‘Indie Artist’ Mac Miller

So almost all successful artists have had great visionaries behind them or have had a bit of the entrepreneurial hustle themselves. However, Mac Miller did it all on his own. He’s not only an inspiration for all upcoming musicians, but he should be considered a legend among entrepreneurs. Here are the entrepreneurial lessons Mac Miller teaches us.


Malcolm McCormick or Mac Miller as most of you know him as is a superstar in the music industry. He’s had a #1 album, over 200 million views on Youtube, and has even somehow influenced my 6 year old brother to start ‘mackin’. Oh yeah, he’s also 20 years old and has no major label behind him.



So almost all successful artists have had great visionaries behind them or have had a bit of the entrepreneurial hustle themselves. However, Mac Miller did it all on his own. He’s not only an inspiration for upcoming musicians, but he should be considered a legend among entrepreneurs. Here are the entrepreneurial lessons Mac Miller teaches us:



1. Don’t Sell Your Soul.




Many entrepreneurs are willing to sell their souls and give away equity in their business to an investor when they really don’t need one. If you can bootstrap your startup or find any other solution to derive success for your business, do that first. Investors are the last lifeline you want to use.



Mac Miller knew the label companies would make him change and he would be a slave to them. Instead of selling himself short, he decided to take his career in his own hands. He hustled hard and worked even harder to get himself where he is today.



Lesson: You do not need an investor or huge financial backing to be successful. Do everything you can with what you have before you go looking for investors. Only give up equity to an investor when it’s your last option.




2. Dare To Be Different.




Mac Miller is anything but the typical rapper. He is an American-born Jewish rapper. How many Jewish people do you see rapping and smoking weed? Yeah, he’s probably the first. He has a lot of haters, but he doesn’t care.



Entrepreneurs need to understand that being unique is a great thing. If there is something you can do to make your startup stand out from the others, do it! Not only will it help you get more publicity, but it can fuel your rise to the top. Don’t worry about the criticism you will get, it’s part of being successful.



Lesson: If there is something original about you or your business, share it with the world. Use that as a trampoline to get more attention for your startup, which will lead to greater opportunities.




3. Work Your Ass Off.




Mac Miller admits that he used to party and cause mayhem everywhere he went in his teenage years. Mac says, “Once I hit 15, I got real serious about it and it changed my life completely… I used to be into sports, play all the sports, go to all the high school parties. But once I found out hip hop is almost like a job, that’s all I did.”



Once he turned 15, all he did was music. He was focused, dedicated, and wouldn’t stop until he was successful. He taught himself how to play numerous instruments, studied the greats, and did everything possible to take his career to the next level. If he wasn’t dedicated and passionate about what he did, he wouldn’t be where he is today.



Lesson: If you don’t work hard, you won’t be successful. As an entrepreneur you need to live and breathe your startup. Find something you’re passionate about and be committed.




4. Be Risky.




Mac Miller employed a brilliant marketing strategy that made him a lot of money. When he finished his album ‘Blue Slide Park’, he told his fans he would only release the album when he got 50,000 preorders. Essentially, he built up hype and anticipation for his album, but he didn’t give it out until he got what he wanted.



This plan worked great for him because his fans were dying to have the album. After he got his 50,000 preorders, he released the album and had even more fans. However, things could have gone horribly wrong for him. The fans could have lost interest in the album and he could have made no money.



Lesson: As an entrepreneur, you have to take risks. Some risks will sting and others will pay off big. Take calculated risks that can have a huge impact on you or your business.




5. Don’t Let Success Get In Your Head.


On a recent interview with Forbes (shown below), the interviewer asks Mac Miller when he realized he made it and Mac says he doesn’t think he’s made it. Wow, he’s got millions of dollars, #1 Albums, his name on the record books, and he still doesn’t think he made it? This shows you how high his goals and aspirations really are.



Mac Miller still continues to work around the clock instead of party hard to celebrate. While celebrating is okay, you can lose what you earned just as fast. He understands that and he’s truly in love with the business. Some people make it and then fall in love with the fame. However, Mac really shows us that he’s driven by the passion and not other ulterior motives.



Lesson: As an entrepreneur, you have no finish lines, but rather checkpoints. Every goal or achievement is a checkpoint to the top. Don’t take your first signs of success to heart because you can lose it just as quickly.






The scary part is that Mac Miller is only 20 years old and already has a resume that would make many musicians envious. His rise to the top of the music industry has not been lucky, but rather strategic and well-earned. Below is an interview of Mac Miller with Forbes.





Vintelli, The Big Launch

I am very excited to announce the launch of Vintelli. With so many months of anticipation for this product, I can finally let the public use our product. I want to discuss what vintelli is about, how we do it, what are the benefits, and why I am so excited about this new product!


For those of you who follow me on Twitter or stay up to date with me, you must have heard about Vintelli. I have the kept venture as secretive

as possible, but since we have officially launched, I want to share everything about it.




I want to discuss what we do, how we do it, why any business owner can benefit from it, and why I am so excited about it. I’m going to share all of this in as much detail as possible to get you as excited about Vintelli as I am.







What Is Vintelli?


Even though I can probably go on forever talking about what Vintelli is, I’m going to make it as short as an elevator pitch. Vintelli helps businesses establish a web presence online by ranking them on search engines and placing them amidst the social media buzz.



While most businesses have a website, many websites do not get any traffic or attention. What’s the point of having something that doesn’t get any visibility? Thanks to Vintelli, small businesses with or without websites in any industry can now be found.




It takes about 30 seconds to sign up with Vintelli and another 5 minutes to create a profile for your business. Your profile ONLY highlights the things that customers look for when hiring a business. Since business owners know more about their business than us, they create their own profiles and fill out the listing as completely as possible.




The profiles are created and organized in a manner that appeals to customers who find it. Customers are encouraged throughout the process to contact the user and gather more information about their products/services. Vintelli improves online visibility, helps businesses convert leads into customers, and increases revenue!




How Does Vintelli Do It?


Once the user has updated their profile and made it look all pretty, we help the user set up their strategic online marketing campaign. With search engines accounting for so much traffic online, we help users select extremely specific keywords that describe their products or services while capturing their area.




For example, Joe owns a painting company in Santa Monica. After filling out all his information on his Vintelli profile, he needed to start his search engine optimization campaign.




Even though Painting Los Angeles or Painter Los Angeles receives a lot more searches, achieving first page rankings for those keywords is a lengthy process. Instead, focusing on the keyword Painting Santa Monica or Painter Santa Monica will give Joe quicker results. Even though the keyword receives less searches than the Los Angeles one, he will still be placed on the top of search engines quicker and be visible to a very specific target group.



We charge users anywhere from $29.99/month to $49.99/month to provide them premium online visibility. Instead of focusing on the keywords or locations that everyone else is focusing on, we help our customers find keywords that will generate them traffic and more revenue minus all the competition.



Would you crawl through traffic to your destination or would you rather find a smaller street that gets you to the same destination much quicker? Most people would select the smaller street. Vintelli is the small street that takes you to the top of the search engines at a price ANYONE can afford.



With the number of users on social media growing each day, Vintelli knows how imperative it is for businesses to be placed in the buzz. Vintelli finds potential customers and areas of interest and places your business listing among the topics of discussion.



Targeted users on social media websites see your business or products/services and have a higher chance of engaging with your business. Instead of taking your profile and spamming it all over the social media, we place your business in front of the eyes of users who really may have a genuine interest in your company.




What’s The Benefit?


Most people in business are looking to generate more revenue for their company. One of the biggest challenges for most businesses are finding profitable ways to continually acquire new customers.



For as low as $29.99 a month ($360/year), Vintelli offers you internet marketing solutions that provide results. Unlike the other online marketing programs, we don’t eat up all your profits. Businesses don’t have to cough up thousands of dollars and pray for results anymore.



The biggest benefit with Vintelli is the results users receive at such an affordable price. With the economy in hell right now, we wanted to promote the growth of small businesses everywhere by offering affordable solutions.




Get ranked, become visible, generate leads, and acquire new customers all by signing up with Vintelli. Getting online results have never been this easy or affordable for businesses all over. Your customers are online and it’s about time you got online too!




My Excitement


I guess at this point you’re wondering why I’m jumping around with so much excitement. A few years ago my Dad had an idea and decided to launch Vintelli. Unfortunately, he couldn’t put the time into the project and essentially decided to shut it down.




After hearing about my Dad’s goals with the businesses and what he tried accomplishing a few years ago, I had a great idea to tweak the business. He loved it, and next thing you know, we began working day and night to create Vintelli.




In my previous company, JB Media Force, I dealt with a lot of small businesses and startup companies that needed results but had very little capital to work with. As a serial entrepreneur, I know myself how challenging it is to do marketing with little to no money.




I wanted to come up with a viable solution that struggling business owners could use to grow their business. Thus, I came up with a great working formula that allows us to keep costs lower than all the other big firms while giving our customers better results. Not only am I happy about the prospects of this company, but I’m also excited because I have an opportunity to help small businesses everywhere!




Now that we have finally been able to launch Vintelli, I am trying to work as hard as possible to share the news with everyone. I would also appreciate it if you can help me spread the word!



Creating The Ultimate Launch Page

Creating a strong launch page plays a massive role in building anticipation for your new website. in order to create the ultimate hype and buzz for your new site, you need to do a substantial amount of things on your launch page. This article helps any new web launcher create the ultimate launch page by employing the strategies discussed.


Everyone wants to build up hype for their product or service before launching. One of the most effective ways to build up this hype is through the use of a launch page.


While most launch pages are kept simple, some other launch pages have tons of information. Which of these practices is correct? Well, the correct answer is neither.


Launch pages aren’t a marketplace for stuffing information nor is it a place to throw up a date. If you want to acquire customers and build up buzz for your launch, you need to create a strong launch page.


Here are the best strategies to create the ultimate launch page:




Fundamental Factors




These are the basic things every launch page needs. These things do not have anything to do with design or layout.


Every launch page needs to have a logo of your website that you will continue to use after launching. If you do not have a logo ready to use, you are not ready to launch your website.


The image below shows proper logo placement as well as a prepared logo.



Who are you?


If you’re launching a new page, people are going to want to know a little bit about you. Instead of jumping right to it, somewhere on the launch page (even if it is just a sentence), you need to tell your visitors who you are.


A brief description letting users know who you are and what the purpose of this website is a great way to break the ice. This ice breaker helps you transition into the next segment.


Clearly explains who Zaarly is in one sentence.




What does this website do?


If someone is visiting your website and ends up on a launch page, they are probably running for the back button. You need to explain in less than 15-20 seconds what this website does.


Not only that, but what you choose to say in those 15-20 seconds needs to captivate and interest the user. Leave the fluff out and jump right into what your website does and how he/she can benefit.
Short and concise sentences that tell you exactly what you need to know.




Sharing Loop


If you make a great launch page or have a superb idea, people may want to share your page. Not only that, but the best way to build hype for a new launch is through social media.


Be sure to include sharing/tweeting buttons on various social networks that allow others to promote your launch. Very few users may end up promoting your page, but any promotion is useful.


Easy to share/tweet while giving visitors the ability to share the URL as well.



Subscribe Strategy


Regardless of what your website does, you need to have a box allowing users to subscribe. Whether this subscription notifies them of your launch date or gives them early access, it is a crucial item to add in the creation of your launch page.


Users who subscribe to this list can be highly beneficial for you after you launch. You now have a group of users that you can essentially reach for free by simply sending out an email to them.


Newsvine makes it extremely easy for users to subscribe and tells them exactly what they get by subscribing.










Design Elements


Minimal Scrolling


Nobody wants to see a launch page that requires scrolling. Your launch page must be short and specific that a visitor does not need to even scroll to know exactly what your website is creating.


Avoid having lengthy pages to increase visitor interest. Create a short and to the point page that demonstrates what your new website can do for other people.


Consistent Colors


If you are launching a website with a black and blue color scheme, stay consistent with those same colors on your launch page. A launch page is a direct reflection of your brand and website.


Often times, launch pages are done in completely different colors than the actual website. This is a terrible mistake that causes confusion among early visitors. Stick to the color schemes you use for your website.


Serene Background


A nice scenic background has been a very popular choice for launch pages in the recent year. If you don’t want to have a gradient or plain color as your background, that is absolutely fine.


Be sure to use a background that is serene and does not take attention away from the content on your launch page. Your goal is to amaze your visitors with what you have to say, not with your background.


The background used below is a terrible choice because the visitors eyes immediately wander to the background.






This is a very fundamental lesson. Place your content, images, and boxes as you would on any general website.


Following conventional wisdom in this sense would probably be your smartest move. Logos belong at the top and social media buttons at the bottom.


The winner is Late Car Service! This launch page has all the elements needed to create the ultimate launch page.







Site Builders


There are quite a few launch page builders out there online. My favorite is LaunchRock, which allows you to create a stunning landing page in minutes using all the elements mentioned above.


You can even find many other launch page builders by doing a simple Google search. You can even find themes or pre-made templates that often have the elements discussed above.


Subscribe Lists


If you use some of the site builder websites mentioned above, you will most likely receive an automatic subscriber list for your launch page. However, if you want to go above and beyond to create a custom launch page, you can still embed a subscribe list into your website.


Campaign Monitor makes it easy to add and manage subscribers for a long period of time. They have easy to use codes with a stunning dashboard making it simple for everyone.







Building the ultimate launch page is all about content, style, and design. These are the three most important factors that separate a winning launch page from a losing one.


Launch pages have become a great tool in recent years to build hype and buzz about a new launch. Never underestimate the effectiveness of a launch page. It can help you get a fast start right through the gates.


What are your thoughts on the article? Do you have any other suggestions or tips for creating a great launch page? If so, please share any thoughts, questions, or comments you have below.